pro rtdisp,sbt,min,max,addoccult=addoccult,nolog=nolog,wnd=wnd,im=im,_extra=e,pos=pos,nosuncont=nosuncont,mocc=mocc,msun=msun ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.3 2010/09/08 15:48:53 thernis Exp $ ; ; PURPOSE: ; Tool useful to display raytracing simulations ; ; CATEGORY: ; raytracing, 3d, visualization ; ; INPUTS: ; sbt : output structure of raytracewl ; min,max : min and max of displaying ; addoccult : /addoccult : add an occulter if a predefined instrument ; FOV is present in the fitsheader of the image ; addoccult=2.2 : add an occulter of 2.2 Rsun ; /nolog : linear scale instead of log ; wnd=2 : specify the ID of the window display ; im : force the image to be displayed. Useful to display sums, etc... ; pos : position for tvscl ; nosuncont : /nosuncont : disable plot of the sun ; contour in the occulter. Should ; be used in conjonction with addoccult ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Display on screen ; mocc : occuter mask ; msun : sun mask ; ;- ; ---- put the image in a local variable if n_elements(im) eq 0 then if n_elements(pos) eq 0 then pos=0 if n_elements(min) eq 0 then begin m=where( gt 1e-30,cnt) if cnt gt 0 then min=min([m]) else min=1e-30 endif if n_elements(max) eq 0 then max=max( if max eq 1e-30 then max=1e-29 ; ---- add an occulter if requested if n_elements(addoccult) ne 0 then begin ; -- extract info from fits header crpix1=sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'crpix1') crpix2=sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'crpix2') imsize=fltarr(2) imsize[0]=sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'naxis1') imsize[1]=sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'naxis2') solar_r= (atan(1,sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'dsun_obs')/(onersun()*1e3))*!radeg)/sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'cdelt1') ;float(sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'SOLAR_R')) rtdetec=strtrim(sxpar(sbt.fitshead,'RTDETEC'),2) ; -- overread occulter size if specified by user if (addoccult eq 1) and (size(addoccult,/type) ne 2) then rtdetec='' case rtdetec of 'c2image' : begin ; -- sun center in the LASCO-C2 images center=rt_t_param('c2','center') ; -- occulter center shift compare to ; the Sun center for that instrument occenter=rt_t_param('c2','occenter') ; -- solar_r C2 full resolution, D=210.Rsun solar_r_fullreso=82.5391 ; - pix ; - compute shift at the simulation resolution ratioresol=(solar_r/solar_r_fullreso) if addoccult ne 1 then begin occulterradius=float(addoccult)*solar_r cntrshiftlasco=[0.,0] ; -- no shift if no default val endif else begin occulterradius=ratioresol*rt_t_param('c2','occulter') cntrshiftlasco=ratioresol*(occenter-center) endelse end 'c3image' : begin ; -- sun center in the LASCO-C2 images center=rt_t_param('c3','center') ; -- occulter center shift compare to ; the Sun center for that instrument occenter=rt_t_param('c3','occenter') ; -- solar_r C3 full resolution, D=210.Rsun solar_r_fullreso=17.5055 ; - pix ; - compute shift at the simulation resolution ratioresol=(solar_r/solar_r_fullreso) if addoccult ne 1 then begin occulterradius=float(addoccult)*solar_r cntrshiftlasco=[0.,0] ; -- no shift if no default val endif else begin occulterradius=ratioresol*rt_t_param('c3','occulter') cntrshiftlasco=ratioresol*(occenter-center) endelse end 'c1fov' : begin occulterradius=float(1.1)*solar_r cntrshiftlasco=[0.,0] end else : begin occulterradius=float(addoccult)*solar_r cntrshiftlasco=[0.,0] end endcase ; ---- sun circle mask msksun=mkcirc(imsize[0],imsize[1],crpix1,crpix2,solar_r*0.9)-mkcirc(imsize[0],imsize[1],crpix1,crpix2,solar_r) msun=where(msksun gt 0,cntsun) ; ---- occulter mask mskocc=mkcirc(imsize[0],imsize[1],crpix1+cntrshiftlasco[0],crpix2+cntrshiftlasco[1],occulterradius) mocc=where(mskocc gt 0,cntocc) ; ---- add mask in the images if cntocc gt 0 then im[mocc]=0. if cntsun gt 0 and not keyword_set(nosuncont) then im[msun]=1. endif if keyword_set(nolog) then begin if n_elements(wnd) ne 0 then wnd,wnd,bytscl(im,min,max),/tv,_extra=e else tv,bytscl(im,min,max),pos endif else if n_elements(wnd) ne 0 then wnd,wnd,bytscl(alog10(im > min < max),alog10(min),alog10(max)),/tv,_extra=e else tv,bytscl(alog10(im > min < max),alog10(min),alog10(max)),pos return end