pro scc_apply_mask, scch,image,fits_hdr ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.13 2018/03/08 16:50:32 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_apply_mask ; ; Purpose : This pro applies the onboard mask in the pipeline for none-Icer compressed images ; ; Explanation: The function reads the planning tool mask tables to get ; the masks for each detector. It then selects the mask ; used in the image returns resized image and ; corrected header naxis[12], p[12]col and p[12]row. ; ; Use : IDL>scc_apply_mask, hdr,image,fits_hdr ; ; Inputs : hdr -image header, SECCHI structure ; : image - image ; : fits_hdr -image header, fits STRARR ; ; Outputs : modified all three inputs ; ; Keywords : ; ; Environments: SSW ; ; Calls : SCC_FITSHDR2STRUCT, GETENV_SLASH, READ_MASK_TABLES ; ; Restriction: Must be called BEFORE rectification!! ; ; Category : Masking, Missing Blocks ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : started with Robin Colaninno's scc_get_mask, modified to work in pipeline by Lynn Simpson ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.13 2018/03/08 16:50:32 secchia ; removed stop on line 217 ; ; Revision 1.12 2015/07/20 17:19:49 nathan ; change secchipipeline@cronus to mvi@nrl so it does not bounce from ssc ; ; Revision 1.11 2013/11/13 23:15:26 nathan ; correct error in crpix calculation ; ; Revision 1.10 2013/10/21 23:05:25 nathan ; Use IP_CMD instead of tel=HI to determine treatment of mask; accomodate ; binning; not sure how to treat HI*SW function. ; ; Revision 1.9 2011/12/14 23:23:24 nathan ; fix so it works with Rice subfields ; ; Revision 1.8 2011/06/29 19:30:23 nathan ; changed maillist to secchipipeline@cronus ; ; Revision 1.7 2009/12/14 18:49:22 nathan ; corrected Purpose statement ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/03/17 18:18:36 mcnutt ; adds 1 to p1col and p1row if mask x0 or y0 is gt 0 ; ; Revision 1.5 2009/03/16 17:20:53 mcnutt ; correct crpix when mask is applied ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/12/12 13:01:42 mcnutt ; removed pipeline keyword to read_mask_tables ; ; Revision 1.3 2008/12/11 20:32:11 mcnutt ; added keyword pipeline to read_mask_tables ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/12/11 20:26:13 mcnutt ; corrected call to read_mask_tables ; ; Revision 1.1 2008/12/11 19:27:26 mcnutt ; applys mask to image and adjusts naxis if not ICER compression ; ; ;- common apply_mask, ipdat stch=scch num =0 if datatype(ipdat) EQ 'UND' THEN BEGIN ssss = scc_read_ip_dat(IPver=IPver) ipdat=replicate('ERROR',256) for i=0,n_elements(ssss.ip_description)-1 do ipdat[i]=ssss[i].ip_description ENDIF if strmid(ipdat[stch.comprssn],0,4) eq 'ICER' then return ; ICER mask apply on-board ;--Get the filename and spacecraft from the header mask_table = stch.MASK_TBL path = GETENV_SLASH('NRL_LIB') d = get_delim() tmp = strsplit(mask_table,d) str = path+'secchi'+d+'data'+d+'tables'+d+strmid(mask_table,tmp(n_elements(tmp)-1),strlen(mask_table)-tmp(n_elements(tmp)-1)) filename = file_search(str,/TEST_REGULAR,count=flag) IF flag EQ 0 THEN BEGIN openw,otlun,'occtblmsg.txt',/get_lun printf,otlun,'Mask table has not been added to Solarsoft library' printf,otlun,mask_table printf,otlun,str+' is Missing' close,otlun free_lun,otlun maillist='' ; maillist='' spawn,'mailx -s Pipeline_Missing_mask_table '+maillist+' < occtblmsg.txt',/sh spawn,'rm occtblmsg.txt',/sh message,'COULD NOT FIND MASK TABLE',/inform wait,5 RETURN ENDIF sc = (str_sep(stch.OBSRVTRY,'_'))[1] ;--Read the mask table READ_MASK_TABLES,filename, roi_mask, occ_mask, sc,/NORECTIFY ;--Find the index for each detector det = stch.DETECTOR CASE det OF 'EUVI': tel=0 'COR1': tel=1 'COR2': tel=2 'HI1' : tel=3 'HI2' : tel=4 ELSE: message, 'ONLY SECCHI DETECTORS ALLOWED' ENDCASE ;--Select the mask from the mask table arrays CASE 1 OF stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 27',/boolean): mi=-1 stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 25',/boolean): mi=0 stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 45',/boolean): mi=1 stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 46',/boolean): mi=2 stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 47',/boolean): mi=3 ELSE: RETURN ENDCASE IF mi EQ -1 THEN mask = occ_mask[tel,*] ELSE mask = roi_mask[tel,*,mi] IF stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 29',/boolean) THEN mask = ~mask mask = reform(mask,34,34) mask = rebin(mask, 2176,2176,/sample) ; determine if mask is before or after IP binning rois=[' 27',' 25',' 45',' 46',' 47'] troi=rois[mi+1] proi=strpos(stch.IP_00_19,troi) psum=strpos(stch.IP_00_19,' 3') ; 2x2 pixel sum IF psum LT 0 THEN psum=strpos(stch.IP_00_19,' 53') ; 2x2 pixel sum then conditional divide by 4 IF psum LT 0 THEN psum=255 ; ipsum = 1 if psum LT proi $ ; binning before ROI or stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 37',/boolean) $ ; uses HI1 summing buffer or stregex(stch.IP_00_19,' 38',/boolean) $ ; uses HI2 summing buffer or (stch.sumrow+stch.sumcol GT 2) $ ; onchip summing then begin mask=mask(0:stch.NAXIS1-1, n_elements(mask(*,0)) - stch.NAXIS2: n_elements(mask(*,0))-1 ) mask=rebin(mask,stch.NAXIS1*stch.ipsum,stch.naxis2*stch.ipsum) endif else mask = mask[stch.P1COl-1:stch.P2COL-1,stch.P1ROW-1:stch.P2ROW-1] message,'DOES NOT INCLUDE RECTIFY IMAGE CORRECTION',/inform help,scch,image IF scch.RECTIFY EQ 'T' THEN stop wg=where(mask EQ 0) gxy=array_indices(mask,wg) minx=min(gxy[0,*],max=maxx) miny=min(gxy[1,*],max=maxy) stch.p1col=minx+1 stch.P2COL=maxx+1 stch.p1row=miny+1 stch.p2row=maxy+1 ;--indicate imaging area. ASSUMED TO BE UNRECTIFED! These are also corrected for summing ; in ; naxis1 stch.dstart1 =(51-stch.p1col+1)>1 stch.dstop1 =stch.dstart1-1+((stch.p2col-stch.p1col+1)<2048) ; naxis2 stch.dstart2 =1 stch.dstop2 =stch.dstart2-1+((stch.p2row-stch.p1row+1)<2048) stch.crpix1=scch.crpix1-(stch.p1col-scch.p1col)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) stch.crpix2=scch.crpix2-(stch.p1row-scch.p1row)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) stch.crpix1a=stch.crpix1 stch.crpix2a=stch.crpix2 stch.naxis1 =(stch.p2col - stch.p1col + 1)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) stch.naxis2 =(stch.p2row - stch.p1row + 1)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) IF datatype(fits_hdr) EQ 'STR' THEN BEGIN fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'NAXIS1',stch.naxis1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'NAXIS2',stch.naxis2 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'P1COL',stch.P1COL fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'P2COL',stch.P2COL fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'P1ROW',stch.P1ROW fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'P2ROW',stch.P2ROW fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DSTART1',stch.dstart1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DSTART2',stch.dstart2 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DSTOP1',stch.dstop1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'DSTOP2',stch.dstop2 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'CRPIX1',stch.crpix1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'CRPIX2',stch.crpix2 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'CRPIX1A',stch.crpix1 fxaddpar,fits_hdr,'CRPIX2A',stch.crpix2 ENDIF tpcol=(stch.p1col-scch.p1col)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) tprow=(stch.p1row-scch.p1row)/(2^(stch.summed-1)) image=image[tpcol:tpcol+stch.naxis1-1, tprow:tprow+stch.naxis2-1] scch=stch END