pro secchi_prep, filenames,headers,images,savepath=savepath,outsize=outsize, $ polariz_on=polariz_on, PRECOMMCORRECT_ON=precommcorrect_on, WRITE_FITS=write_fits, $ write_fts=write_fts,write_png=write_png,write_jpg=write_jpg, DEBUG=debug, $ trim_off=trim_off,silent=silent,cosmics=cosmics, UPDATE_HDR_OFF=update_hdr_off, $ CALIMG_OFF=calimg_off, EXPTIME_OFF=exptime_off, CALFAC_OFF=calfac_off, $ NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM=nocalfac_butcorrforipsum, RECTIFY=rectify,$ discri_pobj_on=discri_pobj_on, _EXTRA=ex ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.58 2013/11/07 10:34:45 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : secchi_prep ; ; Purpose : Processes writes STEREO level 1.0 BETA release ; ; Explanation: Reads in the filename of a secchi pre-flight level 0.5 ; data and process data to level 1.0. ; Please see the README. ; ; Use : IDL> secchi_prep,filename,headers,images ; or ; IDL> secchi_prep,filename,/write_[fts,png,jpg] ; ; Inputs : filenames - of secchi data ; ; Output :headers - array of level 1 header sturctures ; ; images - array of processed images, the returned ; array is the size of the largest image, ; smaller images not are scaled ; ; Keywords : outsize - size of output array, if not set output array ; is the size of the largest image ; /polariz_on - COR1 and COR2 ONLY! Total brightness ; images are returned ; and/or saved. If set with ; /PB or /MU or /PERCENT then the polarized brightness or polarization angle ; or percent polarized are returned. ; /write_fts - if set the program writes image to fits file ; /write_png - if set the program writes image to png file ; /write_jpg - if set the program writes image to jpg file ; savepath - if any write_* is set and you would like to ; save the image to a directory other then the ; current, set equal to the full path. ; /trim_off - if set the under/over scan on the images in ; not removed; image size can be greater than 2048 ; cosmics - returns cosmic ray scrub report from image data [HI only] ; /PRECOMMCORRECT_ON - Apply correction to pre-commissioned files ; /CALIMG_OFF - Do not apply vignetting or flat-field calibration ; /EXPTIME_OFF - Do not normalize to 1 sec exptime ; /CALFAC_OFF - Do not apply calibration factor (including summing correction) ; /UPDATE_HDR_OFF - Do not update filename or image stats (but everything else is updated) ; /DEBUG - Extra waits and messages ; /NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM - Sets /CALFAC_OFF and corrects for IP summing ; /RECTIFY - Apply rectification if not already applied ; /discri_pobj_on - or discri_pobj_on=[thres,bias] - Use ; point sources and cosmic removal prog. /discri_pobj_on ; uses default parameters. The second syntax allows ; user's parameters. ; ; Common : sec_prep ; ; Calls : SCCREADFITS,SCC_MAKE_ARRAY, SCC_IMG_TRIM, COR_PREP, ; EUVI_PREP, SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY,COR_POLARIZ, SCC_BYTSCL, ; SECCHI_RECTIFY ; ; Category : Calibration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU October 2006 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.58 2013/11/07 10:34:45 nathan ; make sure levchar is 1 for unbinned HI /NOCALFAC ; ; Revision 1.57 2013/10/28 18:22:21 nathan ; If /EXPTIME_OFF then /UPDATE_HDR_OFF; do not do corrforipsum if hdr.ipsum GT 1 ; ; Revision 1.56 2012/06/26 21:51:03 nathan ; Changes resulting from calfac/filename problem for HI: add /CALIMG_OFF, ; /EXPTIME_OFF,/CALFAC_OFF; set hdr.calfac; add CCDPIX to BUNIT for /NOCALFAC ; case; special HI levchar for /NOCALFAC ; ; Revision 1.55 2012/04/10 17:52:08 nathan ; Set BUNIT=DN/s/CCDPIX if /NOCALFAC ; ; Revision 1.54 2010/08/17 16:35:21 nathan ; graceful exit for empty input; change putin_array call ; ; Revision 1.53 2008/10/28 22:02:35 nathan ; added PRECOMM keyword to cor_prep call ; ; Revision 1.52 2008/08/26 19:45:52 nathan ; check for calfac_off before setting ; ; Revision 1.51 2008/05/21 19:16:09 nathan ; added /WRITE_FITS ; ; Revision 1.50 2008/05/16 20:58:44 thernis ; Use execute for discri_pobj to avoid compilation error for people that don't have the nrlgen directory installed ; ; Revision 1.49 2008/05/13 18:57:43 thernis ; Apply after background subtraction for COR1 ; ; Revision 1.48 2008/05/07 20:39:00 thernis ; Change dscri_pobj to discri_pobj_on to avoid compilation error ; ; Revision 1.47 2008/05/07 20:01:23 thernis ; Implement /discri_pobj ; ; Revision 1.46 2008/04/10 17:32:00 colaninn ; corrected COR1 call to cor_polariz and topographical ; ; Revision 1.45 2008/01/24 17:38:19 nathan ; do mask, rotate, etc. if /nocalfac set ; ; Revision 1.44 2008/01/22 19:44:43 nathan ; fixed last edit because I did it wrong ; ; Revision 1.43 2008/01/18 18:15:30 nathan ; Do not change value of OUTSIZE keyword for output ; ; Revision 1.42 2008/01/17 20:20:56 colaninn ; added sub-routine ; ; Revision 1.41 2008/01/17 16:54:58 thompson ; *** empty log message *** ; ; Revision 1.40 2008/01/17 16:32:49 thompson ; Automatically apply precommcorrect to early COR1 images. ; ; Revision 1.39 2007/12/13 17:00:20 colaninn ; changed default size for multiple files ; ; Revision 1.38 2007/12/05 19:26:53 nathan ; fixed case where exptime incorrectly computed if precommcorrect and some null records in ext hdr ; ; Revision 1.37 2007/11/13 21:48:26 nathan ; skip images whose filenames indicate already prepped ; ; Revision 1.36 2007/11/02 21:50:22 nathan ; add /RECTIFY option and Bug248 RCOL/ROW correction ; ; Revision 1.35 2007/10/26 22:52:33 nathan ; removed print blank line if /silent ; ; Revision 1.34 2007/10/17 16:34:47 colaninn ; changed use message ; ; Revision 1.33 2007/09/25 15:46:47 nathan ; added /NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM (Bug 217) ; ; Revision 1.32 2007/09/20 20:51:48 nathan ; added use info ; ; Revision 1.31 2007/08/29 12:07:56 crothers ; added array catenation to cosmics ; ; Revision 1.30 2007/08/29 11:39:58 crothers ; Exposed keyword cosmics in hi_correction ; ; Revision 1.29 2007/08/24 19:30:49 nathan ; updated info messages and hdr history ; ; Revision 1.28 2007/08/23 23:54:31 nathan ; add info messages ; ; Revision 1.27 2007/06/29 14:49:28 colaninn ; added code to skip image when error occurs and continue processing ; ; Revision 1.26 2007/06/15 21:38:57 colaninn ; made change to better handle cropped images ; ; Revision 1.25 2007/05/21 20:16:06 colaninn ; added silent keyword ; ; Revision 1.24 2007/05/18 19:44:30 colaninn ; removed output switch warning ; ; Revision 1.23 2007/04/04 19:11:51 colaninn ; reversed output parameters for all prep programs ; ; Revision 1.22 2007/04/04 15:27:26 colaninn ; reversed output parameters for all prep programs ; ; Revision 1.21 2007/04/03 21:22:24 nathan ; total exptime in extended header for summed images (Bug 126) ; ; Revision 1.20 2007/03/13 17:41:49 nathan ; Take away explicit /PERCENT and remove /PPIMAGE and /PPHDR; add COMMON sec_prep; ; remove COMMON fits_comments; use spcomments not comments variable ; ; Revision 1.19 2007/02/13 15:12:07 colaninn ; updated get_fitscomments call ; ; Revision 1.18 2007/02/06 21:00:30 colaninn ; added keyword comment handling ; ; Revision 1.17 2007/02/05 15:53:09 nathan ; add PPIMAGE and PPHDR keyword outputs for ; ; Revision 1.16 2007/02/02 00:11:57 nathan ; add /DEBUG, polcmnts, more FITS comments ; ; Revision 1.15 2007/01/31 18:29:51 nathan ; Add /PRECOMMCORRECT_ON; add header keyword comments for output FITS file ; ; Revision 1.14 2007/01/29 22:41:46 nathan ; implement /PERCENT; reorder some messages ; ; Revision 1.13 2007/01/27 00:11:00 nathan ; correct call to struct2fitshead ; ; Revision 1.12 2007/01/19 19:13:59 newmark ; 2007/01/19 Update for HI_PREP newmark ; ; Revision 1.11 2007/01/19 17:23:58 colaninn ; moved scc_putin_array to top of for loop ; ; Revision 1.10 2007/01/17 15:31:30 colaninn ; created from ; ; Revision 1.9 2006/12/14 21:31:49 colaninn ; updated header ; ; Revision 1.8 2006/12/07 21:15:26 colaninn ; made write_on work with polariz_on ; ; Revision 1.7 2006/12/06 20:06:19 colaninn ; added code for polariz_on ; ; Revision 1.6 2006/12/05 21:04:57 colaninn ; corrected hdr.summed code ; ; Revision 1.5 2006/11/27 19:54:04 colaninn ; changed trim_off keyword setting ; ; Revision 1.4 2006/11/21 22:15:13 colaninn ; made updates for Beta 2 ; ; Revision 1.3 2006/10/24 20:37:35 colaninn ; added ; ; Revision 1.2 2006/10/10 13:44:18 colaninn ; corrected ! problem ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/10/03 15:28:42 nathan ; moved from dev/analysis ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/10/02 18:57:29 colaninn ; beta release ; ;- COMMON sec_prep, spcomments little_endian = (BYTE(1, 0, 1))[0] IF ~keyword_set(SILENT) THEN print,'' IF ~keyword_set(SILENT) THEN $ print,'$Id:,v 1.58 2013/11/07 10:34:45 nathan Exp $' ;--Check validity of input parameters and keywords--------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF n_params() LT 1 THEN BEGIN message,"Use: IDL> secchi_prep, filename, header, image",/infrom message,'or IDL> secchi_prep, filename, /write_[fts,png,jpg]' ENDIF help,filenames ;--Allow graceful exit for empty input IF datatype(filenames) NE 'STR' or strlen(filenames[0]) LT 9 THEN BEGIN message,'Invalid input. Returning...',/info wait,4 return ENDIF ;--Create structure to send keywords to subroutines IF datatype(ex) EQ 'UND' THEN ex = create_struct('blank',-1) ;--Check for WRITE_ON keyword write_flag = 0 IF keyword_set(WRITE_FITS) THEN write_fts=1 IF keyword_set(WRITE_FTS) THEN write_flag = 1 IF keyword_set(WRITE_PNG) THEN write_flag = 1 IF keyword_set(WTITE_JPG) THEN write_flag = 1 IF NOT write_flag AND n_params() EQ 1 THEN $ message, 'Keyword WRITE_* must be set when no output parameters are entered' ;--Check for TRIM_OFF keyword IF keyword_set(TRIM_OFF) THEN ex = create_struct('trim_off',1,ex) IF keyword_set(TRIM_OFF) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'calibrate_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('calibrate_off',1,ex) ;--Pass SILENT keyword to subroutines IF keyword_set(SILENT) THEN ex = create_struct('silent',1,ex) IF keyword_set(POLARIZ_ON) THEN ex = create_struct('polariz_on',1,ex) ;--Pass CALFAC_OFF if NOCALFAC set IF keyword_set(NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'calfac_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('calfac_off',1,ex) IF keyword_set(CALFAC_OFF) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'calfac_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('calfac_off',1,ex) IF keyword_set(CALIMG_OFF) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'calimg_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('calimg_off',1,ex) IF keyword_set(EXPTIME_OFF) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'exptime_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('exptime_off',1,ex) IF keyword_set(EXPTIME_OFF) AND ~tag_exist(ex,'update_hdr_off') THEN $ ex = create_struct('update_hdr_off',1,ex) ;--Check for SAVEPATH keyword IF keyword_set(SAVEPATH) THEN BEGIN savepath = file_search(SAVEPATH,/test_directory,/test_write,count=pflag) defsysv, '!DELIMITER', exists = df IF df NE 1 THEN sl = get_delim() ELSE sl = !delimiter IF pflag EQ 1 THEN savepath = savepath+sl ELSE $ message,'Could not find entered SAVEPATH' ENDIF ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--Create array to return images to memory----------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF keyword_set(OUTSIZE) THEN outsize0 = outsize images = SCC_MAKE_ARRAY(filenames,headers,outout,outsize=outsize0,_extra=ex) ex = create_struct(ex,'outsize',outout) ;--Check for POLARIZ_ON keyword pn =3 IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN ss = size(images,/dim) seq=fltarr(ss[0],ss[1],pn) seq_hdr = replicate(def_secchi_hdr(silent=silent),pn) ENDIF ELSE seq=0 polariz_count=0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--Loop to process each image------------------------------------------ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- num = n_elements(filenames) str_num = strtrim(string(num),2) ;--Open image FOR i=0, num-1 DO BEGIN ;--Allows SECCHI_PREP to continue on errors ;------------------------------------------------------------------ CATCH, error_status IF error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR WHILE PROCESSING '+hdr.filename+' IMAGE SKIPPED' help, /Last_Message, Output=traceback Print, 'Traceback Report from SECCHI_PREP :' FOR j=0,N_Elements(traceback)-2 DO Print, " " + traceback[j] !ERROR_STATE.CODE =0 IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN i = i+(pn-polariz_count) polariz_count = 0 ENDIF ELSE i=i+1 IF i GT num-1 THEN RETURN ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN BEGIN message,'Processing image '+strtrim(string(i+1),2)+$ ' out of '+str_num,/inform message,filenames[i],/inform ENDIF im = SCCREADFITS(filenames[i],hdr,silent=silent,header=str_hdr) spcomments = GET_FITSCOMMENTS(str_hdr,hdr) IF hdr.calfac EQ 0 THEN hdr.calfac=1.0 ;--Correct for Bug 248; BUG CLOSED 2007-11-02 IF hdr.rectify NE 'T' THEN BEGIN hdr.r1col=hdr.p1col hdr.r2col=hdr.p2col hdr.r1row=hdr.p1row hdr.r2row=hdr.p2row ENDIF IF keyword_set(RECTIFY) and hdr.rectify NE 'T' THEN $ im=SECCHI_RECTIFY(temporary(im),hdr) ;--Correct for pre commissioning bugs. ;--Automatically correct early COR1 images. ;------------------------------------------------------------------ if n_elements(precommcorrect_on) eq 1 then $ test=keyword_set(PRECOMMCORRECT_ON) $ else begin if hdr.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_A' then $ date0 = '2007-02-03T13:15' else $ date0 = '2007-02-21T21' test = (hdr.detector eq 'COR1') and (hdr.date_obs lt date0) and ( lt '2008-01-17') endelse help,test IF test THEN BEGIN IF hdr.extend EQ 'T' and hdr.n_images GT 1 THEN BEGIN xh=mrdfits(filenames[i],1) z=where(xh.exptime EQ 0,nz) IF nz LE 0 THEN hdr.exptime=total(xh.exptime) ENDIF precommcorrect, im, hdr, exthdr=xh, _extra=ex ENDIF ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ;--Trim image under/over scan IF ~keyword_set(TRIM_OFF) THEN BEGIN im = SCC_IMG_TRIM(im,hdr,_extra=ex) ENDIF ;--Rescale image to fit in output array im = SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY(im,hdr,outout,_extra=ex) ; -- apply, a point sources removal prog if keyword_set(discri_pobj_on) then begin if n_elements(discri_pobj_on) eq 2 then begin foo=execute('im=discri_pobj(im,thres=discri_pobj_on[0],bias=discri_pobj_on[1])') endif else CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI' : im=discri_pobj(im) 'COR1' : ; done in cor1_calibrate ;im=discri_pobj(im) 'COR2' : foo=execute('im=discri_pobj(im,thres=0.01,bias=0.)') 'HI1' : im=discri_pobj(im) 'HI2' : im=discri_pobj(im) else : message,'Unknown detector !' endcase endif ;--Check for Level 1 images levelb = reform(byte(strmid(hdr.filename,16,1))) IF levelb LE 57 AND levelb GE 48 THEN BEGIN ;--Filename indicates image has had calibration applied message,'17th char of filename indicates image has already been processed.',/inform message,'Skipping calibration.',/inform IF ~tag_exist(ex,'calibrate_off') THEN ex = CREATE_STRUCT('calibrate_off',1,ex) IF ~tag_exist(ex,'calfac_off') THEN ex = CREATE_STRUCT('calfac_off',1,ex) ENDIF ;--BEGIN CALIBRATION-------------------------------- CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI': BEGIN EUVI_PREP,hdr,im,_extra=ex END 'COR1':BEGIN COR_PREP,hdr,im,discri_pobj_on=discri_pobj_on,_extra=ex ;--Background Substaction(OFF) ;--Polarization processing (OFF) IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN polariz_count = polariz_count+1 seq = shift(seq,0,0,1) ;seq[*,*,0] = SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY(im,hdr,outsize,_extra=ex) seq[*,*,0] = im seq_hdr = shift(seq_hdr,1) seq_hdr[0]=hdr IF polariz_count EQ pn THEN BEGIN im = COR_POLARIZ(seq,seq_hdr,hdr,ppimage=ppim, pphdr=pph, _extra=ex) ENDIF ENDIF END 'COR2': BEGIN COR_PREP,hdr,im, PRECOMMCORRECT_ON=precommcorrect_on, _extra=ex ;--Background Substaction(OFF) ;--Polarization processing (OFF) IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN polariz_count = polariz_count+1 seq = shift(seq,0,0,1) ;seq[*,*,0] = SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY(im,hdr,outsize,_extra=ex) seq[*,*,0] = im seq_hdr = shift(seq_hdr,1) seq_hdr[0]=hdr IF polariz_count EQ pn THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(DEBUG) THEN BEGIN print,'Starting COR_POLARIZ in 3...' wait,3 ENDIF im = COR_POLARIZ(seq,seq_hdr,hdr,ppimage=ppim, pphdr=pph, _extra=ex) ENDIF ENDIF END 'HI1': BEGIN HI_PREP,hdr,im,cosmics=cosmic2,_extra=ex if i eq 0 then cosmics=cosmic2 else cosmics=[cosmics, cosmic2] END 'HI2': BEGIN HI_PREP,hdr,im,cosmics=cosmic2,_extra=ex if i eq 0 then cosmics=cosmic2 else cosmics=[cosmics, cosmic2] END ELSE: message,'STEREO SECCHI DETECTOR could not be found' ENDCASE ;---------------------------------------------------- ;--Correct for IP Summing here OR in sumcount=0 IF keyword_set(NOCALFAC_BUTCORRFORIPSUM) or (~tag_exist(ex,'CALFAC_OFF') and hdr.calfac EQ 1.0) THEN BEGIN sumcount=hdr.ipsum-1 divfactor=(2^(sumcount))^2 im=im/divfactor IF hdr.ipsum GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF ~keyword_set(SILENT) THEN BEGIN message,'Divided image by '+trim(divfactor)+' to account for IPSUM',/info message,'IPSUM changed to 1 in header.',/info ENDIF hdr=scc_update_history(hdr,'image Divided by '+trim(divfactor)+' to account for IPSUM') ENDIF hdr.ipsum=1 hdr.bunit=hdr.bunit+'/CCDPIX' IF strmid(hdr.detector,0,2) EQ 'HI' THEN levchar='1' ELSE levchar='0' filename=hdr.filename strput, filename,levchar,16 IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'Adding levchar='+levchar+' to FILENAME',/info hdr.filename = filename ENDIF aftercalibration: ;--Fill output array IF n_params() GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN IF (polariz_count EQ pn) THEN BEGIN p = (i-2)/3.0 ;p is 1 image for every 3 of i headers[p] = hdr images[*,*,p]=im IF ~write_flag THEN polariz_count=0 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN headers[i] = hdr images[*,*,i]=im ENDELSE ENDIF ;--Print file to disk IF write_flag THEN BEGIN pfilename = hdr.filename tvlct, r,g,b,/get IF keyword_set(savepath) THEN pfilename = savepath+pfilename skip_flag = 0 IF keyword_set(polariz_on) AND (polariz_count NE pn) THEN skip_flag =1 IF NOT skip_flag THEN BEGIN CASE 1 OF keyword_set(write_fts): BEGIN SCCWRITEFITS, hdr.filename,im,hdr,SAVEPATH=savepath, _EXTRA=ex END keyword_set(write_png): BEGIN pfilename = strmid(pfilename,0,strlen(pfilename)-3)+'png' IF ~keyword_set(silent)THEN message,'WRITING '+pfilename,/inform im = SCC_BYTSCL(im,hdr) IF little_endian THEN BEGIN write_png,pfilename,im,r,g,b ENDIF ELSE write_png,pfilename,rotate(im,7),r,g,b END keyword_set(write_jpg): BEGIN pfilename = strmid(pfilename,0,strlen(pfilename)-3)+'jpg' IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'WRITING '+pfilename,/inform write_jpeg,pfilename,bytscl(im,0,hdr.datap95) END ENDCASE polariz_count =0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDFOR IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'FINISHED!',/inform ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END