pro make_Scc_ext_tbl,seqtbl,sttime,exbasehdr,exnom_hdr,placeinseq,extscch=extscch, _EXTRA=_extra ;+ ;$Id:,v 1.31 2017/01/03 20:31:40 secchia Exp $ ; ; NAME: make_Scc_ext_tbl ; PURPOSE: fill a line of the sequence extended Header table for a Level 0.5 SECCHI Seq ; CATEGORY: Administration, Pipeline ; CALLING SEQUENCE: make_Scc_ext_tbl,seqtbl,sttime,exbasehdr,exexnom_hdr ; INPUTS: seqtbl=name of table to fill sttime=time a first image in sequence ; OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: extscch used to input saved header instead of current header ; ; OUTPUTS: seqtbl is returned with the new filled ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: scc_reduce ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: output rows must match definition in ; PROCEDURE: ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.31 2017/01/03 20:31:40 secchia ; removed stereo_spice_conic common block ; ; Revision 1.30 2017/01/03 20:25:21 secchia ; added load_sunspice common block ; ; Revision 1.29 2013/11/21 18:06:07 secchia ; add checks for islz before setting sdspath and looking for attitude info ; ; Revision 1.28 2013/11/14 16:15:14 secchia ; removed stop ; ; Revision 1.27 2013/11/14 00:25:58 nathan ; change how naxis of hdr-only is computed ; ; Revision 1.26 2011/11/25 20:19:15 secchib ; fix format of crval ; ; Revision 1.25 2010/07/07 15:22:12 mcnutt ; added keyword extscch for use with save area headers ; ; Revision 1.24 2010/07/07 11:51:48 mcnutt ; defines fileorig from basehdr if cor2 ; ; Revision 1.23 2010/07/06 22:48:23 nathan ; add fileorig to row ; ; Revision 1.22 2009/06/02 18:51:51 mcnutt ; change deltatime to f8.2 for hisam ; ; Revision 1.21 2009/03/16 17:21:27 mcnutt ; defines polar= scch.polar before COR changes ; ; Revision 1.20 2009/03/06 17:06:38 mcnutt ; get pol position from nom_hdr ; ; Revision 1.19 2008/04/07 12:47:55 secchib ; removed stop for skipped image ; ; Revision 1.18 2008/04/01 16:10:12 mcnutt ; set naxis if not set for HI header only images remembers original header in scchorig ; ; Revision 1.17 2008/02/07 13:53:00 bewsher ; Changed call to hi_point_v2 ; ; Revision 1.16 2007/12/13 16:39:21 nathan ; added 3 sig figs to EXPTIME and 1 digit to POLAR (Bug 268) ; ; Revision 1.15 2007/09/21 21:32:48 nathan ; add info printout ; ; Revision 1.14 2007/08/20 18:59:07 nathan ; Use obsrvtry not SCC_PLATFORM for AorB; add _extra to pointing calls for DIR in scc_sunvec ; ; Revision 1.13 2007/08/20 16:25:56 nathan ; if SCI set ap1 and detector from nom_hdr not fileorig ; ; Revision 1.12 2007/08/14 19:10:24 mcnutt ; added hi_point and cor1 point to file CRVAL1 and 2 and PC vals ; ; Revision 1.11 2007/04/09 21:29:57 nathan ; add _EXTRA so /FAST is passed to getsccpointing ; ; Revision 1.10 2007/04/05 14:55:10 mcnutt ; change RVAL format to allow for negative ; ; Revision 1.9 2007/04/03 18:28:31 mcnutt ; corrected call to ; ; Revision 1.8 2007/03/30 13:15:03 mcnutt ; finished correcting BUG 76 added CRVAL1 and CRVAL2 ; ; Revision 1.7 2007/02/12 14:58:28 mcnutt ; corrected ccdsum and ipsum comments ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/01/26 17:37:46 secchia ; defines enums if not defined ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/01/26 17:11:34 mcnutt ; added spice to extended header ; ; Revision 1.4 2006/09/11 21:09:52 mcnutt ; removed common block for header structures ; ; Revision 1.3 2006/07/25 16:41:37 mcnutt ; change cosmic format to i7 ; ; Revision 1.2 2006/07/21 21:04:15 mcnutt ; removed imgcnt input use base hdr instead ; ; Revision 1.1 2006/07/21 18:30:13 mcnutt ; created to fill seq table called in secchi_reduce ; COMMON scc_reduce; , ludb, lulog, basehdr, nom_hdr, ext_hdr, scch, leapsecs common stereo_sunspice; common stereo_spice, def_ephem, ephem, attitude ;common stereo_spice_conic;, mu, maxdate, conic EVENT='F' & evcount='' & evrow=9999 & evcol=9999 critevent=string(exbasehdr.CRITEVENT,'(z4)') if(strmid(critevent,0,1) eq 'd' or strmid(critevent,0,1) eq 'e')then begin EVENT='T' if(strmid(critevent,0,1) eq 'd')then begin evcount='Event' eventcal=exbasehdr.CRITEVENT-(53248+1999) endif else begin evcount='Big Ev' eventcal=exbasehdr.CRITEVENT-(57344+1999) endelse EVROW=eventcal/34 EVCOL= eventcal - (34 * EVROW) endif IF scch.detector NE '' THEN detector=scch.detector ELSE BEGIN ap1=strmid(string(exbasehdr.filename),10,1) detectors=['COR1','COR2','HI1','HI2','EUVI'] detector=detectors[ap1] ENDELSE IF (exnom_hdr.actualShutterPosition EQ 0) THEN shuttdir='F' else shuttdir='T' date_clr_utc =tai2utc(exnom_hdr.ACTUALCCDCLEARSTARTTIME, /nocorrect) date_clr =utc2str(date_clr_utc,/noz) date_ro_utc =tai2utc(exnom_hdr.ACTUALIMAGERETRIEVESTARTTIME, /nocorrect) date_ro =utc2str(date_ro_utc,/noz) f_or_t=['F','T'] ledclr=['N','R','B','P'] scchorig=scch if keyword_set(extscch) then scch=extscch IF detector EQ 'HI2' or detector EQ 'HI1' THEN begin if scch.naxis1 eq 0 then scch.naxis1=2048/2^(scch.summed-1) if scch.naxis2 eq 0 then scch.naxis2=2048/2^(scch.summed-1) if scch.naxis eq 0 then scch.naxis=2 if scch.naxis1 eq 1 and scch.naxis2 eq 2048 then scch.naxis1=2048 ;HISAM images scch = hi_point_v2(scch, _extra=_extra) endif IF detector EQ 'COR1' THEN cor1_point,scch, _extra=_extra ;fileorig = scch.fileorig ;polar =scch.polar ;degr = (exnom_hdr.cmdpolarposition) * 2.5 ;IF scch.detector EQ 'COR2' or scch.detector EQ 'COR1' THEN BEGIN ; IF (scch.detector EQ 'COR1' and scch.OBSRVTRY eq 'STEREO_A') THEN poloffset= -10. ELSE poloffset=0 ; assuming position 0 = 0 degrees ; polar =degr + poloffset ; fileorig=string(exbasehdr.filename) ;ENDIF IF (trim(scch.seb_prog) eq 'DOUBLE') then IF scch.detector EQ 'COR2' or scch.detector EQ 'COR1' THEN polar=1001 ;--Check for correct retrieval of GT slew info IF scch.sc_yaw EQ 0 and islz THEN BEGIN print,'ATT_FILE:',scch.att_file print,'SC_YAW:',scch.sc_yaw wait,10 ENDIF ;IF detector EQ 'COR2' THEN begin (cor2 values are filled in make_Scc_hdr) ; if datatype(enums) EQ 'UND' THEN enums = def_scc_enums() ; sccobsrvtry = enums.eplatformtypes[exnom_hdr.platformid] ; date_obs_utc=tai2utc(exbasehdr.actualexptime, /nocorrect) ; sccdate_obs=utc2str(date_obs_utc,/noz) ; hcv=get_stereo_hpc_point(sccdate_obs,strmid(sccobsrvtry,7,1),_extra=_extra) ; sccCROTA=hcv(2) ; sccPC1_1=cos(sccCROTA*!DPI/180.d0) ; sccPC1_2=-sin(sccCROTA*!DPI/180.d0) ;*(sccCDELT1/sccCDELT2) ;may be added later ; sccPC2_1=sin(sccCROTA*!DPI/180.d0) ;*(sccCDELT1/sccCDELT2) ; sccPC2_2=cos(sccCROTA*!DPI/180.d0) ; yprhpc=getsccpointing(enums.ehkpinstrument[exnom_hdr.telescopeid],strmid(sccobsrvtry,7,1),sccdate_obs, TOLERANCE=60, YPRSC=scp, _EXTRA=_extra) ; hpccmnt='Pointing info from SPICE, 1min. resolution' ; print,'YPR hpc = ',yprhpc ; sccCRVAL1 =yprhpc[0] ; sccCRVAL2 =yprhpc[1] ;endif seqtbl(placeinseq)=string(exbasehdr.actualexptime-sttime,'(f8.2)')+' ' $ ;1 DELTATIME +string(scch.exptime,'(f10.6)')+' ' $ ;2 EXPTIME +string((exbasehdr.sumrow+exbasehdr.sumcol)/2,'(i2)')+' ' $ ;3 CCDSUM +string((exbasehdr.sebxsum+exbasehdr.sebysum)/2,'(i2)')+' ' $ ;4 IPSUM ; Revision 1.116 2006/12/22 22:38:07 nathan +string(scch.polar,'(f6.1)')+' ' $ ;5 CMDed POL POS +string(shuttdir,'(a1)')+' ' $ ;6 SHUTTER used T or F +string(exbasehdr.actualpolarposition,'(i3)')+' ' $ ;7 actual encoder position of polarizer +string(ledclr(exnom_hdr.cmdledmode),'(a1)')+' ' $ ;8 LED COLOR +string(exnom_hdr.ACTUALDOORPOSITION,'(a1)')+' ' $ ;9 DOOR +string(exbasehdr.IMGCTR,'(i5)')+' ' $ ;10 IMGCTR +string(placeinseq,'(i4)')+' ' $ ;11 IMGSEQ +string(event,'(a1)')+' ' $ ;12 FLARE +string(evcount,'(a6)')+' ' $ ;13 FCOUNT +string(evrow,'(i4)')+' ' $ ;14 FROW +string(evcol,'(i4)')+' ' $ ;15 FCOL +string(date_clr,'(a23)')+' ' $ ;16 Time of start of clear operation +string(date_ro,'(a23)')+' ' $ ;17 Time of start of readout +string(scch.PC1_1,'(f9.6)')+' ' $ ;18 PC1_1 +string(scch.PC1_2,'(f9.6)')+' ' $ ;19 PC1_2 +string(scch.PC2_1,'(f9.6)')+' ' $ ;20 PC2_1 +string(scch.PC2_2,'(f9.6)')+' ' $ ;21 PC2_2 +string(scch.CRVAL1,'(f9.3)')+' ' $ ;22 CRVAL1 +string(scch.CRVAL2,'(f9.3)')+' ' $ ;23 CRVAL2 +string(0,'(i7)') +' ' $ ;24 COSMIC +string(scch.fileorig,'(a12)') ;25 FILEORIG scch=scchorig print,'New seqtbl line=',seqtbl[placeinseq] ;IF exbasehdr.actualexptime-sttime LT 0 then stop end