;+ ; $Id: rtcalccntr.pro,v 1.1 2006/09/08 16:03:21 nathan Exp $ ; ; PURPOSE: ; Calculate the center of the sun in the image according to FOV and obspos ; CATEGORY: ; simulation, raytracing ; INPUTS: ; fovpix : the field of view of one pixel in rad ; obsang : [Rx,Ry,Rz] orientation angle of the observer in rad ; insize : size of the image in pix ; OUTPUTS: ; cntr : center of the Sun in the image ;- function rtcalccntr,fovpix,obsang,imsize cntr=fltarr(2) cntr[0]=obsang[0]/fovpix+float(imsize[0]-1)/2 cntr[1]=-obsang[1]/fovpix+float(imsize[1]-1)/2 return,cntr end