pro scc_icerdiv2,i,d, histinfo, icramsg, PIPELINE=pipeline, FAST=fast ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.19 2011/09/15 21:57:35 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_icerdiv2 ; ; Purpose : correct for conditional DIV2 by on-board IP prior to ICER ; ; Algorithm: ; - Two conditions: 1. either an explicit DIV2 IP just before the ICER IP ; or 2. an implicit div2 that was done within ICER ; - 1. Check for explicit DIV2: last IP is ICER and prior IP is DIV2 ; - 2. Check for implicit div2: ; - last IP is ICER ; - and: datap01 is smaller than 3/4 of biasmean ; - and: there was no explicit ICER filter IP just before the ICER IP ; (the presence of a filter IP would signal that no div2 was done, ; since the filter IP would have otherwise been replaced by DIV2) ; - and: there was no "subtract bias" IP (would skew datap01 check) ; If condition 2.: multiply data and DATA??? keywords by 2. If there is ; an explicit DIV2, then it is corrected by scc_sebip in secchi_prep. ; ; Use : IDL> scc_icerdiv2,index,data ; ; Input/output : ; index = header index structure. Must have at least the following tags: ; .BIASMEAN ; .IP_00_19 ; .DATAP01 ; .DATAMIN ; .DATAMAX ; .DATAAVG ; .DATAP01 ; .DATAP10 ; .DATAP25 ; .DATAP75 ; .DATAP90 ; .DATAP95 ; .DATAP98 ; .DATAP99 ; .DIV2CORR ; the DATA??? tags may get modified ; data = image data array. Replaced by corrected data array ; ; Keywords: ; ; Common : scc_reduce contains basehdr, nom_hdr, icerdiv2flag, which are used ; if /PIPELINE is set. ; ; Restrictions: ; - Does not check whether the correction may have already been applied ; - Algorithm for finding implicit div2 is not foolproof ; ; Side effects: ; - May incorrectly apply correction if SQRT, DIVx applied when condition 2. above is also met ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 15-Jan-2007 ; JPW, revised 17-Jan-2007 ; JPW, fixed incorrect IP range for noticfilt 29-Jan-2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.19 2011/09/15 21:57:35 nathan ; link comment in scc_icerdiv2 and secchi_reduce to check if mod was made in icerdiv2 ; ; Revision 1.18 2011/09/15 21:47:01 nathan ; apparent typo in icramsg defn ; ; Revision 1.17 2011/08/15 19:37:20 nathan ; add histinfo return arg, and extend common block to match ; ; Revision 1.16 2007/11/19 19:36:24 nathan ; Fix problem with non-pipeline call; add messages ; ; Revision 1.15 2007/11/08 22:59:12 secchia ; fixed check for icradiv2 ; ; Revision 1.14 2007/11/08 22:33:41 nathan ; forgot we have to do correction also (Bug 252) ; ; Revision 1.13 2007/11/08 22:29:51 nathan ; if DIV2CORR happens 2x, DIV2CORR=F (Bug 252) ; ; Revision 1.12 2007/11/08 20:38:47 secchia ; add lulog msg if pipeline and print more info ; ; Revision 1.11 2007/08/28 21:03:53 nathan ; fix comment ; ; Revision 1.10 2007/03/15 15:24:37 nathan ; add /FAST ; ; Revision 1.9 2007/02/12 18:06:03 mcnutt ; fixed common block added entire definition ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/02/12 14:43:44 nathan ; fix common block ; ; Revision 1.7 2007/02/05 23:19:33 nathan ; implement /PIPELINE to detect ICER div 2 from ipcmd and idecomp output ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/02/05 16:20:05 nathan ; update comments ; ; revision 1.5 2007/02/05 16:19:15 nathan ; removed DIV2 criteria for domul2 (Bug 49) ; Revision 1.4 2007/01/31 21:18:55 nathan ; add histinfo to header ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/01/29 21:04:03 euvi ; fixed IP range for noticfilt ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/23 18:35:20 mcnutt ; correct ICER images that are divided by 2 ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/01/17 17:03:20 euvi ; updated logic in scc_icerdiv2 ; ;- common scc_reduce, lulog, basehdr, nom_hdr, ext_hdr, scch, leapsecs, enums, resetvars, $ ipdat, nom_tlr, prevbasename, readfileidline, wavefileidline, $ setupfileidline, exposfileidline, maskfileidline, ipfileidline, icerdiv2flag, $ rotblidlines,hbtimes,hbtemps, subdir, date_fname_utc, ispb, islz, isrt, aorb, $ iserror, ephemfil, att_file ; defined in info="$Id:,v 1.19 2011/09/15 21:57:35 nathan Exp $" len=strlen(info) histinfo=strmid(info,1,len-2) ; get the IP commands ip = i.ip_00_19 if strlen(ip) lt 60 then ip=' '+ip ; ip should be 3x20 char long, but if strlen(ip) lt 60 then ip=' '+ip ; could be as short as 58 if trimmed ip = fix(string(reform(byte(ip),3,20))) print,'IP_00_19: ',byte(ip) w = where(ip ne 0,nip) icradiv2=0 idecdiv2=0 icramsg='' datap01=i.datap01 biasmean=i.biasmean IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN BEGIN ip =basehdr.ipcmdlog ip0=nom_hdr.ipcmd w = where(ip ne 0,nip) print,'ipcmdlog: ',ip print,'ipcmd: ',ip0 ;IF total(ip[w]) NE total(ip0[w]) THEN stop IF ip[nip-2] eq 1 AND ip0[nip-2] GE 106 AND ip0[nip-2] LE 112 THEN BEGIN ; ICRA was converted to DIV2 icradiv2=1 icramsg=icramsg+' ICRA was converted to DIV2;' ENDIF IF (icerdiv2flag) THEN BEGIN ; ICER_DIV2_FLAG caught in idecomp output in secchi_reduce idecdiv2=1 icramsg=icramsg+' ICER_DIV2_FLAG from idecomp' ENDIF ENDIF ; calculate various conditions icer = ip(nip-1) ge 90 and ip(nip-1) le 102 ; last IP was ICER div2 = ip(nip-2) eq 1 ; prior IP was DIV2 noticfilt = ip(nip-2) lt 106 or ip(nip-2) gt 112 ; prior IP was not filter nosubbias = (where(ip eq 103))[0] eq -1 ; no subtract_bias in IP biasmp01 = (biasmean/2)-datap01 help,biasmp01 p01ltbias = (abs(biasmp01) LT 0.02*(biasmean/2)) ; low data approx 1/2 bias ; logic to determine whether data was most likely divided by 2 ; the first part finds an explicit DIV2, the second an implicit one in ICER ; this logic does not determine whether the correction was already applied ;domul2 = (icer and div2) or (icer and noticfilt and nosubbias and p01ltbias) domul2 = icradiv2 or idecdiv2 OR (icer and noticfilt and nosubbias and p01ltbias) print,icradiv2,'=icradiv2,',idecdiv2,'=idecdiv2,',icer,'=icer,',noticfilt,'=noticfilt,',nosubbias,'=nosubbias,',p01ltbias,'=p01ltbias' IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN printf,lulog, $ icradiv2,'=icradiv2,',idecdiv2,'=idecdiv2,',icer,'=icer,',noticfilt,'=noticfilt,',nosubbias,'=nosubbias,',p01ltbias,'=p01ltbias' ; Correction for div2 is applied in, part of secchi_prep, ; unless DIV2CORR=T. ; apply correction if domul2 then begin m2 = d[0,0] m2[0] = 2 ; constant 2 of same type as d d = d * m2 i.datap01 = i.datap01 * 2 i.datamin = i.datamin * 2 i.datamax = i.datamax * 2 i.dataavg = i.dataavg * 2 i.datap10 = i.datap10 * 2 i.datap25 = i.datap25 * 2 i.datap75 = i.datap75 * 2 i.datap90 = i.datap90 * 2 i.datap95 = i.datap95 * 2 i.datap98 = i.datap98 * 2 i.datap99 = i.datap99 * 2 i.div2corr = 'T' ; Check for case where DIV2CORR happens twice onboard. This has happened if ; icradiv2 AND idecdiv2. Make sure correction is correctly applied in scc_sebip by making ; DIV2CORR=F even though we apply the correction here. IF (idecdiv2) and (icradiv2) THEN i.div2corr = 'F' print,'************Image corrected by icerdiv2 ************' icramsg='Corrected for icerdiv2 because: '+icramsg endif ELSE icramsg='No div2 correction: '+icramsg print,icramsg IF keyword_set(PIPELINE) THEN printf,lulog,icramsg if datap01 lt 0.75*biasmean then begin help,datap01,biasmean print, 0.02*(biasmean/2) IF not(keyword_set(FAST)) THEN wait,2 endif h_dex= 20-total(strmatch(i.HISTORY,''),1) i.history[h_dex]=histinfo end