function scc_suffix, hdr ; ; Project : SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_suffix ; ; Purpose : Get a standardized portion of filename describing the detector and type of image ; which will be correctly interpreted by ; ; INPUTS : frame or FITS header structure of supported instruments ; ; Optional Input : ; ; OUTPUTS: "_wwttS" string which is part of filename like YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_wwttS.png ; ; Use : ; ; Calls : ; ; Comments : ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : ; ; Written : N.Rich, NRL ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2011/10/13 19:14:56 nathan ; called by scc_daily_pretties and make_lasco_pretties ; cam=strlowcase(hdr.detector) IF tag_exist(hdr,'obsrvtry') THEN sc =rstrmid(hdr.obsrvtry,0,1) ELSE $ sc =rstrmid(hdr.filename,4,1) wave='tb' CASE cam OF 'cor2': BEGIN IF tag_exist(hdr,'seb_prog') THEN IF hdr.seb_prog EQ 'DOUBLE' THEN wave='db' wwtts=wave+'c2'+sc END 'cor1': wwtts='tbc1'+sc 'euvi': BEGIN wave=strmid(trim(hdr.wavelnth),0,2) wwtts=wave+'eu'+sc END 'hi1': wwtts='tbh1'+sc 'hi2': wwtts='tbh2'+sc 'c3': wwtts='Lasc3' 'c2': wwtts='Lasc2' 'aia': BEGIN wave=strmid(trim(hdr.wavelnth),0,2) wwtts=string(hdr.wavelnth,'(i4.4)')+'i' END ELSE: wwtts=cam ENDCASE return,'_'+wwtts end