function get_calimg,hdr,fn,calimg_filename=calimg_filename, new_calimg=new_calimg,silent=silent ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.23 2023/08/17 20:27:13 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : get_calimg ; ; Purpose : returns calibration correction array ; ; Explanation: checks common block before opening calibration file ; saves calibration file to common block ; trims calibration array for under/over scan ; re-scales calibration array for summing ; ; Use : IDL> calimg = get_calimg(hdr) ; IDL> calimg = get_calimg(hdr,/new_calimg) ; IDL> calimg = get_calimg(hdr,calimg_filename=filename) ; ; Inputs : hdr -image header FITS or SECCHI header structure ; ; Outputs : calimg - floating point array ; ; Optional Output : fn - filename of the calibration image used ; ; Keywords : NEW_CALIMG set the keyword to read the calibration image ; from the file instead of the common block ; ; CALIMG_FILENAME Set this keyword to a filename if you ; do not want to use the default calbration image. ; ; Restrictions : Assumes hdr is from trimmed image ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, SCCREADFITS, SECCHI_RECTIFY ; ; Common : SECCHI_CALIMG ; ; Category : Calibration ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU June 2006 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.23 2023/08/17 20:27:13 secchia ; updated SC Roll 08/12/2023 ; ; Revision 1.22 2015/07/30 13:25:37 crothers ; updated to link to new calimg from Tappin et al Solar Phys 2015 ; clipped at factor 5 in extreem corners ; ; Revision 1.21 2015/07/17 17:26:13 thompson ; Rotate images by 180 degrees post-conjunction ; ; Revision 1.20 2014/07/23 16:48:40 colaninn ; updated COR2-B filename ; ; Revision 1.19 2010/06/07 14:23:08 crothers ; updated hi1 flatfields ; ; Revision 1.18 2009-07-23 22:58:05 thompson ; New COR1 flat field files, adjusted for scattered light when door closed. ; ; Revision 1.17 2008/01/30 16:51:01 crothers ; Update flat field for hi summed images ; ; Revision 1.16 2007/10/17 16:31:58 colaninn ; changed calimg trim again ; ; Revision 1.15 2007/10/04 20:21:06 thompson ; Corrected path specification ; ; Revision 1.14 2007/10/04 19:48:33 colaninn ; changed cor1 version;changed calimg trim ; ; Revision 1.13 2007/08/28 19:08:08 colaninn ; change filename creation so bkg image can be prepped ; corrected value of sum for HI images ; ; Revision 1.12 2007/08/23 23:54:31 nathan ; add info messages ; ; Revision 1.11 2007/05/21 20:16:05 colaninn ; added silent keyword ; ; Revision 1.10 2007/02/05 20:04:38 colaninn ; changed calibration image rectification ; ; Revision 1.9 2007/01/24 21:15:57 colaninn ; add code to handle HI summed calibration image ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/01/22 19:21:36 colaninn ; added HI call ; ; Revision 1.7 2006/12/05 21:04:57 colaninn ; corrected hdr.summed code ; ; Revision 1.6 2006/11/27 19:50:00 colaninn ; changed output text ; ; Revision 1.5 2006/11/21 21:22:00 colaninn ; updated output ; ; Revision 1.4 2006/11/09 16:23:45 colaninn ; corrected rescaling, rectify chdr, and trim ; ; Revision 1.3 2006/10/24 20:31:29 colaninn ; corrected code for rectify images ; ; Revision 1.2 2006/10/06 14:25:43 colaninn ; removed hard coded delimintors ; ;- ;--There is a math error caused by SECCHI_RECTIFY when trying to ;--update the incomplete calimg headers !EXCEPT = 0 COMMON secchi_calimg, cal_image,cal_hdr, cal_filename ;************************************* ;VERSION NAMING CONVENTION - yyyymmdd_type ; yyyymmdd = date image was created ; type = type of calibration image ; cal_version = ['20060727_flatfd','20060727_vigtest'] ;************************************* IF(DATATYPE(hdr) NE 'STC') THEN hdr=SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT(hdr) IF (TAG_NAMES(hdr, /STRUCTURE_NAME) NE 'SECCHI_HDR_STRUCT') THEN $ message,'ONLY SECCHI HEADER STRUCTURE ALLOWED' ;--Flag to reopen calibration image new_flag = 1 HIsum_flag = 0 ;--Create calibration image filename ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ path = getenv_slash('SECCHI_CAL') CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'COR1': BEGIN cal_version = '20090723_flatfd' tail = '_fCc1'+strupcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' END 'COR2': BEGIN IF hdr.OBSRVTRY EQ 'STEREO_A' THEN cal_version = '20060929_vignet' $ ELSE cal_version = '20140723_vignet' tail = '_vCc2'+strupcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' END 'EUVI': BEGIN cal_version = '20060823_wav' wave = strtrim(string(hdr[0].WAVELNTH),2) tail = wave+'_fCeu'+strupcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' END 'HI1': BEGIN IF hdr.summed EQ 1 THEN BEGIN cal_version = '20061129_flatfld' tail = '_raw_h1'+strlowcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cal_version = '20100421_flatfld' tail = '_sum_h1'+strlowcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' HIsum_flag = 1 ENDELSE END 'HI2': BEGIN IF hdr.summed EQ 1 THEN BEGIN cal_version = '20150701_flatfld' tail = '_raw_h2'+strlowcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN cal_version = '20150701_flatfld' tail = '_sum_h2'+strlowcase(strmid(hdr[0].OBSRVTRY,7,1))+'.fts' HIsum_flag = 1 ENDELSE END ELSE: message,'DETECTOR could not be found' ENDCASE filename = path+cal_version+tail IF keyword_set(calimg_filename) THEN filename = calimg_filename ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;--Check Common Block IF (datatype(cal_image) NE 'UND') THEN BEGIN IF(filename EQ cal_filename) THEN new_flag = 0 ENDIF ;--Check keyword IF keyword_set(new_calimg) THEN new_flag = 1 ;--Open Calibration image from memory IF new_flag THEN BEGIN check = file_search(filename,count=count) IF count GT 0 THEN BEGIN IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN $ message, 'OPENING NEW CALIBRATION IMAGE',/inform cal_image = SCCREADFITS(filename,cal_hdr,/silent) cal_filename = filename ENDIF ELSE message,'CANNOT FIND CALIBRATION IMAGE: '+filename ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN $ message,'USING CALIBRATION IMAGE FROM COMMON BLOCK',/inform ENDELSE IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,filename,/inform ;--Trim calibration image to CCD coordinates IF cal_hdr.P1COL LE 1 THEN BEGIN IF HIsum_flag THEN BEGIN x1 = 25 ;(hdr.P1COL-1)/2 ********HACK******** x2 = 1048 ;(hdr.P2COL-1)/2 data problem in pipeline y1 = 0 ;(hdr.P1ROW-1)/2 y2 = 1023 ;hdr.P2ROW-1)/2 IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN $ message, 'using fixed CCD coordinates',/inform ENDIF ELSE BEGIN x1 = 50 x2 = 2047+50 y1 = 0 y2 = 2047 ENDELSE cal = cal_image[x1:x2,y1:y2] ENDIF ELSE cal = cal_image ;--Correct calibration image for rectification IF (hdr.RECTIFY EQ 'T') AND (cal_hdr.RECTIFY EQ 'F') THEN BEGIN chdr = cal_hdr cal = SECCHI_RECTIFY(cal,chdr,silent=silent) IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'RECTIFIED CALIBRATION IMAGE',/info ENDIF ;--Correct calibration image for rescale IF HIsum_flag THEN BEGIN IF hdr.SUMMED LE 2 THEN sum = 1 ELSE sum = 2^(hdr.SUMMED-2) ENDIF ELSE sum = 2^(hdr.SUMMED-1) s= size(cal,/dim) cal = rebin(cal,s[0]/sum, s[1]/sum) ;--Filename of image returned del = get_delim() fn = strsplit(filename,del,/extract,count=last) fn = fn[last-1] if (hdr.date_obs ge '2015-05-19') and (hdr.date_obs lt '2023-08-12') then $ cal = rotate(cal, 2) ;post-conjuction RETURN, cal END