function scc_make_array, filenames,headers,outout,silent=silent,outsize=outsize, trim_off=trim_off,polariz_on=polariz_on,full=full, _extra=ex ;+ ;$Id:,v 2.8 2020/09/14 14:24:13 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : ; ; Purpose : creates output array from header information ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> img_out = scc_make_array(filenames) ; ; Inputs : filenames - string array of FITS filenames ; ; Outputs : array - flaoting point cube ; ; Side Effects : Rebin images if image is large then outsize. Buffers ; image if outsize is larger then outsize. ; ; Keywords : trim_off - if set then outsize is set to 2176 ; /FULL place the subfield in a FFV image array when scc_putin_array is called ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, SCCRORIGIN, SCCREADFITS ; ; Category : Admistration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU JANUARY 2008 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 2.8 2020/09/14 14:24:13 nathan ; update common output_array to match ; ; Revision 2.7 2011/12/21 23:30:53 nathan ; rewrite the whole subfield section ; ; Revision 2.6 2010/08/11 17:26:35 nathan ; fix 2048 value in offset array ; ; Revision 2.5 2008/09/22 19:15:27 nathan ; allow outsize input to be an array ; ; Revision 2.4 2008/07/14 18:29:10 nathan ; fixed comment logging ; ;- COMMON output_array, out ON_ERROR,2 num = n_elements(filenames) void = sccreadfits(filenames,mhdr,/nodata) IF keyword_set(TRIM_OFF) THEN BEGIN outsize =[2176,2176] readsize = [2176,2176] offset = [1,2176,1,2176] summed = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN start = SCCRORIGIN(mhdr[0]) offset = [start[0],start[0]+2047,start[1],start[1]+2047] ; --Offset is equivalent to r1(2)col(row) ;--Exclude over/underscan r = [mhdr.R2COL-mhdr.R1COL+mhdr.R2ROW-mhdr.R1ROW] w = where(r LT 2047*2, sub_num) ;--Find maximum extent of CCD readout if there are sub_fields IF sub_num GT 0 and not keyword_set(FULL) THEN BEGIN ;--Keyword FULL place the subfield in a standard full image ;--Check for same spacecraft and detector xxx = where(mhdr.OBSRVTRY NE mhdr[0].OBSRVTRY,nob) IF nob NE 0 THEN message,'Cannot process spacecraft A & B with subfields' xxx = where(mhdr.DETECTOR NE mhdr[0].DETECTOR,nde) IF nde NE 0 THEN message,'Cannot process mixed detectors with subfields' offset = [start[0]>min(mhdr.R1COL),(start[0]+2047)min(mhdr.R1ROW),(start[1]+2047)