FUNCTION wcs_coord_system, index, system ;+ ;$Id:,v 1.1 2008/01/08 17:31:21 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO ; ; Name : WCS_COORD_SYSTEM ; ; Purpose : Extract WCS data from FITS header and converts ; to input coordinate system ; ; Category : FITS, Coordinates, WCS ; ; Explanation : This procdure calls FITSHEAD2WCS to convert the fits ; header to WCS. Then the WCS values are changed to the ; input coordinate system. ; ; Syntax : WCS = WCS_COORD_SYSTEM( HEADER ) ; ; Inputs : HEADER = Either a FITS header, or an index structure from ; FITSHEAD2STRUCT. ; SYSTEM = Currently only works for : ; 'CARRINGTON' or 'CR' ; 'HAE' ; 'HERTN' ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : WCS = Structure containing World Coordinate System ; ; Calls : FITSHEAD2WCS, CONVERT_STEREO_LONLAT, HI_HAE_POINT ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU Jan 2008 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2008/01/08 17:31:21 colaninn ; very limited application ; ;- ;--Create wcs header wcs = fitshead2wcs(index) system = strupcase(system) IF system EQ 'CR' THEN system ='CARRINGTON' ;--Convert CRVAL from HPC to input system dr = !dpi/180.d0 ;degrees to radians IF wcs.cunit[0] EQ 'arcsec' THEN BEGIN c=(wcs.crval/3600.0)*dr wcs.cdelt = wcs.cdelt/3600. wcs.cunit =['deg','deg'] ENDIF ELSE c=wcs.crval*dr convert_stereo_lonlat,index.date_avg,c,'HPC',system,space=index.obsrvtry ;--Convert Roll Angle IF strmid(index.detector,0,2) NE 'HI' THEN BEGIN ;--Get roll angle for SCIP delta_roll = get_stereo_roll(index.date_obs,index.obsrvtry,system=system)-$ get_stereo_roll(index.date_obs,index.obsrvtry ,system='RTN') roll = delta_roll-wcs.roll_angle ENDIF ELSE roll = hi_hae_point(index) ;--Add values for input system CASE system OF 'CARRINGTON': BEGIN wcs.crval[0] = index.crln_obs ;x-coordinate wcs.crval[1] = index.crlt_obs ;y-coordinate wcs.coord_type = 'Carrington-Heliographic' ;coordinate type wcs.wcsname = 'Carrington-Heliographic' ;coordinate type wcs.projection = 'AZP' ;projection type wcs.ctype = ['HGLN-AZP','HGLT-AZP'] wcs.cdelt = wcs.cdelt*(index.dsun_obs/6.96e8-1) ;degress on the sun END 'HAE': BEGIN wcs.crval[0] = c[0]/dr ;x-coordinate wcs.crval[1] = c[1]/dr ;y-coordinate wcs.coord_type = 'Celestial-Ecliptic' ;coordinate type wcs.wcsname = 'Celestial-Ecliptic' ;coordinate type wcs.cdelt[0] = -wcs.cdelt[0] ;handedness wcs.roll_angle = roll ;roll angle wcs.pc[0,0] = cos(roll*dr) wcs.pc[0,1] = sin(roll*dr) wcs.pc[1,0] = -sin(roll*dr) wcs.pc[1,1] = cos(roll*dr) END 'HERTN': BEGIN wcs.crval[0] = c[0]/dr ;x-coordinate wcs.crval[1] = c[1]/dr ;y-coordinate wcs.coord_type = 'Celestial-Ecliptic' ;coordinate type wcs.roll_angle = roll ;roll angle wcs.pc[0,0] = cos(roll*dr) wcs.pc[0,1] = sin(roll*dr) wcs.pc[1,0] = -sin(roll*dr) wcs.pc[1,1] = cos(roll*dr) END ENDCASE RETURN, wcs END