function parsefcmetafile, file0 ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.4 2007/08/31 15:38:36 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : parsefcmetafile ; ; Purpose : parse the counts in the image meta file generated by file_capture ; ; Explanation : ; ; Use : IDL> fcnts=parsefcmetafile('76010012.748') ; ; Inputs : fileorig Image file with path ; ; Outputs : ;** Structure FILE_CAPTURE_META, 4 tags, length=8, data length=8: ; PACKETS_FOUND INT ; NBLOCKS INT ; NERRORS INT ; PACKETS_EXPECTED ; INT ; ; Keywords : ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Input requires path ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Nathan Rich, NRL/I2, Aug 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2007/08/31 15:38:36 nathan ; nr - allow incomplete metafile ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/08/30 20:20:29 nathan ; fixed check for .0 on input ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/08/30 18:34:43 secchia ; nr - fix typo ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/08/30 18:05:28 nathan ; used with,v 1.240 ; len=strlen(file0) ; assuming fileorig has path on it IF strmid(file0,len-2,2) EQ '.0' THEN metafile=strmid(file0,0,len-1)+'meta.0' $ ELSE metafile=file0+'.meta' cnts={ file_capture_meta, PACKETS_FOUND:0, NBLOCKS:0, NERRORS:0, PACKETS_EXPECTED:0 } rows=readlist(metafile) n=n_elements(rows) c=where(rows EQ 'COUNTS') c=c[0] IF c LT 0 THEN BEGIN message,metafile+' is incomplete!!',/info wait,10 return,cnts ENDIF parts=strsplit(rows[c+1],'=',/extract) cnts.packets_found=fix(parts[1]) parts=strsplit(rows[c+2],'=',/extract) cnts.nblocks=fix(parts[1]) parts=strsplit(rows[c+3],'=',/extract) cnts.nerrors=fix(parts[1]) parts=strsplit(rows[c+4],'=',/extract) first=fix(parts[1]) parts=strsplit(rows[c+5],'=',/extract) last=fix(parts[1]) IF last LT first THEN last=last+16384 cnts.packets_expected=last-first+1 return,cnts end