function hi_cosmics, hdr, img, _EXTRA=_extra ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.7 2023/08/15 16:22:32 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : hi_cosmics ; ; Purpose : This function extracts cosmic ray scrub reports from hi images. ; ; Explanation: The normal images are a sum of a series, one corner of the ; image is replaced with a report from the image scrubber. ; image data for the cosmic ray data is replaced with the ; adjacent row. ; ; Use : IDL> cosmics=hi_cosmics(hdr,im) ; ; Inputs : image - level 0.5 image in DN (long) ; hdr -image header, either fits or SECCHI structure ; ; Outputs : cosmics - cosmic ray scrub count ; ; Keywords : ; ; Common : ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, ; ; Category : Calibration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ;--Check Header------------------------------------------------------- IF(DATATYPE(hdr) NE 'STC') THEN hdr=SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT(hdr) IF (TAG_NAMES(hdr, /STRUCTURE_NAME) NE 'SECCHI_HDR_STRUCT') THEN $ MESSAGE,'ONLY SECCHI HEADER STRUCTURE ALLOWED' IF (hdr[0].DETECTOR NE 'HI1' AND hdr[0].DETECTOR NE 'HI2') THEN $ message,'Calibration for HI DETECTOR only' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- if strpos(hdr.filename,'s4h') lt 0 then begin ; not summed on board cosmics=hdr.cosmics endif else if hdr.n_images le 1 and hdr.imgseq le 1 then begin cosmics=hdr.cosmics endif else begin count=hdr.imgseq+1 inverted=0 if hdr.rectify eq 'T' then begin if (hdr.date_obs gt '2015-07-01T00:00:00') and $ (hdr.date_obs lt '2023-08-12T00:00:00') then begin inverted = hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A' endif else begin inverted = hdr.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_B' endelse endif if inverted then begin ; cosmic ray counts are at bottom row on left hand side cosmic_counter=img[count,0] if cosmic_counter eq count then begin cosmics=reverse(img[0:count-1,0]) ; fill image from row above - use "count" because it includes counter field img[0:count,0]=img[0:count,1] endif else begin ; search for cosmic ray counter, should find index equal to count ; e.g. [12345, 22345, 22345, 3, 324444] indicates counter of 3 seek=indgen(count) q=where(seek eq img[0:count-1,0],ctr) if ctr gt 0 then begin ; take the most optimistic value for count count=q[ctr-1] if count gt 1 then begin cosmics=reverse(img[0:count-1,0]) img[0:count,0]=img[0:count,1] ; compare unique solations with possible alternatives if ctr eq 1 then begin message,'cosmic ray counter recovered',/inform endif else begin message,'cosmic ray counter possibly recovered',/inform endelse endif else begin ; there would appear to be zero images in sum - are data missing? if hdr.nmissing gt 0 then begin catch,error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin miss=-1 endif else begin miss=scc_get_missing(hdr,/silent) endelse if n_elements(miss) gt 0 then begin if total(miss eq hdr.imgseq+1) gt 0 then begin ; cosmic ray field is missing message,'cosmic ray report is missing',/inform endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images [missing blks?]',/inform endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images [missing blks?]',/inform endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images',/inform endelse cosmics= -1 endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray counter not recovered',/inform cosmics= -1 endelse endelse endif else begin ; cosmic counts in top left hand of image naxis1=hdr.naxis1 cosmic_counter=img[naxis1-count-1,hdr.naxis2-1] if cosmic_counter eq count then begin cosmics=img[naxis1-count:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-1] ; fill image from row below - use "count" because it includes counter field img[naxis1-count-1:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-1]=img[naxis1-count-1:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-2] endif else begin ; search for cosmic ray counter, this time backwards seek=reverse(indgen(count)) q=where(seek eq img[naxis1-count:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-1],ctr) if ctr gt 0 then begin count=seek[q[0]] if count gt 1 then begin cosmics=img[naxis1-count:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-1] img[naxis1-count-1:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-1]=img[naxis1-count-1:naxis1-1,hdr.naxis2-2] ; compare unique solations with possible alternatives if ctr eq 1 then begin message,'cosmic ray counter recovered',/inform endif else begin message,'cosmic ray counter possibly recovered',/inform endelse endif else begin ; there would appear to be zero images in sum, are data missing if hdr.nmissing gt 0 then begin catch, error_status if error_status ne 0 then begin miss=0 endif else begin miss=scc_get_missing(hdr,/silent) endelse catch,/cancel if n_elements(miss) gt 0 then begin if total((naxis1*hdr.naxis2-1-miss) eq hdr.imgseq+1) gt 0 then begin ; cosmic ray field is missing message,'cosmic ray report is missing',/inform endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images [missing blks?]',/inform endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images [missing blks?]',/inform endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray report implies no images',/inform endelse cosmics= -1 endelse endif else begin message,'cosmic ray counter not recovered',/inform cosmics= -1 endelse endelse endelse endelse return,cosmics end