;+ ; $Id: get_hi_params.pro,v 1.5 2008/07/28 13:20:45 bewsher Exp $ ; ; Project: STEREO-SECCHI ; ; Name: get_hi_params ; ; Purpose: To detect which HI telescope is being used and return the ; instrument offsets relative to the spacecraft along with ; the mu parameter and the fov in degrees ; ; Should use latest fits ; ; Category: STEREO, SECCHI, HI, Calibration ; ; Explanation: As 'best pointings' may change as further calibration ; is done, it was thought more useful if there was one ; central routine to provide this data, rather than ; having to make the same changes in many different ; codes. Note, if you set one of the output variables to ; some value, then it will retain that value. ; ; Syntax: get_hi_params, index, hi_offy, hi_offx, hi_roll, mu, fov ; ; Example: get_hi_params,index,hi_x,hi_y,hi_roll,mu,fov ; ; Inputs: index - one HI header structure ; ; Opt. Inputs: None ; ; Outputs: hi_offx - HI yaw offset ; hi_offy - HI pitch offfset ; hi_roll - HI roll ; mu - HI distortion parameter ; fov - HI fov ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords: /hi_nominal - retrieve nominal values at launch. ; Default is most up to date calibrated values ; a la Bewsher and Brown. ; ; Calls: None ; ; Common: None ; ; Restrictions: None ; ; Side effects: None ; ; Prev. Hist.: None ; ; History: 15-Oct-2007, Daniel Brown and Danielle Bewsher ; ; Contact: Daniel Brown (dob@aber.ac.uk) and ; Danielle Bewsher (d.bewsher@rl.ac.uk) ; ; $Log: get_hi_params.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.5 2008/07/28 13:20:45 bewsher ; Updated calibrated instrument offsets with results from Brown, Bewsher & Eyles (2008). Derived from all data up to the end of April 2008. ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/02/27 12:46:54 bewsher ; Corrected nominal 'd' parameters ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/12/14 13:16:48 bewsher ; Changed NOMINAL keyword to HI_NOMINAL ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/11/29 14:34:15 bewsher ; Updated HI 2B calibrated parameters ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/11/28 12:05:53 bewsher ; First releases of hi_calib_point and associated code ; ;- pro get_hi_params,index,pitch_hi,offset_hi,roll_hi,mu,d,hi_nominal=hi_nominal,_extra=extra if keyword_set(hi_nominal) then begin ;print,'Using nominal pointing parameters' if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_A') and (index.detector eq 'HI1')) then begin if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0.0 if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=-13.98 if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0.0 if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.16677 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=20.2663 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_A') and (index.detector eq 'HI2')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=-53.68 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0. if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0. if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.83329 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=70.8002 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_B') and (index.detector eq 'HI1')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=13.98 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0. if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0. if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.10001 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=20.2201 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_B') and (index.detector eq 'HI2')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=53.68 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0. if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0. if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.65062 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=69.8352 endif endif else begin ; best as of 15-Oct-2007 ;print,'Using calibrated pointing parameters' if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_A') and (index.detector eq 'HI1')) then begin if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0.1159 if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=-14.0037 if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=1.0215 if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.102422 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=20.27528 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_A') and (index.detector eq 'HI2')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=-53.4075 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0.0662 if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0.1175 if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.785486 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=70.73507 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_B') and (index.detector eq 'HI1')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=14.10 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0.022 if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=0.37 if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.09509 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=20.23791 endif if ((index.obsrvtry eq 'STEREO_B') and (index.detector eq 'HI2')) then begin if (n_elements(offset_hi) eq 0) then offset_hi=53.690 if (n_elements(pitch_hi) eq 0) then pitch_hi=0.213 if (n_elements(roll_hi) eq 0) then roll_hi=-0.052 if (n_elements(mu) eq 0) then mu=0.68886 if (n_elements(d) eq 0) then d=70.20152 endif endelse end