function sccrorigin,scch,silent=silent ;+ ; NAME: SCCRORIGIN ; PURPOSE: ; function to return rectified lower left (origin) value of full imaging area ; ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: coord = sccrorigin(scch) ; ; INPUTS: scch = SECCHI header structure ; ; KEYWORDs: ; ; OUTPUTS: coord = [r1col,r1row] of start of imaging area of CCD (FITS coord) ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; PROCEDURE: ; ; Written : Nathan Rich, NRL/I2, 1/18/08 ; ; Modified : ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 2.3 2011/08/29 16:27:09 nathan ; fix datatype issue ; ; Revision 2.2 2010/08/17 16:33:21 nathan ; LASCO/EIT case ; ; Revision 2.1 2008/01/22 17:24:13 nathan ; assumes all readouts begin on row 1 ; ; Based on ; Revision 1.20 2007/11/27 15:58:06 mcnutt ; info="$Id:,v 2.3 2011/08/29 16:27:09 nathan Exp $" len=strlen(info) histinfo=strmid(info,1,len-2) ; For now, assume all readouts are the same and image area of readout begins on row 1 p1col=51 p1row=1 rectify=scch.rectify IF datatype(rectify) NE 'STR' THEN rectify='T' IF rectify EQ 'T' THEN BEGIN if (scch.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A') then begin case scch.detector of 'EUVI': begin r1col =129 r1row =79 end 'COR1': begin r1col =1 r1row =79 end 'COR2': begin r1col =129 r1row =51 end 'HI1': begin r1col =51 r1row =1 end 'HI2': begin r1col =51 r1row =1 end endcase endif ELSE $ if (scch.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_B') then begin case scch.detector of 'EUVI': begin r1col =1 r1row =79 end 'COR1': begin r1col =129 r1row =51 end 'COR2': begin r1col =1 r1row =79 end 'HI1': begin r1col =79 r1row =129 end 'HI2': begin r1col =79 r1row =129 end endcase endif ELSE BEGIN ; LASCO/EIT r1col=20 r1row=1 ENDELSE endif else begin r1col=51 r1row=1 endelse return,([r1col,r1row]) end