pro sort_summary,yyyymmdd,tel,logdiff=logdiff, FILES=files, FIRST=first, USEFULLROW=usefullrow ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.8 2011/08/31 19:00:20 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : ; ; Purpose : sort summary file(s) by filenames and remove duplicates, saving the lowest one after sort ; ; Explanation : ; ; Use : IDL> sort_summary, yyyymmdd, tel ; ; Inputs : yyyymmdd = day used in secchi_reduce only yyyymm of string is used ; tel telescope name used in secchi_reduce use only first character since cor's and hi's are prosecced together. ; ; Outputs : ; ; Keywords : LOGDIFF = log difference in unsorted snd sort summary files ; FILES= name of summary file(s) to sort and over-write ; /USEFULLROW Use full row for row uniqueness, not just filename ; /FIRST Passed to uniq(); use ONLY IF summary file has already been sorted ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Requires pipeline processing environment (user secchia or secchib) ; ; Side effects: overwrites files in $SECCHI/summary ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Lynn McNutt, NRL/I2, Feb 2008 ; ; Modified : ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.8 2011/08/31 19:00:20 secchia ; fix sfx so c does not return cal ; ; Revision 1.7 2011/08/31 17:57:29 nathan ; undo last change and instead implement /USEFULLROW and /FIRST ; ; Revision 1.6 2011/08/31 16:51:06 nathan ; add /FNAME_ONLY, use uniq(/first), add some info msgs ; ; Revision 1.5 2011/08/11 18:35:18 secchib ; nr - keyword FILES= ; ; Revision 1.4 2009/04/03 22:31:00 secchib ; nr - exit gracefully if file does not exist ; ; Revision 1.3 2008/07/01 21:53:07 secchia ; nr - put outfile in /tmp ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/03/18 13:02:36 secchia ; remove idff file if size is 0, no difference found ; ; Revision 1.1 2008/02/28 18:39:56 mcnutt ; to be call in secchi_reduce at the end of a processing month ; IF keyword_set(FILES) THEN sumlist=files ELSE BEGIN sfx='*.'+strlowcase(strmid(tel,0,1))+'?' sumdir=getenv('SECCHI')+'/summary' yyyymm=strmid(yyyymmdd,0,6) sumfiles=findfile(sumdir+'/*'+yyyymm+sfx) sumlist=sumfiles IF strmid(yyyymmdd,6,2) EQ '01' and sumfiles[0] EQ '' THEN BEGIN help,yyyymmdd message,'No file to sort.' return ENDIF ENDELSE for n=0,n_Elements(sumlist)-1 do begin sumfile=sumlist(n) print,sumfile sumlines=strarr(6000*31l) & d=0l & line='' openr,2,sumfile while (not eof(2)) do begin readf,2,line sumlines(d)=line d=d+1 endwhile close,2 header=sumlines[0:1] sumlines=sumlines[2:d] sumlines=sumlines(where(sumlines ne '')) IF keyword_set(USEFULLROW) THEN rows=sumlines ELSE rows=strmid(sumlines,0,27) order=sort(rows) unq=uniq(rows[order], FIRST=first) newsumlines=[header,sumlines[order[unq]]] message,'Removing '+trim(d-2-n_elements(unq))+' out of '+trim(d-2)+' rows.',/info break_file,sumfile,di,pa,ro,sf fname=ro+sf ;write the sorted file outfile='/tmp/'+fname+'.new' openw,3,outfile,width=200 for np=0l,long(n_elements(newsumlines)-1) do printf,3,newsumlines(np) close,3 if keyword_set(logdiff) then begin srtfile='/tmp/'+fname+'.sort' openw,3,srtfile oldsumlines=[header,sumlines[order]] FOR np=0l,n_elements(oldsumlines)-1 DO printf,3,oldsumlines[np] close,3 difffile=getenv('seb_img')+'/log/'+fname+'.diff' syscmd='diff '+outfile+' '+srtfile+' >>'+difffile print,syscmd wait,1 spawn,syscmd,/sh diffinfo=file_info(difffile) if (diffinfo.size eq 0) then begin syscmd='/bin/rm -f '+difffile spawn,syscmd,/sh endif spawn,'rm '+srtfile,/sh endif syscmd='mv '+outfile+' '+sumfile print,syscmd wait,2 spawn,syscmd,/sh endfor end