function scc_fitshdr2struct,fits_hdr ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.4 2007/11/20 22:01:41 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_fitshdr2struct ; ; Purpose : Converts SECCHI FITS header into SECCHI STRUCTURE header ; ; Explanation: This routine defines the SECCHI STRUCTURE then reads ; the fits header into the structure ; ; Use : IDL> struct = scc_fitshdr2struct(fits_hdr) ; ; Inputs : hdr - string type fits header from SECCHI image ; ; Outputs : struct - header information in SECCHI STRUCTURE ; ; Keywords : ; ; Common : secchi_header ; ; Calls : DEF_SECCHI_HDR ; ; Restrictions: Only works with one string ; ; Category : Administration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU July 2006 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2007/11/20 22:01:41 nathan ; fixed another syntax error ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/11/20 19:18:12 nathan ; syntax error ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/11/20 19:08:30 nathan ; Defined new variable for output so that sechdrstruct, which is used in ;, is not changed. ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/08/08 20:09:54 colaninn ; moved from prep ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/05/21 17:40:02 nathan ; fix type conversion error reported by Karl ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/04/11 21:02:54 thompson ; Check for additional boolean parameters. ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/02/13 15:22:31 colaninn ; removed check for level2 header ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/01/31 18:47:30 colaninn ; verified last update ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/01/22 23:28:01 thompson ; ; Catch DATE_* vs. DATE-*, boolean values ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/10/03 15:28:42 nathan ; moved from dev/analysis ; ; Revision 1.2 2006/08/03 18:22:49 colaninn ; added INSTRUME check ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/07/25 21:13:19 colaninn ; first draft ; ;- COMMON secchi_header, sechdrstruct, sechdrtags ;--Check if secchi header structruct is defined in COMMON BLOCK IF DATATYPE(sechdrstruct) EQ 'UND' THEN sechdrstruct=DEF_SECCHI_HDR(sechdrtags) scch=sechdrstruct ;--Check that header is from secchi instrument IF STRTRIM(FXPAR(fits_hdr,'INSTRUME'),2) NE 'SECCHI' THEN $ MESSAGE, '%%SCC_ FITSHDR2STRUCT: NOT FOR NON-SECCHI INSTRUMENTS' ;--Adds F or T instead of 0 and 1 secchi_boolean = ['EVENT', 'EXTEND', 'RECTIFY', 'SIMPLE', 'SPWX', 'SYNC', $ 'FPS_ON', 'DIV2CORR', 'SCANT_ON', 'SCFP_ON', 'FPS_CMD'] boolean = ['F','T'] numtag = n_elements(sechdrtags) FOR t=0,numtag-1 DO BEGIN ;--Get keyword for sechdrtags(secchi tag string) keyword = sechdrtags[t] ;--Fix any "DATE_*" keywords to read "DATE-*". IF STRMID(keyword,0,5) EQ 'DATE_' THEN strput, keyword, '-', 4 var = FXPAR(fits_hdr, keyword, COUNT=cnt) ;gets value with FXPAR IF ((keyword EQ 'COMMENT') OR (keyword EQ 'HISTORY')) THEN BEGIN ;--Only these keywords may have multiple entries FOR c=0,cnt-1 DO BEGIN val = STRTRIM(var[c], 2) scch.(t)(c) = val ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;--Fix any boolean values to read as 'T' or 'F' wb = where(keyword EQ secchi_boolean, count) IF (DATATYPE(var[0]) EQ 'STR') THEN var = STRTRIM(var[0], 2) ELSE $ IF count GT 0 THEN var = boolean[var[0]] scch.(t) = var[0] ENDELSE ENDFOR RETURN,scch END