;+ ; ; NAME: ; READTXTFILE ; ; PURPOSE: ; read a text formated file and place each row in a string array ; ; CATEGORY: ; io, data handling ; ; INPUTS: ; filename : file name to read ; ; OUTPUTS: ; txtline : array containing the lines of the file ; nlines : number of lines ; ; $Id: readtxtfile.pro,v 1.1 2008/07/29 14:56:19 thernis Exp $ ;- pro readtxtfile,filename,txtline,nlines if n_params() eq 0 then begin message,'calling sequence: readtxtfile,filename,txtline,nlines',/info return endif ;init of the var txtline=[''] nlines=0 line='' ;start extraction loop openr,lun,filename,/get_lun while (not eof(lun)) do begin readf,lun,line txtline=[txtline,line] nlines = nlines +1 endwhile if nlines gt 0 then txtline=txtline(1:*) ;print,'nlines=',nlines free_lun,lun return end