function rt_t_param, detector, key ;+ ; PROJECT: ; SOHO - LASCO ; NAME: ; rt_t_param ; PURPOSE: ; Gets main telescope parameters ; CATEGORY: ; laboratory, calibration ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; value = rt_t_param( detector, key ) ; EXAMPLE ; pixsze = rt_t_param('C2','PIXEL') ; INPUTS: ; detector 'C1','C2','C3' STRING ; key parameter name STRING ; 'PIXEL' pixelsize (in mm) ; 'SCALE' angular scale for pixel (in deg) ; 'FOCAL' equivalent focal (in mm) ; 'FIELD' field (in deg) ; 'DFIELD' diagonal field (in deg) ; 'BIAS' electric bias of each amplifier (in ADU) ; get byas from (needs the header) ; 'OCCULTER' radius of occlusion due to internal oculter ; in 'CCD pixel units' ; 'DISTORTION' set of coefs of distortion (to be used in mm) ; NOTE: drho = a0*rho+a1*rho^3+a2*rho^5 ; 'IDISTORTION' set of coefs of distortion correction (in mm) ; 'DISCNTR' distortion center (in mm) ; 'CENTER' Sun center (in pixels) ; 'OCCENTER' occulter center (in pixels) ; KEYWORD INPUT ; none ; OUTPUTS: ; value searched value ; OUTPUTS INPUTS: ; none ; PROCEDURE: ; Gets parameters from a set of internal data ; CALLED PROCEDURES: ; none ; ; HISTORY: ; Def. and code: A.Llebaria (LAS-CNRS) Aug 1996 ; Corrected and modified by Dr. M.-V. Bout on March, 4th, 1998 ; NOTA : ; ; Distortion parameters: ; rho*(a0+a1*rho^2+a2*rho^4) ; history ; pm.distortion = [0.0060519645, -0.00014672423, 2.0899603e-07] ; list9604_1ora_00_g_ldist.dat ; pm.distortion = [0.0051344125, -0.00012233862, 1.0978595e-07] ; list9603_1ora_00_a_ldist.dat ; pm.distortion = [0.0044836143, -0.00011276272, 5.9968042e-08] ; list9602_2ora_00_a_ldist.dat ; pm.distortion = [0.0051344125, -0.00012233862, 1.0978595e-07] ; list9603_1ora_00_a_ldist.dat ; pm.distortion = [0.0056511656, -0.00013827504, 1.6940201e-07] ; list9604_1ora_00_h_ldist.dat ; ; CVSLOG: ; ; $Id:,v 1.1 2010/09/08 15:45:43 thernis Exp $ ;- pm = {PARAMETERS, PIXEL: 0.0, SCALE: 0.0, FOCAL: 0.0, FIELD: 0.0, $ DFIELD: 0.0, BIAS: 0.0, OCCULTER: 0.0, DISTORTION: [0.,0.,0.],$ DISCNTR: [0.,0.], CENTER: [0.,0.]} value = -1 dtctr = strupcase(detector) case 1 of dtctr eq 'C1': begin pm.pixel = 0.021 pm.focal = 768. pm.bias = 332. pm.occulter = 170. pm.distortion = [0.,0.,0.] = [511.5,511.5] ; (Sun) occenter = [511.5,511.5] discenter = [511.5,511.5] end dtctr eq 'C2': begin pm.pixel = 0.021 pm.focal = 364. pm.bias = 470. pm.occulter = 166. pm.distortion = [.0051344125, -.00012233862, 1.0978595e-07] ; rho*(a0+a1*rho^2+a2*rho^4) idistortion = [-.00508753, .000119011, -5.30006e-08, -1.20326e-10] ; rhom*(b0+b1*rho^2+...0 ; = [513.5,505.5] ; (Sun) = [512.5,504.5] ; (Sun) occenter = [512.,506.] discenter = [512.5,504.5] end dtctr eq 'C3': begin pm.pixel = 0.021 ; pm.focal = 77.6 pm.focal = 77.2 pm.bias = 319. ; pm.occulter = 33. pm.occulter = 67. pm.distortion = [-.0151657,.000165455] ; rho*(a0+a1*rho^2) idistortion = [.0153525, -.000173515, 6.34659e-08 ] ; rhom*(b0+b1*rho^2+...0 = [518.,532.] ; 518., 532. (31/03/98) (Sun) occenter = [516.3,529.5] discenter = [516.3,529.5] end else: begin message, 'Unknown telescope name (C1,C2 or C3 only are allowed)',/info return, value end endcase pm.scale = (pm.pixel/pm.focal)*!radeg pm.field = pm.scale*1024 pm.dfield = sqrt(2.)*pm.field pm.discntr = discenter*pm.pixel keywd = strupcase(key) case 1 of keywd eq 'PIXEL' : value = pm.pixel keywd eq 'SCALE' : value = pm.scale keywd eq 'FOCAL' : value = pm.focal keywd eq 'FIELD' : value = pm.field keywd eq 'DFIELD' : value = pm.dfield keywd eq 'BIAS' : value = pm.bias keywd eq 'BIAIS' : value = pm.bias keywd eq 'OCCULTER' : value = pm.occulter keywd eq 'DISTORTION' : value = pm.distortion keywd eq 'DISTORSION' : value = pm.distortion keywd eq 'IDISTORTION' : value = idistortion keywd eq 'IDISTORSION' : value = idistortion keywd eq 'DISCNTR' : value = pm.discntr keywd eq 'CENTER' : value = keywd eq 'OCCENTER' : value = occenter keywd eq '?' :begin print,'PIXEL pixelsize (in mm)' print,'SCALE angular scale for pixel (in deg)' print,'FOCAL equivalent focal (in mm)' print,'FIELD field (in deg)' print,'DFIELD diagonal field (in deg)' print,'BIAS electric bias of each amplifier (in ADU)' print,'OCCULTER radius of occlusion due to internal oculter' print,' in CCD pixel units' print,'DISTORTION set of coefs of distortion (to be used in mm)' print,' NOTE: drho = a0*rho+a1*rho^3+a2*rho^5' print,'DISCNTR Distortion center (in mm)' print,'CENTER Sun center (in pixels)' print,'OCCENTER occulter center (in pixels)' end keywd eq 'ALL' :begin help,pm,/st print,'OCCENTER:',occenter end else : message, 'Unknown parameter',/info endcase return, value end