about STEREO-A close approach to Earth, August 2023
STEREO-3/SOHO-22 Workshop: Three Eyes on the Sun - Multi-spacecraft
studies of the corona and impacts on the heliosphere
Date: April 27 - May 1 2009
Location: The De Vere Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth, Dorset, England
The hugely successful SOHO Workshops are being combined with the
up-coming international STEREO Workshops next Spring with the first
STEREO/SOHO Workshop, to be hosted by the UK in the week of April 27
2009. This combined workshop promises to be a major celebration of the
continuing scientific achievements of these two missions. The scientific
structure of the meeting is yet to be confirmed but the STEREO/SOHO
combination leads to a natural focus on issues such as:
- Multi-spacecraft studies of solar phenomena
- 3D imaging of the corona and solar ejecta
- combined in-situ and remote sensing studies of solar ejecta and the
- Tracking ejecta from the Sun to Earth, and Solar System impacts of
solar ejecta
- Linking the Heliosphere to the Sun
The meeting is to be held at the De Vere Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth,
England, and is formally hosted by the Solar Group at the Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory - the PI institute for the two HI instruments aboard
STEREO and the CDS instrument aboard SOHO.
The hotel offers superb accommodation and meeting facilities - it is
described as a grand Victorian hotel with panoramic views across the
Channel. It is located on the cliff top overlooking Bournemouth beach,
right in the heart of this seaside resort. There are many facilities
nearby, including a range of hotels and restaurants to suit every
Naturally, we are planning an excursion to Stonehenge as part of the
meeting - that has to be a major target for such a large group of solar
physicists meeting in southern England!
The Scientific Organising Committee includes the following:
Richard Harrison (Chair, RAL), Mike Kaiser (NASA STEREO Project
Scientist), Bernhard Fleck (ESA SOHO Project Scientist), Frederic
Auchere (Orsay), David Berghmans (Brussels), Chris Davis (RAL), Andrzej
Fludra (RAL), Berndt Heber (Kiel)*, Bernd Inhester (Lindau)*, Janet
Luhmann (Berkeley), Simon Plunkett (NRL), Giannina Poletto (Arcetri),
Mark Popecki (New Hampshire), Chris St Cyr (NASA GSFC), Dave Webb
(Hanscom AFB) [* To be confirmed]
The Local Organising Committee consists of the local SOHO and STEREO
team and STFC/RAL staff, including: Danielle Bewsher, Chris Davis,
Richard Harrison (Chair), Jenny Dallimore, Natalie Bealing, Sarah Smart
So, please make a note in your diary and look out for the second
announcement which will be sent out in the Autumn. Meanwhile, for your
interest, some useful links for the meeting:
- The De Vere Royal Bath Hotel -
- The local area - Bournemouth,
the New Forest
and Poole Harbour
We look forward to welcoming you to the Royal Bath hotel.
On behalf of the organising committee.
Professor Richard A Harrison
Head of Space Physics Division
Head of Solar Group
SSTD Chief Scientist
Space Science and Technology Department
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
United Kingdom
[; tel. (44) 1235 44 6884]
Last Revised: Thursday, 31-Jul-2008 17:51:10 UTC
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