pro rtcloud,plist,sbtot,imsize=imsize,$ fovpix=fovpix,$ obspos=obspos,obsang=obsang,$ nepos=nepos,neang=neang,$ c2image=c2image,c3image=c3image,$ quiet=quiet,$ cor1=cor1,cor2=cor2,hi1=hi1,hi2=hi2,c1fov=c1fov,$ hlonlat=hlonlat,$ instr=instr,rotmat=rotmat,$ obslonlat=obslonlat,$ projtype=projtype,rollang=rollang,$ scchead=scchead,pv2_1=pv2_1,pcin=pcin,flistout=flistout,$ fclip=fclip,listout=listout,listbehind=listbehind,$ nerotcntr=nerotcntr,nerotang=nerotang,nerotaxis=nerotaxis,$ netranslation=netranslation,unload=unload ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.11 2013/01/29 17:50:58 thernis Exp $ ; ; PURPOSE: ; Generate a view using a cloud of points ; ; CATEGORY: ; raytracing, simulation, 3d ; ; INPUTS: ; ! all the distances must be given in Rsun ; ! and the angles in rad ; plist : list of points : [3,N] ; imsize : [xs,ys] size of the output image ; fovpix : fov angle of one pixel in rad ; -- observer position and attitude ; obspos : [x,y,z] position of the observer in the Sun basis ; obslonlat : [lon,lat,height] position of the observer in Carrington ; coordinate. If set, then obspos is ignored. The optical ; axis always points toward the Sun center. Use obsang to ; change telescope orientation. ; obsang : [ax,ay,az] orientation of the observer, ; z is the optical axis ; rollang : allow to set the roll angle of the virtual instrument. ; Works only if a preset instrument is requested. ; -- Ne position and attitude ; nepos : [x,y,z] position of the Ne reference in the Sun basis ; neang : [ax,ay,az] orientation of the Ne ; nerotcntr : [x,y,z] center of rotation of the Ne model, in the Ne basis ; nerotang : [ax,ay,az] rotation of the Ne model around the nerotcntr, in the Ne basis ; nerotaxis : [axid1,axid2,axid3] axis id corresponding to the nerotang rotation angles. 1: X, 2: Y, 3: Z. Default is [3,2,1]. ; netranslation : [tx,ty,tz] translation vector of the Ne model, in the Ne basis ; quiet : disable display of raytracing parameters ; hlonlat : [Hlon,Hlat,Hrot] heliographic lon and lat of the center of ; the disk, rotation angle corresponding to the projection of the ; north pole, counterclockwise ; projtype : projection type: (see Calabretta and Greisen, ; Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS, A&A ; 395, 1077-1122(2002)) ; ARC : Zenithal equidistant (default) ; TAN : Gnomonic ; SIN : Slant orthographic ; AZP : Zenithal perspective ; If an instrument preset is requested then this keyword ; will overwrite the projection type of the selected ; instrument. ; pv2_1 : mu parameter for the AZP projection ; pcin : force the fits PCi_j matrix. Must be a 4 elements array ; ; instr : txt instrument preset, to select from the list above: ; scchead : secchi structure header: raytrace will use the ; positionning info of the header to generate the view ; flistout : set to 1 if you want a list of points instead of an image ; fclip : set to 1 if you want not to compute points masked by the sun ; ; -- Instrument FOV preset ; c1, c2, c3 : lasco C1, C2, C3 ; cor1, cor2 : Secchi Cor1, Cor2 ; hi1, hi2 : Secchi Hi1, Hi2 ; ; OUTPUTS: ; sbtot : structure with image of the total brightness ; rotmat : final rotation matrix of the density cube ; listout : will contain the list of pixels if requested with /flistout ; listbehind : 1 if point masked by disk, else 0 ; ;- ; -- use header information if passed by user obslonlatflag=0L if n_elements(scchead) ne 0 then begin if scchead.instrume ne 'SECCHI' then flagsoho=scchead.telescop eq 'SOHO' else flagsoho=0b wcs=fitshead2wcs(scchead,KEYWORD_NULL_VALUE=0) if n_elements(instr) eq 0 then instr=scchead.detector ; if ~flagsoho && n_elements(secchiab) eq 0 then secchiab=strmid(scchead.obsrvtry,0,1,/reverse_offset) if n_elements(obslonlat) eq 0 then begin ; ---- position of the virtual spacecraft ; crln_obs_rad = wcschangeunits(wcs.cunit[0],'rad',wcs.position.crln_obs) ; crlt_obs_rad = wcschangeunits(wcs.cunit[1],'rad',wcs.position.crlt_obs) ; obslonlat = float([crln_obs_rad, crlt_obs_rad, wcs.position.dsun_obs/(onersun()*1e3)]) obslonlat = float([(wcs.position.carr_earth + wcs.position.hgln_obs) * !dtor, wcs.position.crlt_obs * !dtor, wcs.position.dsun_obs / (onersun() * 1e3)]) ; obslonlat = float([wcs.position.crln_obs*!dtor,wcs.position.crlt_obs*!dtor,wcs.position.dsun_obs/(onersun()*1e3)]) obslonlatflag=1L endif if n_elements(pv2_1) ne 0 then begin pv2_1=float(scchead.pv2_1) endif if n_elements(rollang) eq 0 then begin rollang=0. endif endif ; ---- define keyword default values ; and cast every inputs to avoid C crash with bad type entry if n_elements(plist) eq 0 then plist=[0.,0.,0] else plist=float(plist) if n_elements(imsize) eq 0 then imsize=[64L,64] else imsize=long(imsize) if n_elements(fovpix) eq 0 then begin fovpix=2./(64.)*!dtor flagfovpix=0B endif else begin fovpix=float(fovpix) flagfovpix=1B endelse if n_elements(obspos) eq 0 then begin obspos=[0.,0,-214] obsposflag=0b endif else begin obspos=float(obspos) obsposflag=1b endelse if n_elements(obsang) eq 0 then begin obsang=[0.,0,0] obsangflag=0b endif else begin obsang=float(obsang) obsangflag=1b endelse if n_elements(nepos) eq 0 then nepos=[0.,0,0] else nepos=float(nepos) if n_elements(neang) eq 0 then neang=[0.,0,0] else neang=float(neang) if n_elements(nerotcntr) eq 0 then nerotcntr=[0.,0,0] else nerotcntr=float(nerotcntr) if n_elements(nerotang) eq 0 then nerotang=[0.,0,0] else nerotang=float(nerotang) if n_elements(nerotaxis) eq 0 then nerotaxis=long([3,2,1]) else nerotaxis=long(nerotaxis) if n_elements(netranslation) eq 0 then netranslation=[0.,0,0] else netranslation=float(netranslation) if n_elements(quiet) eq 0 then quiet=0L else quiet=1L if n_elements(hlonlat) eq 0 then hlonlat=[0.,0,0] else hlonlat=float(hlonlat) ; if n_elements(secchiab) eq 0 then secchiab='A' else begin ; secchiab=strupcase(secchiab) ; if secchiab ne 'A' and secchiab ne 'B' then message,'secchiab keyword must be either ''A'' or ''B''',/info ; endelse if n_elements(obslonlat) ne 0 and not obslonlatflag then begin obslonlat=float(obslonlat) obspos=obslonlat[2]*[sin(obslonlat[1]),$ sin(obslonlat[0])*cos(obslonlat[1]),$ -cos(obslonlat[0])*cos(obslonlat[1])] obslonlatflag=1L endif if n_elements(obslonlat) eq 0 then begin obslonlat=[-atan(obspos[1],obspos[2]),$ asin(obspos[1]/norm(obspos)),$ norm(obspos)] obslonlatflag=0L endif if n_elements(rollang) eq 0 then rollang=0. else rollang=float(rollang) if n_elements(flistout) eq 0 then flistout=0L else flistout=1L if n_elements(fclip) eq 0 then fclip=0L else fclip=1L ; ---- detect instrument, if any c2image=keyword_set(c2image) if c2image then instr='c2' c3image=keyword_set(c3image) if c3image then instr='c3' c1fov=keyword_set(c1fov) if c1fov then instr='c1' cor1=keyword_set(cor1) if cor1 then instr='cor1' cor2=keyword_set(cor2) if cor2 then instr='cor2' hi1=keyword_set(hi1) if hi1 then instr='hi1' hi2=keyword_set(hi2) if hi2 then instr='hi2' xdr=keyword_set(xdr) ; ---- instrument presets if requested rtgetinstrwcsparam,instr,imsize,scchead,fovpix,crpix,obsangpreset,pc,projtypepreset=projtypepreset,pv2_1=pv2_1,rollang=rollang,crval=crval,pcin=pcin,flagfovpix=flagfovpix ; ---- compute incerse of pc matrix pc=float(pc) pcinv=float(invert(pc)) ; ---- size of the list of points if size(plist,/n_dim) eq 1 then nbp=1L else nbp=long((size(plist,/dim))[1]) listout=fltarr(2,nbp) listbehind=lonarr(nbp) ; -- obsang and rollang is forced if passed by user if not obsangflag and n_elements(instr) ne 0 then obsang=obsangpreset if n_elements(pv2_1) eq 0 then pv2_1=0. else pv2_1=float(pv2_1) ; ---- set projection type if n_elements(projtype) eq 0 then begin if n_elements(projtypepreset) eq 0 then projtype='ARC' else projtype=projtypepreset endif projtype=strupcase(projtype) case projtype of 'ARC' : projtypecode=1L 'TAN' : projtypecode=2L 'SIN' : projtypecode=3L 'AZP' : projtypecode=4L else : message,'Bad projtype keyword !' endcase ; ---- init the outputs btot=fltarr(imsize[0],imsize[1]) rotmat=fltarr(3,3) rtinitenv starttime=systime(1) s=call_external(getenv('RT_LIBFILE'),$ 'rtcloud',$ imsize[0],imsize[1],$ fovpix,$ obspos,obsang,$ nepos,neang,$ btot,$ crpix,quiet,$ hlonlat,$ rotmat,obslonlat,obslonlatflag,projtypecode,pv2_1,pc,$ plist,nbp,pcinv,flistout,listout,fclip,listbehind,nerotcntr,$ nerotang,netranslation,nerotaxis,unload=unload) if quiet eq 0 then begin print,'Seconds ellapsed :' print,systime(1)-starttime endif revision=getcvsrevision('$Revision: 1.11 $') case 1 of c2image : rtdetec='c2' c3image : rtdetec='c3' c1fov : rtdetec='c1' cor1 : rtdetec='cor1' cor2 : rtdetec='cor2' hi1 : rtdetec='hi1' hi2 : rtdetec='hi2' else : rtdetec='' endcase sbtot={imsize:imsize,fovpix:fovpix,obspos:obspos,obsang:obsang,nepos:nepos,neang:neang,im:btot,hlonlat:hlonlat,revision:revision,rtdetec:rtdetec,rotmat:rotmat,obslonlat:obslonlat,projtype:projtype,pc:pc,pv2_1:pv2_1,wcs:wcs,nerotcntr:nerotcntr,nerotang:nerotang,netranslation:netranslation,nerotaxis:nerotaxis} return end ; ; CVSLOG: ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.11 2013/01/29 17:50:58 thernis ; Change computation of obslonlat variable. ; ; Revision 1.10 2011-08-09 21:49:30 thernis ; Remove unuseful keyword secchiab ; ; Revision 1.9 2011-08-03 14:40:49 thernis ; - cast pv2_1 to float to avoid problem with HI (AZP projection) ; - cast obslonlatflag to long ; - clean-up unneeded variables ; ; Revision 1.8 2010-08-26 13:23:59 mcnutt ; added KEYWORD_NULL_VALUE to call to fitshead2wcs ; ; Revision 1.7 2009/04/13 21:18:41 thernis ; Implement extra positioning parameters for the models. ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/03/06 22:14:42 thernis ; Implement neshift ; ; Revision 1.5 2008/09/23 14:16:20 thernis ; add unload kw ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/06/06 17:38:25 thernis ; Modif to make it work with SOHO data. ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/07/19 22:24:26 thernis ; Implement listbehind keyword ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/07/19 19:20:18 thernis ; Fix bug with obslonlat when it was forced by the user ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/07/10 21:12:19 thernis ; First commit. ; ;