function hi_desmear, im, hdr, _EXTRA=ex,silent=silent ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.11 2023/08/15 16:22:32 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : hi_desmear ; ; Purpose : This function removes smear caused by no shutter. ; ; Explanation: First compute the effective exposure time [time the ccd was ; static, generate matrix with this in diagonal, the clear time ; below and the read time above; invert and multiply by the image ; ; Use : IDL> smear_free_image = hi_desmear(image,hdr) ; ; Inputs : image - level 0.5 image in DN (long) - cosmic ray report removed [hi_cosmics] ; hdr -image header, either fits or SECCHI structure ; uses EXPTIME - summed exposure time in images ; CLEARTIM - time to clear CCD ; LINE_CLR - time to clear single row on CCD ; LINE_RO - time to readout single row on CCD ; RO_DELAY - delay between command and start of readout ; N_IMAGES - number of images summed ; IPSUM - binning of image ; RECTIFY - image rotation for B spacecraft ; DSTART[12], DSTOP[12] - imaged data location in array ; ; ; Outputs : smear_free_image - image convert from DN (long) to DN/sec (float) ; ; Keywords : none ; ; Common : ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, , GET_EXPTIME, ; ; Category : Calibration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Steve Crothers, January 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.11 2023/08/15 16:22:32 secchia ; correction for sc roll 08/12 ; ; Revision 1.10 2015/12/01 14:43:21 crothers ; Modified code to correct matrix for inverted ahead after conjunction ; ; Revision 1.9 2013/10/17 22:25:26 nathan ; always use full image if square so works with subfields /full ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/09/04 17:01:21 crothers ; Removed cosmic ray count field code, now done in hi_cosmics ; ; Revision 1.7 2007/08/24 19:30:03 nathan ; updated info messages and hdr history ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/06/13 09:47:17 crothers ; uncomented matrix multiply ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/05/21 20:16:06 colaninn ; added silent keyword ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/05/19 05:48:22 crothers ; changed underscan lests on DSTART to le to avoid crashing on bust headers ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/05/18 11:18:20 crothers ; Added option to access cosmic data arrays, changed shutterless correction to two alternives de_smear and exp_time ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/01/30 21:15:47 colaninn ; commented out image cropping ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/22 19:35:08 colaninn ; new from RAL ; ; ;- compile_opt idl2 info="$Id:,v 1.11 2023/08/15 16:22:32 secchia Exp $" len=strlen(info) version='Applied '+strmid(info,5,len-10) IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,version,/inform ;--Check Header------------------------------------------------------- IF(DATATYPE(hdr) NE 'STC') THEN hdr=SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT(hdr) IF (tag_names(hdr, /STRUCTURE_NAME) NE 'SECCHI_HDR_STRUCT') THEN $ message,'ONLY SECCHI HEADER STRUCTURE ALLOWED' IF (hdr[0].DETECTOR NE 'HI1') AND (hdr[0].DETECTOR NE 'HI2') THEN $ message,'DeSmear for HI1 or HI2 DETECTOR only' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--check valid values in header if (hdr.CLEARTIM LT 0) THEN message,'CLEARTIM invalid' if (hdr.RO_DELAY LT 0) THEN message,'RO_DELAY invalid' if (hdr.LINE_CLR LT 0) THEN message,'LINE_CLR invalid' if (hdr.LINE_RO LT 0) THEN message,'LINE_RO invalid' ;--Add file version to header history hdr = SCC_UPDATE_HISTORY(hdr,version) ;get_utc,utc, /date_only,/ECS ;h_dex= 20-total(strmatch(hdr.HISTORY,''),1) ;hdr.HISTORY[h_dex]='Shutterless Correction: '+utc+' v.BETA' ;h_dex = h_dex+1 if (hdr.date_obs gt '2015-07-01T00:00:00') and $ (hdr.date_obs lt '2023-08-12T00:00:00') then post_conj=1 else post_conj=0 img=float(im) ; extract image array if underscan present, this is not triming, the masked ; area not being exposed to light does not smear and should therefor not be corrected if hdr.dstart1 le 1 OR (hdr.naxis1 EQ hdr.naxis2) then image=img else $ image=img[hdr.dstart1-1:hdr.dstop1-1,hdr.dstart2-1:hdr.dstop2-1] ; Compute the inverted correction matrix clearest=0.70d exp_eff=hdr.EXPTIME+hdr.n_images*(clearest-hdr.CLEARTIM+hdr.RO_DELAY) ; need to weight the correction by the number of images [to match the total exptime] ; and the on board summing factor up a column dataWeight=hdr.n_images*((2^(hdr.ipsum-1))) ; allow for flipped HI-B images by swapping coefficents inverted=0 if hdr.rectify eq 'T' then begin if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_B' then inverted=1 if hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A' and post_conj eq 1 then inverted=1 endif if inverted eq 1 then begin fixup=sc_inverse(hdr.naxis2,exp_eff, $ dataWeight*hdr.line_clr, $ dataWeight*hdr.line_ro) end else begin fixup=sc_inverse(hdr.naxis2,exp_eff, $ dataWeight*hdr.line_ro, $ dataWeight*hdr.line_clr) end ; matrix multiply the smear array by the image to remove smear image=(fixup##image) ; if underscan/overscan then patch the repaired image back into array ; leaving these areas untouched if hdr.dstart1 le 1 OR (hdr.naxis1 EQ hdr.naxis2) then img = float(image) else $ img[hdr.dstart1-1:hdr.dstop1-1,hdr.dstart2-1:hdr.dstop2-1]=float(image) RETURN,img END