function scc_img_trim, im, hdr,silent=silent ;+ ; $Id:,v 2.4 2007/12/13 17:01:13 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : ; ; Purpose : returns rectified images with under/over scan areas removed ; ; Explanation: The program returns the imaging area of the CCD. If the ; image has not been rectified such that ecliptic north ; is up then the image is rectified ; ; Use : IDL> img = scc_img_trim(im, hdr) ; ; Inputs : im - any SECCHI image ; hdr -image header (FITS or SECCHI header structure) ; ; Outputs : img - imaging area; floating point array ; ; Side Effects : Modifies header structure to new image values. ; ; Keywords : cor1_flip - set if using old cor1 data ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, SECCHI_RECTIFY,SCC_UPDATE_HISTORY, ; FITSHEAD2WCS, WCS_GET_COORD ; ; Category : Admistration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU October 2006 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 2.4 2007/12/13 17:01:13 colaninn ; Removed print ; ; Revision 2.3 2007/11/30 15:17:49 colaninn ; corrected R1(2)ROW(COL) ; ; Revision 2.2 2007/11/01 15:38:51 colaninn ; put update to R1(2)COL(ROW) back ; ; Revision 2.1 2007/10/18 20:49:29 colaninn ; add more checks for DSTOP1(2) ; ; Revision 2.0 2007/10/17 16:27:42 colaninn ; now uses DSTART1(2) DSTOP(1)(2) keywords ; ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/10/20 15:40:46 colaninn ; first entry ; ;- ON_ERROR,2 info="$Id:,v 2.4 2007/12/13 17:01:13 colaninn Exp $" len=strlen(info) histinfo=strmid(info,1,len-2) IF(DATATYPE(hdr) NE 'STC') THEN hdr=SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT(hdr) IF ~strmatch(TAG_NAMES(hdr,/STRUCTURE_NAME),'SECCHI_HDR_STRUCT*') THEN $ MESSAGE, 'ONLY SECCHI HEADER STRUCTURE ALLOWED' ;--Check for un-reprocessed data IF (hdr.DSTOP1 LT 1) OR (hdr.DSTOP1 GT hdr.NAXIS1) OR (hdr.DSTOP2 GT hdr.NAXIS2) THEN PRECOMMCORRECT,im,hdr,_extra=ex x1 = hdr.DSTART1-1 x2 = hdr.DSTOP1-1 y1 = hdr.DSTART2-1 y2 = hdr.DSTOP2-1 ;--Apply Trim------------------------------------ img = im[x1:x2,y1:y2] s = size(img,/dim) IF (hdr.naxis1 NE s[0]) OR (hdr.naxis2 NE s[1]) THEN BEGIN IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'Removing image under/over scan',/inform ;--Update header values; image cooridinates IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'Updating header',/inform sum = 2^(hdr.summed-1) hdr.R1COL = hdr.R1COL+(x1*sum) hdr.R2COL = hdr.R1COL+(s[0]*sum)-1 hdr.R1ROW = hdr.R1ROW+(y1*sum) hdr.R2ROW = hdr.R1ROW+(s[1]*sum)-1 hdr.DSTART1 = 1 hdr.DSTOP1 = s[0] hdr.DSTART2 = 1 hdr.DSTOP2 = s[1] hdr.NAXIS1 = s[0] hdr.NAXIS2 = s[1] hdr.CRPIX1 = hdr.CRPIX1-x1 hdr.CRPIX1A = hdr.CRPIX1A-x1 hdr.CRPIX2 = hdr.CRPIX2-y1 hdr.CRPIX2A = hdr.CRPIX2A-y1 WCS = FITSHEAD2WCS(hdr) xycen = WCS_GET_COORD(WCS, [(hdr.NAXIS1-1.)/2., (hdr.NAXIS2-1.)/2.]) hdr.XCEN=xycen[0] hdr.YCEN=xycen[1] hdr = SCC_UPDATE_HISTORY(hdr,',v 1.12 2007/01/31 REMOVED OVER/UNDER SCAN') ENDIF RETURN,img END