function sc_inverse,n,diag, below, above ;+ ;$Id:,v 1.3 2007/05/18 11:13:45 crothers Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : sc_inverse ; ; Purpose : Computes the inverse of a matrix of size n where the major diagonal ; contains the value diag, the lower triangle contains below and the ; upper triangle contains the value above. ; i.e. X[i,i]=diag, X[0:i-1,i]=below, X[0,i+1:n-1]=above ; Explanation: This kind of matrix is generated by an exposure on a CCD without ; a shutter where diag is the time the image is still on the CCD ; below is the time between line shifts in the clear of the CCD and ; above is the time between line shitfs in the readout. The ; observed values can be matrix multiplied to remove the exposure ; properties from the image. ; ; Use : IDL> correction=sc_inverse(nrows,still_time,downtime,uptime) ; ; Inputs : nrows - the number of rows/columns in the output matrix ; still_time - the time the image is static ; downtime - the shift time down the image ; uptime - the shift time up the image ; ; Outputs : correction - the matrix to perform correction ; ; Keywords : ; ; Common : ; ; Calls : ; ; Category : Calibration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Steve Crothers, Chris Johnson, RAL ; ;$Log:,v $ ;Revision 1.3 2007/05/18 11:13:45 crothers ;Commented routine to show intended purpose and removed "correction" that altered this. ; ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/03/30 00:00:00 newmark ; fixed bug to not divide by exposure time ; ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/22 19:35:08 colaninn ; new from RAL compile_opt idl2 wt_above=double(above)/diag wt_below=double(below)/diag wt_above_1=wt_above-1 wt_below_1=wt_below-1 power_above=dblarr(n-1) power_below=dblarr(n-1) power_above[0]=1 power_below[0]=1 for row=1,n-2 do begin power_above[row]=power_above[row-1]*wt_above_1 power_below[row]=power_below[row-1]*wt_below_1 end v= [ 0 , wt_below *(power_below*reverse(power_above))] u= [ 0 , wt_above *(power_above*reverse(power_below))] d = -u[1]/wt_above - (total(v)-v[N-1]) f = 1/(diag*(d+wt_above*total(v))) ;f = 1/(d+wt_above*total(v)) ;bug fix - no change of function do this elsewhere u[0]=d v[0]=d u=u*f v=reverse(v)*f p=dblarr(n,n,/nozero) p[0,0]=u for row=1,n-2 do begin p[0,row]=v[n-row-1:n-2] p[row,row]=u[0:n-row-1] end p[0,n-1]=v return,p end