function scc_hi_diffuse_prepped,hdr ;+ ; ; $Id:,v 1.1 2013/10/22 14:17:35 crothers Exp $ ; ; Project: STEREO-SECCHI ; ; Name: scc_hi_diffuse_prepped ; ; Purpose: Compute summing factor to use in scc_hi_diffuse to get correction factor for diffuse sources ; ; Category: STEREO, SECCHI, HI ; ; Explanation: Uses plate scale vs known plate scale to determine onboard summing ; ; Syntax: image=image*scc_hi_diffuse_prepped(hdr) ; ; Inputs: hdr - the secchi header for the input image ; ; Keywords: none ; ; Calls: scc_hi_diffuse ; ; Common: None ; ; Restrictions: None ; ; Side effects: None ; ; Prev. Hist.: None ; ; History: Written 22 October 2013 Steve Crothers ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2013/10/22 14:17:35 crothers ; Diffuse source correction code ; ; ;- ; extract plate scale from header and from ; Brown, Bewsher & Eyles, Solar Phys (2009) 254: 185-335 table 2 if hdr.detector eq 'HI1' then begin if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A' then begin cdelt=35.96382/3600 endif else if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_B' then begin cdelt=35.89977/3600 endif endif else if hdr.detector eq 'HI2' then begin if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A' then begin cdelt=130.03175/3600 endif else if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_B' then begin cdelt=129.80319/3600 endif endif ; can compute summing factor by comparing header cdelt to known cdelt as powers of two summing=nint(alog(hdr.cdelt1/cdelt)/alog(2.))+1 return,scc_hi_diffuse(hdr,ipsum=summing) end