pro get_lz_size,sc,d1,d2,ut,sizes,ver=ver ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.3 2020/02/27 12:18:10 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : get_lz_size ; ; Purpose : gets total size of daily lz files ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> get_lz_size,'a','2008-10-01','2009-01-31',dates,sizes,/fin ; ; Inputs :sc = 'a' or 'b' d1=first day d2 = last day ; ; Outputs : ut = UTC array of dates ; sizes = daily total of the 6 lz files (Bytes) ; ; Keywords : fin to read in the final version size ; ver to set version number of ptp files default is 2 ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Need appropriate permissions to write temporary file. ; ; Side effects: writes a temporary file (~/lzsizetmp.txt) to the home directory. ; ; Category : data anal ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written :Lynn McNutt 2008 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2020/02/27 12:18:10 secchia ; changed findfile to file_search ; ; Revision 1.2 2009/01/21 23:01:14 nathan ; Remove /FIN option and always retrieve .fin data as well as current data ; and then sort; return time in UTC format ; ; Revision 1.1 2009/01/16 18:54:46 mcnutt ; gets daily lz file size totals ; ut0=anytim2utc(d1) ut1=anytim2utc(d2) yr1=fix(strmid(d1,0,4)) & yr2=fix(strmid(d2,0,4)) sc=strlowcase(sc) if keyword_set(fin) then ext='.fin' else ext='.ptp' if keyword_set(ver) then ver=ver else ver=2 if sc eq 'b' then sc1='behind' if sc eq 'a' then sc1='ahead' tmp=file_search('~/lzsizetmp.txt') if tmp(0) ne '' then begin cmd='rm ~/lzsizetmp.txt' spawn,cmd,/sh endif for iy=yr1,yr2 do begin yr=string(iy,'(i4)') if iy eq yr1 then m1=fix(strmid(d1,5,2)) else m1=1 if iy eq yr2 then m2=fix(strmid(d2,5,2)) else m2=12 for im=m1,m2 do begin mo=string(im,'(i2.2)') cmd='/bin/ls -ltr '+getenv('SDS_FIN_DIR')+'/'+sc+'/'+yr+'/'+mo+'/*.fin | awk '+"'"+'{print $9,$5}'+"'"+' >> ~/lzsizetmp.txt' spawn,cmd,/sh endfor endfor cmd='/bin/ls -ltr '+getenv('SDS_DIR')+'/'+sc1+'/data_products/level_0_telemetry/secchi/*'+string(ver,'(i2.2)')+'.ptp | awk '+"'"+'{print $9,$5}'+"'"+' >> ~/lzsizetmp.txt' spawn,cmd,/sh openr,szlun,'~/lzsizetmp.txt',/get_lun line='' line2='' readf,szlun,line parts=strsplit(line,/extract) ids=rstrmid(parts[0],4,13) sz=long(parts[1]) while ~eof(szlun) do begin readf,szlun,line parts=strsplit(line,/extract) ids=[ids,rstrmid(parts[0],4,13)] sz=[sz,long(parts[1])] endwhile close,szlun FREE_LUN,szlun cmd='rm ~/lzsizetmp.txt' ;spawn,cmd srt=sort(ids) ids=ids[srt] ids2=strmid(ids,0,10) unq=uniq(ids2) days=strmid(ids[unq],0,8) sz=sz[srt[unq]] utdays=doy2utc(fix(strmid(days,5,3)),fix(strmid(days,0,4))) ut=replicate(ut0,ut1.mjd-ut0.mjd+1) dates=strarr(ut1.mjd-ut0.mjd+1) sizes=lonarr(ut1.mjd-ut0.mjd+1) FOR i=ut0.mjd,ut1.mjd DO BEGIN z=where(utdays.mjd eq i, nz) ut[i-ut0.mjd].mjd=i if nz EQ 6 then sizes[i-ut0.mjd]=total(sz[z]) ELSE message,'not 6 files for '+utc2str(ut[i-ut0.mjd],/date),/info ENDFOR end