pro getmoddefparam,modelid,ss,paramfile,verb=verb,statusflag=statusflag ;+ ; PURPOSE: ; returns the model default parameters ; ; CATEGORY: ; raytracing ; ; INPUTS: ; modelid : model id number ; verb : set to display processing info ; ; OUTPUTS: ; statusflag : bit 0 : default parameters undefined. ; bit 1 : model with no interest only for testing. ; bit 2 : no parameters needed. ; ; ss : structure containing the default parameter structure and ; modelid number. ; paramfile : string array containing the default parameters. ; ; $Id:,v 1.2 2006/10/30 21:52:40 thernis Exp $ ;- modelid=long(modelid) verb=keyword_set(verb) statusflag=0L rtinitenv starttime=systime(1) exitstatus=call_external(getenv('RT_LIBFILE'),$ 'getdefaultparameteridl',$ modelid,statusflag,/unload) undefflag=statusflag and 1 fortestflag=ishft(statusflag,-1) and 1 noparamflag=ishft(statusflag,-2) and 1 if verb then begin print,'Seconds ellapsed :' print,systime(1)-starttime if undefflag then print,'Parameters undefined.' if fortestflag then print,'Obsolete model or only for testing.' if noparamflag then print,'No parameters needed for that model.' endif ;if undefflag or noparamflag then begin ; paramfile=[''] ; return ;endif ; ---- get the result from the file readtxtfile,'defmodparam.txt',paramfile,nbline ; ---- put the result in a structure if nbline eq 0 then begin ; -- set to 1 if the structure is empty s=1 endif else begin ; -- fill in the structure s0={keyword:'',def:'',desc:'',units:''} nbfield=n_tags(s0) nbparam=nbline/nbfield s=replicate(s0,nbparam) idx=0L for i=0,nbparam-1 do $ for j=0,nbfield-1 do s[i].(j)=paramfile[idx++] endelse ss={s:s,modelid:modelid} return end ; ; CVSLOG: ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.2 2006/10/30 21:52:40 thernis ; Change the environment variable that points to the shared object library. ; ; ;