; ---- wrapper that calls the C raytracing program pro rtwlline,sbtot,sbpol,snetot,angle=angle,imsize=imsize,$ fovpix=fovpix,nbpix=nbpix,$ obspos=obspos,obsang=obsang,$ nepos=nepos,neang=neang,$ losnbp=losnbp,losrange=losrange,$ modelid=modelid,modparam=modparam,$ save=save,file=file,fakelasco=fakelasco,$ c2image=c2image,c3image=c3image,quiet=quiet,$ cor1=cor1,cor2=cor2,hi1=hi1,hi2=hi2,c1fov=c1fov,$ unload=unload,hlonlat=hlonlat,xdr=xdr,secchiab=secchiab,$ instr=instr,limbdark=limbdark ;+ ; $Id: rtwlline.pro,v 1.1 2006/09/08 16:03:22 nathan Exp $ ; ; PURPOSE: ; Raytracing program to generate a radial profile ; ; CATEGORY: ; raytracing, simulation, 3d ; ; INPUTS: ; ! all the distances must be given in Rsun ; ! and the angles in rad ; angle : angle of the radial profile in radian ; nbpix : size of the output profile in pix ; imsize : [xs,ys] size of the image (not calculated here, just for ; the scale) ; fovpix : fov angle of one pixel in rad ; -- observer position and attitude ; obspos : [x,y,z] position of the observer in the Sun basis ; obsang : [ax,ay,az] orientation of the observer, ; z is the optical axis ; -- Ne position and attitude ; nepos : [x,y,z] position of the Ne reference in the Sun basis ; neang : [ax,ay,az] orientation of the Ne ; -- LOS params ; losnbp : number of step for the integration along the LOS ; losrange : [lstart,lend] range for the integration along the LOS ; in Rsun. The origin of the LOS is the orthogonal ; projection of the Sun cntr on that LOS. ; modelid : model id number ; modparam : parameters of the model ; save : put path and filename in that variable (without extention) ; if you want to save the results in a .fits binary table. ; file : density cube filename for density 4 and 5 ; fakelasco : put fake lasco header information in the fits header ; quiet : disable display of raytracing parameters ; unload : set to force unloading the C++ program (actualy .so lib): ; useful when recompiling the C program ; hlonlat : [Hlon,Hlat,Hrot] heliographic lon and lat of the center of ; the disk, rotation angle corresponding to the projection of the ; north pole, counterclockwise. ; xdr : save into xdr format instead of fits table. 'save' keyword ; must be set for xdr to take effect. ; secchiab : 'A' or 'B', to select Ahead or Behind spacecraft, for ; secchi only ; instr : txt instrument preset, to select from the list above: ; -- Instrument FOV preset ; c1, c2, c3 : lasco C1, C2, C3 ; cor1, cor2 : Secchi Cor1, Cor2 ; hi1, hi2 : Secchi Hi1, Hi2 ; limbdark : limb darkening coeff: default 0.58 ; ; OUTPUTS: ; sbtot : structure for the total brightness profile ; sbpol : structure for the polarized brightness profile ; snetot : structure for the LOS integrated electron density profile ; ;- ; ---- use rtwlseg instead now rtwlseg,sbtot,sbpol,snetot,imsize=imsize,$ fovpix=fovpix,angle=angle,nbpix=nbpix,$ obspos=obspos,obsang=obsang,$ nepos=nepos,neang=neang,$ losnbp=losnbp,losrange=losrange,$ modelid=modelid,modparam=modparam,$ save=save,file=file,fakelasco=fakelasco,$ c2image=c2image,c3image=c3image,quiet=quiet,$ cor1=cor1,cor2=cor2,hi1=hi1,hi2=hi2,c1fov=c1fov,$ unload=unload,hlonlat=hlonlat,xdr=xdr,secchiab=secchiab,$ instr=instr,limbdark=limbdark return end