function get_fitscomments,str_hdr,struct_hdr ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.1 2007/08/08 20:10:17 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : ; ; Purpose : This function creates an array of the FITS string header ; comments. (/ comments not the COMMENT keyword) Suitable for ; use in struct2fitshead ; ; Use : IDL> comments = get_fitscomments(string_header) ; ; Inputs : hdr - FITS string header ; ; Outputs : hdr - string array of comments ; ; Calls : ; ; Category : Administration, Calibration ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU Feb 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2007/08/08 20:10:17 colaninn ; moved from prep ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/06/28 20:45:30 colaninn ; added on_error,2 ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/02/13 15:11:40 colaninn ; now uses input structure ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/06 19:11:21 colaninn ; added to secchi_prep ; ;- ON_ERROR,2 IF datatype(str_hdr) NE 'STR' THEN BEGIN message,'Need FITS header as first input' END IF datatype(struct_hdr) NE 'STC' THEN BEGIN message,'Need header structure as second input' END tags = tag_names(struct_hdr) numtag = n_elements(tags) comments = strarr(numtag) n = n_elements(str_hdr) FOR i=0, n-1 DO BEGIN keyword = strtrim(strmid(str_hdr[i],0,8),2) ;--Fix any "DATE_*" keywords to read "DATE-*". IF STRMID(keyword,0,5) EQ 'DATE-' THEN strput, keyword, '_', 4 IF (keyword EQ 'COMMENT') OR (keyword EQ 'HISTORY') THEN BEGIN i=i+1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cdex = where(keyword EQ tags,cnt) IF cnt GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF strmid(str_hdr[i],31,1) EQ '/' THEN BEGIN comments[cdex] = strmid(str_hdr[i],32,strlen(str_hdr[i])-1) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN str = strsplit(str_hdr[i],"'",count=np,/extract) str = str[np-1] str = strsplit(str,'/',count=ns,/extract) comments[cdex] = str[ns-1] ENDELSE ENDIF ENDELSE ENDFOR RETURN,comments END