function match_coord_system, image,wcs_image0,wcs_base0,fits=fits ;+ ;$Id:,v 1.1 2008/01/08 17:33:17 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO ; ; Name : MATCH_COORD_SYSTEM ; ; Purpose : Extract WCS data from FITS header and converts ; to input coordinate system ; ; Category : interpolation, backgrounds, stars, WCS ; ; Explanation : This procdure uses WCS_GET_COORD and WCS_GET_PIXEL to ; warps an image to the coordinates of the base wcs struc. ; ; Syntax : WCS = MATCH_COORD_SYSTEM( IMAGE, IMAGE_WCS, BASE_WCS) ; ; Inputs : IMAGE = input image to be warped ; IMAGE_WCS = WCS structure of the image to be warped ; BASE_WCS = WCS structure of the base or target coordinates ; *WCS sturctures must be of the same coordinate system ; ; Keyword : Converts the inputs from FITS headers to WCS ; structures of the input coordinates system. ; FITS = Currently only works for : ; 'HPC' ; 'GEI' ; 'CARRINGTON' or 'CR' (source regions) ; 'HAE' (star field) ; 'HERTN' (F-corona) ; ; Opt. Inputs : None. ; ; Outputs : WARP_IMAGE = warped input image ; ; Calls : FITSHEAD2WCS, WCS_COORD_SYSTEM, WCS_GET_COORD, WCS_GET_PIXEL ; ; History : expansion of ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU Jan 2008 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2008/01/08 17:33:17 colaninn ; very limited application ; ;- ; ---- extract wcs structure from fits header IF keyword_set(fits) THEN BEGIN system = strupcase(fits) CASE system OF 'HPC': BEGIN wcs_base = fitshead2wcs(wcs_base0) wcs_image = fitshead2wcs(wcs_image0) END 'GEI': BEGIN wcs_base = fitshead2wcs(wcs_base0,system='A') wcs_image = fitshead2wcs(wcs_image0,system='A') END ELSE: BEGIN wcs_base=wcs_coord_system(wcs_base0,system) wcs_image=wcs_coord_system(wcs_image0,system) END ENDCASE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN wcs_image=wcs_image0 wcs_base=wcs_base0 ENDELSE ; ---- compute position of input image pixels into the target image coord = wcs_get_coord(wcs_base) pix = wcs_get_pixel(wcs_image,coord) ; ---- interpolate input image into target field fieldout=interpolate(image, reform(pix[0,*,*]), reform(pix[1,*,*]),cubic=-0.5,missing=0);!values.f_nan) RETURN,fieldout END