;+ ; ; PURPOSE: ; Perform some simple test to see if the install went properly ; ; CATEGORY: ; raytracing, test ; ; INPUTS: ; none ; ; OUTPUTS: ; display on screen ; ; $Id: rttest.pro,v 1.4 2011/08/18 20:38:07 thernis Exp $ ; ;- pro rttest ; ---- init environment variables rtinitenv ; ---- test 1 ; try simple integration raytracewl,sbt,imsize=[32,32],modelid=21,losnbp=32,/c3,/usedefault testflag1=(sbt.im[5,5] gt 0) and (sbt.im[5,5] lt 1e-13) and (sbt.imsize[0] eq 32) if testflag1 then print,'Test 1 passed !' ; ---- test 2 ; to be implemented... testflag=testflag1 ; and testflag2 and ... if testflag then begin print,"Looks good !" endif else begin print,"Test not passed: there might be something wrong in the installation..." endelse return end