;+ ;$Id: read_mask_tables.pro,v 1.7 2011/12/14 23:24:25 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : READ_MASK_TABLES ; ; Purpose : Read FSW OCCulter (OCC) and Region_Of_Interest (ROI) mask tables. ; ; Explanation : Flight OCCulter (OCC) and Region Of Interest (ROI) mask tables contain ; maps of 64x64 pixel blocks NOT sent to the ground. Each block is represented ; by a single bit in an array (34x34=1156 elements) representing the sky region ; of the CCD. There is one such array per telescope for OCC and 4 per telescope ; FOR ROI. ; This routine reads in the mask_tables.dat containing 25 masked data sections ; (one OCC and four ROI tables per telescope). Each section/table contains 73 16-bit ; words of data on 8 lines. First seven lines contain 10 words each and 8th line ; contains the last 3 words. Since only 72.25 (1156/16.0) words are needed, the ; last 3 nibbles of last word is not used. The ROI and OCC tables are read in ; and are then convert from FSW format (block 0 at upper-right-corner) to IDL ; coordinates (block 0 at lower-right-corner) for output. ; ; All lines in file are saved in common block for later reference. ; ; Use : READ_MASK_TABLES, fn, roi_mask, occ_mask, sc, /verbose ; ; Inputs : fn - In flight Occulter and ROI mask table filename (i.e. '../TABLES/mask_tables.dat') ; ; : sc - SpaceCraft 'A' or 'B'. ; ; Opt. Inputs : None ; ; Outputs : roi_mask - BYTARR(5,1156,4) representing COR2,COR1,EUVI,HI2,HI1 ROI masked blocks, ; 4 tables per telescope. ; occ_mask - BYTARR(5,1156) representing COR2,COR1,EUVI,HI2,HI1 OCC masked blocks, ; 1 table per telescope. ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : verbose - If set, prints out the mask tables to the screen. ; /NORECTIFY Output masks for unrectified images (CCD coords) ; ; Written By : Ed Esfandiari, NRL, May 2004 - First Version. ; ; Modification History: ; Ed Esfandiari 07/13/04 - use 4 ROI tables per tele instead of 1. ; Ed Esfandiari 05/23/05 - use ccd depenedent orientaions. ; Ed Esfandiari 02/12/09 - Added icer_mask function. ; ; $Log: read_mask_tables.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2011/12/14 23:24:25 nathan ; allow converting Icer mask to a Rice mask; add /NORECTIFY option ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/08/07 19:52:22 nathan ; retain comments from input file in output file ; ; Revision 1.5 2009/02/17 16:50:43 esfand ; display coordinate now matches un-rectified ccd depending on telescope - AEE ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/12/12 13:02:05 mcnutt ; removed pipeline keyword ; ; Revision 1.3 2008/12/11 20:32:55 mcnutt ; added pipeline keyword to keep flight config ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/06/20 18:07:25 esfand ; added ICER Mask ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/10/03 19:17:52 nathan ; copied from PT/PRO ; ; Revision 1.3 2005/05/26 20:00:59 esfand ; PT version used to create SEC20050525005 TVAC schedule ; ; Revision 1.2 2004/09/01 15:40:46 esfand ; commit new version for Nathan. ; ; Revision 2004/07/01 21:19:08 esfand ; first checkin ; ; Revision 2004/06/02 19:42:35 esfand ; first checkin ; ; ;- ; FUNCTION ICER_MASK,coords p1r= 1 & p2r= 3 & p1c=0 & p2c=2 mask= bytarr(2176,2176)+1 p1c=coords(0) & p2c=coords(2) & p1r=coords(1) & p2r= coords(3) for i= p1c, p2c do begin for j= p1r, p2r do begin mask(i-1,j-1)= 0 endfor endfor ;window,xsize=544,ysize=544,retain=2 ;tv,rebin(mask,544,544) mask1= rebin(mask,34,34) mask2= bytarr(1156) for i=0,33 do mask2(i*34:i*34+33)= mask1(*,i) ;help,mask,mask1,mask2 ;print,mask2,format='(34z2)' RETURN, mask2 END FUNCTION ICER2BLK,str_coords,sc,tel,table COMMON ICERMASKS, occ_icer, roi_icer, filelines, slun, flpos mask= bytarr(1156) coords= FIX(str_coords) ; IF (MAX(coords) EQ 0) THEN RETURN, mask IF (min(coords) EQ 0 and max(coords) EQ 0) THEN $ print,'Using Rice occulter mask' ELSE $ IF (MIN(coords) LT 1 OR MAX(coords) GT 2176) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'Invalid coordinate - Valid range: 1 - 2176' PRINT,'' RETURN,mask ENDIF ;coords= intarr(4) ; p1col,p1row,p2col,p2row ;READS, x, coords, format='(8z4)' IF (table EQ -1) THEN BEGIN ; occ mask occ_icer(tel,*)= coords ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; roi mask roi_icer(tel,table,*)= coords ENDELSE IF (MAX(coords) EQ 0) THEN RETURN, mask RETURN, ICER_MASK(coords) END FUNCTION X2B,x n= STRLEN(x) out= 0B FOR i=0, n-1 DO BEGIN CASE STRUPCASE(STRMID(x,i,1)) OF '0': b= BYTE([0,0,0,0]) '1': b= BYTE([0,0,0,1]) '2': b= BYTE([0,0,1,0]) '3': b= BYTE([0,0,1,1]) '4': b= BYTE([0,1,0,0]) '5': b= BYTE([0,1,0,1]) '6': b= BYTE([0,1,1,0]) '7': b= BYTE([0,1,1,1]) '8': b= BYTE([1,0,0,0]) '9': b= BYTE([1,0,0,1]) 'A': b= BYTE([1,0,1,0]) 'B': b= BYTE([1,0,1,1]) 'C': b= BYTE([1,1,0,0]) 'D': b= BYTE([1,1,0,1]) 'E': b= BYTE([1,1,1,0]) 'F': b= BYTE([1,1,1,1]) ENDCASE out= [out,b] ENDFOR out= out(1:*) RETURN,out END PRO READ_MASK_TABLES,fn, roi_mask, occ_mask, sc, verbose=verbose, NORECTIFY=norectify COMMON ICERMASKS ;, occ_icer, roi_icer ; INPUT: ; fn: In flight Occulter or ROI mask table filename (i.e. '../TABLES/mask_tables.dat') ; OUTPUT: ; mask: A byte array of 5x1024 for 5 cameras (1 mask table per camera) ; Bits for each camera mask are set to 1 accordind to the iput. RESTORE,GETENV('PT')+'/IN/OTHER/ccd_size.sav' ; => xyblks (34 blocks for a ccd size of 34*34=1156) occ_mask= BYTARR(5,xyblks*xyblks) ; CCD mapped to 34x34 CCD square blocks. roi_mask= BYTARR(5,xyblks*xyblks,4) ; CCD mapped to 34x34 CCD square blocks and 4 tables per tele. OPENR,lun, fn, /GET_LUN print,'Reading ',fn tnames= ['EUVI','COR1','COR2','HI1','HI2'] keep= '' line='' filelines='' IF (DATATYPE(occ_icer) EQ 'UND') THEN BEGIN occ_icer= INTARR(5,4) roi_icer= INTARR(5,4,4) ENDIF WHILE NOT EOF(lun) DO BEGIN READF, lun, line filelines=[filelines,line] line= STRTRIM(line,2) IF (STRMID(line,0,1) EQ 'X') THEN BEGIN ; remove X and all blanks (only keep the data): keep= [keep, STRCOMPRESS(STRMID(line,1,500),/REMOVE_ALL)] ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE,lun FREE_LUN,lun help,filelines fst=2 ;Remove dummy first element and first Id line ;--Check to see if file has new extra first lines or not IF strpos(filelines[2],'generated 2009') GT 0 THEN fst=4 filelines=filelines[fst:*] keep= keep(1:*) lines= N_ELEMENTS(keep) IF (lines NE 200) THEN BEGIN PRINT,'' PRINT,'ERROR - Each of 25 table MUST contain 8 lines of data in '+fn+' for a total of 200 lines.' PRINT,' Total data lines read = ',lines PRINT,'' STOP ENDIF tables= lines/8 ; 8 lines of hex data per roi or occ table. ;tab_order= ['COR2OCC','COR2ROI1','COR2ROI2','COR2ROI3','COR2ROI4', $ ; 'COR1OCC','COR1ROI1','COR1ROI2','COR1ROI3','COR1ROI4', $ ; 'EUVIOCC','EUVIROI1','EUVIROI2','EUVIROI3','EUVIROI4', $ ; 'HI2OCC' ,'HI2ROI1' ,'HI2ROI2' ,'HI2ROI3' ,'HI2ROI4' , $ ; 'HI1OCC' ,'HI1ROI1' ,'HI1ROI2' ,'HI1ROI3' ,'HI1ROI4' ] mask_map= [2,1,0,4,3] ; 2=cor2, 1=cor1, 0=euvi, 4=hi2, 3=hi1 (in mask tables order is: 0,1,2,3,4). k= -1 FOR i= 0, tables/5 - 1 DO BEGIN tel= mask_map(i) ;IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,'READING OCC data for '+tnames(tel)+'...' k= k+1 IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,keep(k) IF (STRMID(keep(k),16,4) EQ '1CEA') THEN begin ;help,keep(k) coords= intarr(4) ; p1col,p1row,p2col,p2row READS, keep(k), coords, format='(8z4)' data= ICER2BLK(coords,sc,tel,-1) k= k+7 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data= X2B(keep(k)) FOR j= 1, 7 DO BEGIN k= k+1 IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,keep(k) data= [data,X2B(keep(k))] ENDFOR ENDELSE occ_mask(tel,*)= data(0:1155) ; data has 73 words or 73*16 = 1168 bits but only 0-1155 are valid. FOR table= 0, 3 DO BEGIN IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,'READING ROI'+STRTRIM(table+1,2)+' data for '+tnames(tel)+'...' k= k+1 IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,keep(k) IF (STRMID(keep(k),16,4) EQ '1CEA') THEN begin ;help,keep(k) coords= intarr(4) ; p1col,p1row,p2col,p2row READS, keep(k), coords, format='(8z4)' data= ICER2BLK(coords,sc,tel,table) k= k+7 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN data= X2B(keep(k)) FOR j= 1, 7 DO BEGIN k= k+1 IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN PRINT,keep(k) data= [data,X2B(keep(k))] ENDFOR ENDELSE roi_mask(tel,*,table)= data(0:1155) ; data has 73 words or 73*16 = 1168 bits but only 0-1155 are valid. ENDFOR ENDFOR IF (KEYWORD_SET(verbose)) THEN BEGIN FOR i= 0, 4 DO BEGIN PRINT,occ_mask(i,*),FORMAT='('+STRTRIM(xyblks,2)+'Z2)' tmp= WHERE(occ_mask(i,*) EQ 1, cnt) PRINT, tnames(i)+' OCC Table. Number of Masked Blocks Set to 1 (above) = ' + STRTRIM(cnt,2) STOP FOR j= 0, 3 DO BEGIN PRINT,roi_mask(i,*,j),FORMAT='('+STRTRIM(xyblks,2)+'Z2)' tmp= WHERE(roi_mask(i,*,j) EQ 1, cnt) PRINT, tnames(i)+' ROI'+STRTRIM(j+1,2)+ $ ' Table. Number of Masked Blocks Set to 1 (above) = ' + STRTRIM(cnt,2) STOP ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDIF telstr= ['EUVI','COR1','COR2','HI1','HI2'] IF not keyword_set(NORECTIFY) THEN FOR i=0,4 DO BEGIN ; Change from flight to ground and then to idl coordinates. The occ_mask and roi_mask ; are now euvi, cor1, cor2, hi1, and hi2 (not the order in mask file anymore): occ_mask(i,*)= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(sc,telstr(i),occ_mask(i,*),/TABLE2IDL) ; change order to idl coordinates FOR j= 0, 3 DO $ roi_mask(i,*,j)= MODIFY_MASK_ORDER(sc,telstr(i),roi_mask(i,*,J),/TABLE2IDL) ; change order to idl coordinates ENDFOR RETURN END