function getstereortlt, sc, dates, SPICE=spice ; $Id:,v 1.1 2009/01/27 19:04:05 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project: STEREO SECCHI ; ; Purpose: returns round-trip-light-time between earth and one of the stereo spacecraft ; based on a simple linear model ; ; Inputs: ; sc 'a' or 'b' ; dates array of times (input to anytim2utc) ; ; Outputs: ; fltarr = seconds of same dimension as dates ; ; Keywords: ; /SPICE Use values from SPICE kernel instead of linear model (more accurate) ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Author: N.Rich, NRL/I2, ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2009/01/27 19:04:05 nathan ; ok ; sc=strlowcase(sc) IF keyword_set(SPICE) THEN BEGIN aulttime=499.0 ; seconds light to go 1AU hee_b = get_stereo_lonlat(dates, sc, /au, system='HEE') hee_e = get_stereo_lonlat(dates, 'Earth', /au, system='HEE') angles = get_stereo_sep_angle(dates,sc, 'Earth') ; Law of cosines: a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos A where A is the angle of a scalene traingle opposite side a d2sc= sqrt( hee_b[0,*]^2 + hee_e[0,*]^2 - 2 * hee_b[0,*]*hee_e[0,*] * cos(angles)) lttime=d2sc*499.0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF (sc EQ 'a') THEN BEGIN ang0= 4.1655933 ; initial angle on 4/1/2007 degpsec= 6.9591911e-07 ; degpsec is degrees/second ENDIF IF (sc EQ 'b') THEN BEGIN ang0= 1.6181840 degpsec= 7.1123812e-07 ENDIF xt=utc2tai(anytim2utc('2007-04-01T00:00:00')) ;normalized to 04-01-2007 xsec= utc2tai(anytim2utc(dates)) -xt ltearth= 498.53178 ;= 1AU esar=(ang0+degpsec*xsec)* 0.017453293 ; convert degrees to radians lttime=sqrt((ltearth-(ltearth*cos(esar)))^2+(ltearth*sin(esar))^2) ENDELSE return, lttime*2 end