function scc_get_missing,hdr, SILENT=silent ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.13 2012/01/25 15:54:47 thompson Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_get_missing ; ; Purpose : This function returns the index of the missing ; pixels. ; ; Explanation: The function uses the MISSLIST keyword. Finds all the ; image index of all superpixels that are missing in ; the image. ; ; Use : IDL> missing_index = scc_miss_pixels(hdr) ; ; Inputs : hdr -image header, either fits or SECCHI structure ; ; Outputs : missing_index - the longword vector containing the ; 1D subscripts of the missing pixels ; ; Keywords : ; ; Restictions: Does not handle COMPRSSN=98 (8 segments) ; ; Calls : BNTOINT ; ; ; Category : Masking, Missing Blocks ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU August 2006 ; Rewrite : June 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.13 2012/01/25 15:54:47 thompson ; More robust treatment of misslist ; ; Revision 1.12 2007/10/31 18:15:03 nathan ; Left in stopcd ~/secchi/idl/prep ; ; Revision 1.11 2007/10/31 18:10:17 nathan ; forgot to test, had to fix data type error ; ; Revision 1.10 2007/10/31 18:00:22 nathan ; Made output in 1-segment case pixels not superpixels; updated comments; ; print error message if hdr.comprssn=98 ; ; Revision 1.9 2007/10/31 17:33:38 nathan ; added 1-segment ICER case, and /SILENT (Bug 246) ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/06/22 21:03:16 colaninn ; complete overhaul now works for all compressions ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/05/21 20:16:06 colaninn ; added silent keyword ; ;- tyme=systime(1) IF(DATATYPE(hdr) NE 'STC') THEN hdr=SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT(hdr) IF ~strmatch(TAG_NAMES(hdr,/STRUCTURE_NAME),'SECCHI_HDR_STRUCT*') THEN $ MESSAGE, 'ONLY SECCHI HEADER STRUCTURE ALLOWED' ;--Convert MISSLIST to Superpixel 1D index base =34 len = strlen(hdr.MISSLIST) IF fix(len/2) NE len/2.0 THEN BEGIN misslist=' '+hdr.MISSLIST len = len+1 ENDIF ELSE misslist=hdr.MISSLIST dex = (indgen((len/2)>1)*2) misslist = bntoint(strtrim(strmid(misslist,dex,2),2),base) n = n_elements(misslist) IF n NE hdr.NMISSING THEN BEGIN message,'MISSLIST does not equal NMISSING',/inform RETURN, 0 ENDIF ;----------------------------------------- ;--Rice Compression and H-compress-------- IF hdr.COMPRSSN LT 89 THEN BEGIN ;--Define Superpixel size and length blksz = 64L blklen = blksz^2 missing = lonarr(n*blklen) ;--Calculate the 2D index of the Superpixel ax1=hdr.naxis1/blksz ax2=hdr.naxis2/blksz blocks=[[misslist MOD ax1] ,[misslist/ax2]] ;--Math Cheats dot = replicate(1,blksz) plus = findgen(blksz) ;--Expanded Superpixel index x = transpose(dot)##plus y = transpose(plus)##dot ;--Shift expanded index for each SUPERPIXEL!! FOR i=0,n-1 DO BEGIN xx = reform(x+(blocks[i,0]*blksz),blklen) yy = reform(y+(blocks[i,1]*blksz),blklen) missing[blklen*i:blklen*(i+1)-1]=long(yy*hdr.naxis1)+xx ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE $ ;----------------------------------------- ;--ICER Compression----------------------- ;IF hdr.COMPRSSN GT 89 THEN BEGIN ;--16 Segment ICER Compression---------- IF (hdr.COMPRSSN GE 96) AND (hdr.COMPRSSN LE 97) THEN BEGIN ;--Define Superpixel size and length ax1=4 ax2=4 blksz=long(hdr.naxis1/ax1) ;--Calculate the 2D index of the Superpixel blocks=[[misslist MOD ax1] ,[misslist/ax2]] ;--Calculate the Rectified 2D index!! IF hdr.RECTIFY EQ 'T' THEN BEGIN IF (hdr.OBSRVTRY EQ 'STEREO_A') THEN BEGIN CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI':blocks = [[ax1-blocks[*,1]-1],[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1]] 'COR1':blocks = [[blocks[*,1]],[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1]] 'COR2':blocks = [[ax1-blocks[*,1]-1],[blocks[*,0]]] 'HI1' :blocks = blocks 'HI2' :blocks = blocks ENDCASE ENDIF IF (hdr.OBSRVTRY EQ 'STEREO_B') THEN BEGIN CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI':blocks = [[blocks[*,1]],[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1]] 'COR1':blocks = [[ax1-blocks[*,1]-1],[blocks[*,0]]] 'COR2':blocks = [[blocks[*,1]],[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1]] 'HI1' :blocks = [[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1],[ax1-blocks[*,1]-1]] 'HI2' :blocks = [[ax1-blocks[*,0]-1],[ax1-blocks[*,1]-1]] ENDCASE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE blocks=blocks ;--Buffer: add extra width to Superpixel t=intarr(4,4) t[blocks[*,0],blocks[*,1]]=1 buffer = intarr(4,4,4) buffer[0:2,*,0] = t[0:2,*]-t[1:*,*]>0 buffer[1:*,*,1] = t[1:*,*]-t[0:2,*]>0 buffer[*,0:2,2] = t[*,0:2]-t[*,1:*]>0 buffer[*,1:*,3] = t[*,1:*]-t[*,0:2]>0 buffer = reform(buffer,16,4) buffer = buffer[(blocks[*,1]*ax1+blocks[*,0]),*] ;--Define length of each block blklen = replicate(blksz,n) blklen = (blklen+total(buffer[*,0:1],2,/int)*20L)*$ (blklen+total(buffer[*,2:3],2,/int)*20L) missing = lonarr((total(blklen,/int))) ;--Math Cheats dot = replicate(1,blksz+40) plus = indgen(blksz+40)-20 ;--Expanded Superpixel index x = transpose(dot)##plus y = transpose(plus)##dot ;--Shift expanded index for each SUPERPIXEL!! FOR i=0,n-1 DO BEGIN xx = x & yy = y IF ~buffer[i,0] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[0:blksz+19,*]&yy=yy[0:blksz+19,*]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,1] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[20:*,*] & yy =yy[20:*,*]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,2] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[*,0:blksz+19] &yy=yy[*,0:blksz+19]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,3] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[*,20:*] & yy =yy[*,20:*]&ENDIF xx = reform((xx+(blocks[i,0]*blksz)),blklen[i]) yy = reform((yy+(blocks[i,1]*blksz)),blklen[i]) missing[(total(blklen[0:i],/int)-blklen[i]):(total(blklen[0:i],/int)-1)]$ =long(yy*hdr.naxis1)+xx ENDFOR ENDIF ELSE $ ;--------------------------------------- ;--32 Segment ICER Compression---------- IF (hdr.COMPRSSN GE 90) AND (hdr.COMPRSSN LE 95) THEN BEGIN ;The 32 segment ICER compressions has four groups of different ;sized rectangular superpixels. The groups are not on a regular grid. ;--Index of Supergroup sg = intarr(n) ;-- Define rectangular shaped Superpixels blksz = [[400,416,336,352],[320,320,384,384]]/2^(hdr.summed-1) ax1=[5,6] ax2=[4,2] ;--Supergroup offset from regular grid s = [[0,-32,0,-64],[0,0,-256,-256]]/2^(hdr.summed-1) ;--Calculate the Supergroup index and ;-- the 2D index of the Superpixels blocks = [[misslist],[misslist]] bot = where(misslist LE 19,botn) top = where(misslist GE 20,topn) IF topn GT 0 THEN BEGIN blocks[top,0] = (blocks[top,0]-20) MOD ax1[1] blocks[top,1] = ((blocks[top,1]-20)/ax1[1])+ ax2[0] three = where(blocks[top,0] GE 4,nthree) IF nthree GT 0 THEN sg[top[three]]=3 two = where(blocks[top,0] LE 3,ntwo) IF ntwo GT 0 THEN sg[top[two]]=2 ENDIF IF botn GT 0 THEN BEGIN blocks[bot,0] = blocks[bot,0] MOD ax1[0] blocks[bot,1] = blocks[bot,1]/ax1[0] one = where(blocks[bot,0] GE 2,none) IF none GT 0 THEN sg[bot[one]]=1 zero = where(blocks[bot,0] LE 1,nzero) IF nzero GT 0 THEN sg[bot[zero]]=0 ENDIF ;--Buffer: add extra width to Superpixel t=intarr(6,6) t[blocks[*,0],blocks[*,1]]=1 t[[5,11,17,23]]=2 buffer = intarr(6,6,4) buffer[0:4,*,0] = t[0:4,*]-t[1:*,*]>0 buffer[1:*,*,1] = t[1:*,*]-t[0:4,*]>0 buffer[*,0:4,2] = t[*,0:4]-t[*,1:*]>0 buffer[*,1:*,3] = t[*,1:*]-t[*,0:4]>0 c = where(t ne 2) buffer = reform(buffer,36,4) buffer = buffer[c,*] buffer = buffer[misslist,*] ;--Define length of each block blklen=long64([[blksz[sg,0]],[blksz[sg,1]]]) blklen = (blklen[*,0]+total(buffer[*,0:1],2,/int)*20L)*$ (blklen[*,1]+total(buffer[*,2:3],2,/int)*20L) missing = lonarr((total(blklen,/int)),2) ;--Math Cheats dot = replicate(1,416+40) ;max of blksz plus = indgen(416+40)-20 ;--Expanded Superpixel index x = transpose(dot)##plus y = transpose(plus)##dot ;--Loop over each Super-Superpixel FOR i=0,n-1 DO BEGIN xx = x[0:blksz[sg[i],0]+39,0:blksz[sg[i],1]+39] yy = y[0:blksz[sg[i],0]+39,0:blksz[sg[i],1]+39] IF ~buffer[i,0] THEN BEGIN xx=xx[0:blksz[sg[i],0]+19,*]&yy=yy[0:blksz[sg[i],0]+19,*]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,1] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[20:*,*]&yy =yy[20:*,*]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,2] THEN BEGIN xx=xx[*,0:blksz[sg[i],1]+19] &yy=yy[*,0:blksz[sg[i],1]+19]&ENDIF IF ~buffer[i,3] THEN BEGIN&xx=xx[*,20:*] & yy =yy[*,20:*]&ENDIF xx = reform(xx+(blocks[i,0]*blksz[sg[i],0])+s[sg[i],0],blklen[i]) yy = reform(yy+(blocks[i,1]*blksz[sg[i],1])+s[sg[i],1],blklen[i]) missing[(total(blklen[0:i],/int)-blklen[i]):(total(blklen[0:i],/int)-1),*]$ =[[xx],[yy]] ENDFOR ;--Calculate the Rectified 2D index!! IF hdr.RECTIFY EQ 'T' THEN BEGIN IF (hdr.OBSRVTRY EQ 'STEREO_A') THEN BEGIN CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI':missing = [[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,1]-1],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1]] 'COR1':missing = [[missing[*,1]],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1]] 'COR2':missing = [[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,1]-1],[missing[*,0]]] 'HI1' :missing = missing 'HI2' :missing = missing ENDCASE ENDIF IF (hdr.OBSRVTRY EQ 'STEREO_B') THEN BEGIN CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI':missing = [[missing[*,1]],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1]] 'COR1':missing = [[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,1]-1],[missing[*,0]]] 'COR2':missing = [[missing[*,1]],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1]] 'HI1' :missing = [[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,1]-1]] 'HI2' :missing = [[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,0]-1],[hdr.naxis1-missing[*,1]-1]] ENDCASE ENDIF ENDIF ELSE missing=missing missing = long(missing[*,1]*hdr.naxis1)+missing[*,0] ENDIF ELSE $ IF hdr.comprssn GT 98 THEN BEGIN ;--1 Segment ICER Compression---------- (I'm assuming ICER 8-11 are 1 segment. -nr) IF hdr.nmissing GT 0 THEN missing=lindgen(float(hdr.naxis1)*hdr.naxis2) $ ELSE missing=-1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN message,'ICER8 (8-segment) compression not accomodated; returning -1',/info missing=-1 ENDELSE ; ;ENDIF IF ~keyword_set(SILENT) THEN print,systime(1)-tyme RETURN, missing END