FUNCTION DEF_SECCHI_expHDR, secchi_hdr_tags ;+ ;$Id:,v 1.7 2011/09/06 19:34:02 nathan Exp $ ; ; NAME: DEF_SECCHI_EXPHDR ; PURPOSE: Define a Header Structure for a Level 0.5 SECCHI Image ; CATEGORY: Administration, Pipeline ; CALLING SEQUENCE: structure=DEF_SECCHI_HDR(hdr_tags) ; INPUTS: None ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None ; ; OUTPUTS: a structure array containing an initialized header ; secchi_hdr_tags Returns strarr of tags in structure ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; hdr_tags STRARR of tags in header ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; Must be called before DEF_SECCHI_HDR is called, defines the same structure. ; PROCEDURE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 2004.04.14, nbr - create from ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2011/09/06 19:34:02 nathan ; rename structure so does not conflict with def_secchi_hdr (?) ; ; Revision 1.6 2005/06/16 17:20:51 nathan ; add doorstat,ceb_stat,cam_stat ; ; Revision 1.5 2005/05/20 22:35:56 secchib ; nr - add stat_ceb and stat_cam ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/05/20 17:59:12 nathan ; misc changes ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/04/21 19:23:58 nathan ; update comments ; ; Revision 1.2 2005/03/02 16:10:51 nathan ; add NMISSING ; ; Revision 1.1 2005/02/28 23:01:04 nathan ; from ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/02/02 16:10:25 nathan ; moved to new directory ; ; Revision 1.4 2005/01/24 23:45:51 nathan ; remove encoderh keyword ; ; Revision 1.3 2004/09/20 21:07:13 nathan ; fixed SIMPLE, LEDPULSE ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/12 03:38:43 nathan ; added fsw keywords ; ; ;- ; version=strmid('$Id:,v 1.7 2011/09/06 19:34:02 nathan Exp $',5,25) int = 0 lon = 0L flt = 0d ; *** Those keywords where zero is a valid value are given initial values ; of -1. ; str = '' sta = REPLICATE(str, 20) secchi_hdr={secchi_exphdr_struct, $ ;SIMPLE :'T', $ ; ; ++++ Most-used keywords ++++ ; BITPIX :int, $ ;Number of bits per pixel (multiple of 8) NAXIS :int, $ ;Number of axes in array NAXIS1 :int, $ ;Number of pixels in fastest ranging axis NAXIS2 :int, $ ;Number of pixels in second fastest ranging axis DATE_OBS:str, $ ;UTC Date and time of observation FILEORIG:str,$ ; name of original downlinked science file SEB_PROG:str,$ ; type of image EXPCMD :-1., $ ;Exposure duration sent (sec) EXPTIME :flt, $ ;Duration of shutter exposure (sec) P1COL :int, $ ;Position of 1st column of image on CCD P2COL :int, $ ;Position of last column of image on CCD P1ROW :int, $ ;Position of 1st row of image on CCD P2ROW :int, $ ;Position of last row of image on CCD LED :str, $ ;LED or laser:'N','B','P','R' ? LEDPULSE:lon,$ ; number of led pulses OFFSET :int, $ ;Offset value used in camera BIAS :flt, $ ; mean of column 15 of readout BIASSDEV:flt, $ ; standard deviation of column 15 of readout GAIN :int, $ ;Gain value used in camera GAINMODE:str,$ ;FPGA Mode (1=LOW or 0=HIGH) SUMMED :flt, $ ;Summing factor CEB_T :int, $ TEMP_CCD:flt, $ POLAR :-1., $ ;Polarization angle (degrees) of polarizer, if any ;from commanded position ENCODERP:-1,$ ; actual encoder value of polarizer ;ENCODERH:-1, $ ;FIlter wheel or Polarizer encoder value SECTOR :str, $ ;Wavelength of commanded Quadrant Selector position ENCODERQ:-1, $ ;Quadrant selector encoder value FILTER :str, $ ;EUVI Filter Wheel commanded position ENCODERF:-1,$ ; actual encoder value of filter wheel FPS_ON :str,$ ; T/F: from actualFPSmode OBS_PROG:str, $ ;Calling procedure or purpose of image ;DOORCLOS:str, $ ;Door is closed, T or F DOORSTAT:int, $ ; door encoder value from enum eDoorStatus in cImageHdr.h SHUTTDIR:str, $ ;CCW, CW, or NONE means no shutter used READ_TBL:-1, $ ;[0-7] which table in WGA_FILE used for readout DATE_CLR:str, $ ; Date/time of start of clear table DATE_RO :str, $ ; Date/time of start of image retrieval READTIME:flt, $ ;Duration of readout (sec) IP_TIME :int,$ ; duraction of onboard processing time (sec) COMPRSSN:int,$ ; code indicating algorithm used for compression COMPFACT:flt,$ ; compression factor achieved NMISSING:-1,$ ; number of blocks missing READFILE:str,$ ; name of readout table file used by fsw SETUPTBL:str,$ EXPOSTBL:str,$ MASK_TBL:str,$ IP_TBL:str,$ COMMENT :sta, $ ; Comment HISTORY :sta, $ ; Comments of processing history ; ; ++++ Less-used keywords ++++ ; TEMPAFT1:flt, $ TEMPAFT2:flt, $ TEMPMID1:flt, $ TEMPMID2:flt, $ TEMPFWD1:flt, $ TEMPFWD2:flt, $ TEMP_CEB:flt, $ ORIGIN :str, $ ;Where image taken/processed DETECTOR:str, $ ;Which telescope CAMERA :str, $ ;Identifier of camera electronics IMGCTR :int, $ ;Number of images since swire/ops mode started ; -or- added by planning tool: 0-9999 OBJECT :str, $ ;What is supposed to be in image FILENAME:str, $ ;Name of FITS file CLR_TBL :-1, $ ;[0-7] which table in WGA_FILE used for clear DATE:str,$ ; time FITS header was created INSTRUME:'SECCHI',$ OBSRVTRY:str,$ WAVEFILE:str,$ ; name of waveform table file used by fsw CCDSUM :flt,$ ; (sumrow + sumcol) / 2.0 IPSUM :flt,$ ; (sebxsum + sebysum) / 2.0 DATE_CMD:str,$ ; originally scheduled observation time DATE_MID:str,$ ; date of midpoint of the exposure(s) (UTC standard) OBT_TIME:flt,$ ; value of STEREO on-board-time since epoch ??? APID :int,$ ; application identifier / how downlinked OBS_ID :int,$ ; observing sequence ID from planniing tool OBSSETID:int,$ ; observing set id from planning tool IP_PROG0:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG1:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG2:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG3:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG4:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG5:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG6:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG7:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG8:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_PROG9:int,$ ; description of onboard image processing sequence used IP_10_19:str,$ ;string representation of values 10 - 19 in ip.Cmds IMGSEQ :int,$ ; number of image in current sequence (usually 1) OBSERVER:str, $ ;Name of operator STG1POS :flt, $ ;Position of StimTel stage 1 STG2POS :flt, $ ;Postion of StimTel stage 2 ; ; ++++ Keywords not yet in use ++++ ; VERSION :str, $ ;Identifier of version of psessioninit.proc CEB_STAT:int, $ ; CEB-Link-status (enum CAMERA_INTERFACE_STATUS) CAM_STAT:int, $ ; CCD-Interface-status (enum CAMERA_PROGRAM_STATE) ; ; -or- seb hdr version BUNIT:str,$ ; unit of values in array BSCALE:flt,$ ; scale factor for FITS BZERO:lon,$ ; value corresponding to zero in array for FITS BLANK:int,$ ; value in array which means no data SCSTATUS:int,$ ; spacecraft status message before exposure SCANT_ON:str,$ ; T/F: derived from s/c status before and after FPS_CMD :str,$ ; T/F: from useFPS SCFP_ON :str,$ ; T/F: from actualSCFinePointMode ; ++ WCS - related ++ SYNC :str,$ ; whether image is synchronized with other S/C CRPIX1 :flt,$ CRPIX2 :flt,$ PC1_1 :flt,$ PC1_2 :flt,$ PC2_1 :flt,$ PC2_2 :flt,$ CRVAL1 :flt,$ CRVAL2 :flt,$ CTYPE1 :'HPLN-TAN',$ CTYPE2 :'HPLT-TAN',$ CUNIT1 :'ARCSEC',$ CUNIT2 :'ARCSEC',$ CDELT1 :flt,$ CDELT2 :flt,$ XCEN :flt,$ YCEN :flt,$ SPICEFIL:str,$ HCIX_OBS:lon,$ HCIY_OBS:lon,$ HCIZ_OBS:lon,$ LONPOLE :180 $ ; ; ++++ Preflight only ++++ ; ; EXPCLR :flt, $ ;Time from start clear to start readout (sec) ; CLEARTIM:flt, $ ;Duration of clear (sec) ; BOARD :int, $ ; cam 1, 2, or 3 ; CCD_ID :str, $ ;identifier of CCD or FPA ; SWIRE :str, $ ;Version info of do_swire.cpp ; WGA_FILE:str, $ ;Version info or name of WGA file, which lists waveforms and tables ; TDSPC :str, $ ;PC used to control camera/mechs ; READSTIM:flt, $ ; duration of readout from do_swire.cpp ; KEITHAVG:flt, $ ;Average current (Amps) during exposure from Keithley electrometer ; KEITH_N :int, $ ;Number of values used to compute KEITHAVG ; KEITH_HI:flt, $ ;High value in KEITH_N readings ; KEITH_LO:flt, $ ;Low value in KEITH_N readings ; TEMP1 :flt, $ ;Deg C from Lakeshore 330A ; TEMP2 :flt, $ ;Deg C from Lakeshore 330B ; TEMP3 :flt, $ ;Deg C from Lakeshore 211 ; LAMP :str, $ ; = LED ; MODE :-1 $ ; = GAINMODE } secchi_hdr_nt = N_TAGS(secchi_hdr) secchi_hdr_tags = TAG_NAMES(secchi_hdr) ; IF (N_PARAMS() EQ 1) THEN BEGIN ;** fill in the structure with the contents of the FITS header ; FOR t=0, lasco_hdr_nt -1 DO BEGIN ;** for each tag in the lasco hdr structure ; var = FXPAR(fits_hdr, lasco_hdr_tags(t)) ; lasco_hdr.(t) = var ; ENDFOR ; ENDIF RETURN, secchi_hdr END