; $Id: blcksched2html.pro,v 1.9 2019/10/17 18:35:02 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : blcksched2html ; ; Purpose : to create schedules with html link to the block schedules files. ; ; Explanation : ; ; Use : IDL> blcksched2html,sc,yymmdd ; ; Inputs : sc = A or B ; yymmdd = yymmdd ; ; Outputs : a html version of the daily schedules for SECCHI-wiki ; ; Keywords : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : planning ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Lynn Simspon 05/04/2009 ; ; Modified : ; ; $Log: blcksched2html.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.9 2019/10/17 18:35:02 secchia ; changes since last commit on Aug 12 ; ; Revision 1.8 2014/08/07 15:31:06 secchia ; added sidelobe keyword ; ; Revision 1.7 2014/08/07 13:16:25 hutting ; added sidelobe directory ; ; Revision 1.6 2010/06/07 12:28:02 secchib ; works with 240kbps links ; ; Revision 1.5 2010/05/10 15:27:34 secchib ; added yearly directories for schedule files ; ; Revision 1.4 2009/12/28 14:15:23 secchia ; corrected year in html files ; ; Revision 1.3 2009/05/28 14:56:00 secchib ; added line returns if not bsf file ; ; Revision 1.2 2009/05/04 13:19:40 secchia ; uses file_search instead of findfile ; ; Revision 1.1 2009/05/04 12:58:45 mcnutt ; new pro to create html schedule files ; pro blcksched2html, sc, yymmdd, sidelobe=sidelobe sfile=file_search('~/loads/PT/flight/operations/'+strupcase(sc)+'/dailyats/20'+strmid(yymmdd,0,2)+'/'+yymmdd+'*.sch') if keyword_set(sidelobe) then sfile=file_search('~/loads/PT/flight/operations/sidelobe/'+strupcase(sc)+'/'+yymmdd+'*.sch') htmlyr=string(strmid(yymmdd,0,2)+2000,'(i4)') sfile=sfile(0) bsffiles=readlist('~/loads/PT/flight/operations/BSF/bsffiles.txt') openr,slun,sfile,/get_lun htmlfile='~/loads/PT/flight/operations/'+strupcase(sc)+'/dailyats/html/20'+strmid(yymmdd,0,2)+'/'+yymmdd+'00.html' openw,wslun,htmlfile,/get_lun printf,wslun,'<p>' line='' & line2='' while not(eof(slun)) do begin readf,slun,line bsf=strpos(line,'.bsf') pound=strpos(line,'#') dash=strpos(line,'--') if pound eq -1 and bsf gt -1 and dash eq -1 then begin bsfile=strmid(line,bsf-8,12) print,bsfile z=where(strpos(bsffiles,bsfile) gt -1) if z(0) gt -1 then begin z=z(n_elements(z)-1) path='http://stereo.nrl.navy.mil/PT/flight/operations/'+strmid(bsffiles(z),0,strlen(bsffiles(z))-12) readf,slun,line2 printf,wslun,htmlyr+'/'+strmid(line,1,2)+'/'+strmid(line,3,2)+' '+strmid(line,5,2)+':'+strmid(line,7,2)+':'+strmid(line,9,2)+' <a href="'+path+'">'+bsfile+'<a>'+'  ' +line2+'<br />' endif else printf,wslun,htmlyr+'/'+strmid(line,1,2)+'/'+strmid(line,3,2)+' '+strmid(line,5,2)+':'+strmid(line,7,2)+':'+strmid(line,9,2)+' '+strmid(line,11,strlen(line)-11)+'<br />' endif if pound eq -1 and bsf eq -1 and dash eq -1 then begin readf,slun,line2 printf,wslun,htmlyr+'/'+strmid(line,1,2)+'/'+strmid(line,3,2)+' '+strmid(line,5,2)+':'+strmid(line,7,2)+':'+strmid(line,9,2)+' '+strmid(line,11,strlen(line)-11)+' '+line2+'<br />' endif if pound ne -1 or dash ne -1 then printf,wslun,line+'<br />' endwhile printf,wslun,'</p>' close,slun close,wslun free_lun,slun free_lun,wslun END