function scc_update_comments, comments0, hdr ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.3 2007/06/25 14:07:24 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : ; ; Purpose : The function returns updated keyword comments for level ; 1 and level 2 processing. ; ; Use : IDL> comments1=scc_update_comments(comments_array, headervalues) ; ; Inputs : comments0 - string array of comments ; : hdr - SECCHI header structure for value-dependent comments ; ; Outputs : comments - updated string array of comments ; ; Calls : ; ; Common : secchi_header - defined in ; ; Category : Administration, Calibration ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU Feb 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2007/06/25 14:07:24 colaninn ; only update polarized comments for CORs ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/03/13 17:36:57 nathan ; make sure input is unchanged; no vars in common block ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/06 20:57:48 colaninn ; added to secchi_prep ; ; ;- COMMON secchi_header ;, sechdrstruct, sechdrtags comments=comments0 ; so input is unchanged comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'BZERO')] = 'Data is Floating Point' polcmnts=strarr(1005) polcmnts[1001:1004]=['Total Brightness','Polarized Brightness','Percent Polarized','Polarization Angle'] IF hdr.DETECTOR EQ 'COR1' OR hdr.DETECTOR EQ 'COR2' THEN BEGIN IF (hdr.N_IMAGES GT 1) THEN BEGIN comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'EXPTIME')] = 'Original times in comment' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'EXPCMD')] = 'Average of input images' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'BIASMEAN')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'BIASSDEV')] = 'Max' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'CEB_T')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMP_CCD')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'READTIME')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'CLEARTIM')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'IP_TIME')] = 'Total' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'COMPFACT')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'NMISSING')] = 'Total' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPAFT1')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPAFT2')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPMID1')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPMID2')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPFWD1')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMPFWD2')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'TEMP_CEB')] = 'Average' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'CROTA')] = 'Average; see comment' comments[where(sechdrtags EQ 'POLAR')] = polcmnts[hdr.polar] ENDIF ENDIF return,comments END