function getdensity,point,modelid,modparam=modparam,sopath=sopath,quiet=quiet,unload=unload ;+ ; PURPOSE: ; Get the electron density of a model at a point of the space ; ; CATEGORY: ; simulation, raytracing, 3d ; ; INPUTS: ; point : [x,y,z] position in space where you wnat the density ; modelid : density number ; modparam : array of parameters to pass to the density model ; sopath : path where the C progs are located in case a different branch needs to be tested ; quiet : quiet mode ; unload : force to unload the shared object ; ; OUTPUTS: ; return : the electron density at the requested point and the ; requested density model ; ; $Id:,v 1.2 2006/10/30 21:52:40 thernis Exp $ ;- if n_elements(point) ne 3 then point=[0.,0,0] else point=float(point) if n_elements(modelid) eq 0 then modelid=1L else modelid=long(modelid) if n_elements(modparam) eq 0 then modparam=0. else modparam=float(modparam) quiet=keyword_set(quiet) ; -- init output density neout=0. rtinitenv ; -- init environment variables if n_elements(sopath) eq 0 then sopath=getenv('RT_LIBFILE') ; -- call density if not quiet then starttime=systime(1) s=call_external(sopath,$ 'getdensity',$ modelid,point,modparam,neout,unload=unload) if not quiet then begin print,'Seconds ellapsed :' print,systime(1)-starttime endif return,neout end ; ; CVSLOG: ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.2 2006/10/30 21:52:40 thernis ; Change the environment variable that points to the shared object library. ; ;