function scc_time2gtparms,time,file,obs,quiet=quiet,no_grh=no_grh ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.8 2013/10/16 14:16:07 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_time2gtparms ; ; Purpose : returns proper GT parameters for input time. Uses either the ; appropriate Level 0 telemetry packet file, or the GT database. ; Looks for the most recent entry before "time". ; Note: the gt parms are only telemetered once every 2 min., and ; we often take images just 2 min. after a pointing change. ; To avoid incorrect pointing, "time" should therefore not ; be the beginning of an exposure, but rather the end. ; (or it could be the beginning plus, say, 5-8 seconds). ; ; Use : IDL> d = scc_time2gtparms(time,file,obs) ; d = scc_time2gtparms(time,'secchi_ahead_2007_004_4_02.ptp') ; d = scc_time2gtparms('2007-01-17T20:01:22','gt_db.geny','b') ; ; Inputs : ; time : time in any format accepted by ; for images, use time of end of exposure ; (cannot be a vector of times) ; file : two options: ; 1. path/name of a single Level 0 secchi telemetry packet file ; (name must follow proper naming convention: *yyyy_doy_n_vv.???) ; 2. path/name of GT database file (created by ; (name must end in 'geny') ; Either file is read only if the name has changed since the last call. ; Otherwise the copy in the common block is used ; obs : 'a' or 'b'. Required if using GT dbase file, ignored for tlm file ; ; Outputs : ; d = structure element containing the following tags: ; .t : double Time (anytim format in seconds) ; .cg2 : intarr(4) GT gain ; .cg4 : intarr(2) GT bias ; .fid : long file id (from file name: yr*100000+doy*100+n*10+obs) ; .ver : int file version (from file name) ; .flg : int -1 if no GT table data found, ; 0 if GT data found, but outdated, ; 1 if recent GT data found for given time ; If file couldn't be found or read, scc_time2gtparms returns -1 ! ; ; Keywords: ; /quiet : suppress warnings for outdated or improper file ; /no_grh : no ground receipt header (ignored if file is GT database file) ; ; Common : gt_parms_db ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 24-Jan-2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.8 2013/10/16 14:16:07 nathan ; disable email if status change ; ; Revision 1.7 2013/09/23 18:30:08 nathan ; remove waits if /VERBOSE, but add wait for state change case ; ; Revision 1.6 2013/09/20 15:56:05 nathan ; fix lasterr UND case so does not mail when starting up ; ; Revision 1.5 2013/09/06 16:44:06 secchia ; nr - increase wait after error and send msg to secchipipeline@cronus ; ; Revision 1.4 2013/09/05 19:37:47 secchia ; nr - add lasterr to common gt_parms_db and spawn mail if err state changes ; ; Revision 1.3 2013/04/18 20:28:55 nathan ; refresh common block before declaring error ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/12/22 22:20:31 wuelser ; added concat_dir ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/19 23:09:03 euvi ; initial version ; ;- common gt_parms_db,db,fname,ftype, lasterr ; if not supplied, try to find database file in a) $SCC_DATA b) current dir if n_elements(file) ne 1 then begin file = file_search(concat_dir('$SCC_DATA','gt/secchi_gtdbase.geny')) file = file[0] if file eq '' then file = file_search('secchi_gtdbase.geny') endif file = file[0] firsttry=1 retry: ; check if file needs to be read, or contents already in common block readfile = 1 if n_elements(fname) eq 1 then if fname eq file then readfile=0 ; read file, if necessary if readfile then begin if strmid(file,3,4,/reverse_offset) eq 'geny' then begin ; database file ftype = 1 ; set file type if file_search(file) ne '' then begin ; file exists: restgenx,db,file=file ; - read file wa = where(db.a.flg eq 1) ; - relevant data wb = where(db.b.flg eq 1) ; for A and B db = {a:db.a[wa],b:db.b[wb]} ; - data to keep fname = file ; - update fname endif else fname='' ; else reset fname endif else begin ; L0 telem. file ftype = 0 ; set file type db = scc_gtparms_1tf(file) ; read tlm file if db[0].t gt 0d0 then fname=file $ ; valid data ? else fname='' ; else reset fname endelse ; if no valid data found: print error message and return if fname eq '' then begin ; valid data? if keyword_set(quiet) eq 0 then $ ; check if /quiet print,'Error: no GT table info found' ; no: print error return,-1 ; return endif endif ; convert time to seconds (same as db.t) t = anytim(time) ; search db and extract latest entry before or at "time", and a check time ; - db must be time sorted (true for dbase, assumed to be true for tlm file) ; - treat dbase and tlm file types separately if ftype then begin ; GT database if strlowcase(strmid(obs,0,1)) eq 'a' then o=0 else o=1 ; - Ahead or B? w = where(db.(o).t le t,nw) ; - search times if nw gt 0 then d=db.(o)[w[nw-1]] else d=db.(o)[0] ; - extract match tlast = db.(o)[n_elements(db.(o))-1].t ; - t of last data ; set bad flag if t more than 4 hours after tlast bad = t gt tlast+1.44e4 ; - set bad flag endif else begin ; tlm file w = where(db.t le t,nw) ; - search times if nw gt 0 then d=db[w[nw-1]] else d=db[0] ; - extract match ; set bad flag if t more than 4 h after entry, or before 1st entry bad = t gt d.t+1.44e4 or t lt d.t ; - set bad flag endelse IF bad and firsttry THEN BEGIN ; refresh common block and try once more if keyword_set(quiet) eq 0 then BEGIN print,'Outdated or improper GT table info for '+anytim(t,/ccs)+'; trying refresh...' print,'Last time is ',anytim(tlast,/ccs) wait,1 ENDIF fname='' firsttry=0 goto, retry ENDIF ; check if entry time not appropriate, if so, set output flg, print warning if bad then begin d.flg = d.flg < 0 ; set flg to 0 if keyword_set(quiet) eq 0 then BEGIN print,'Warning: outdated or improper GT table info for '+anytim(t,/ccs) print,'Last time is ',anytim(tlast,/ccs) wait,3 ENDIF endif if datatype(lasterr) EQ 'UND' THEN lasterr=d.flg IF d.flg NE lasterr THEN BEGIN ; see what is happening with gterr msg=anytim(t,/ccs)+' d.flg (validity) change from '+trim(lasterr)+' to '+trim(d.flg)+'. Last db.t is '+anytim(tlast,/ccs) print,'WARNING: ',msg ;if keyword_set(quiet) eq 0 then BEGIN if 0 then BEGIN wait,5 cmd='echo "'+msg+'" | mailx -s GTdb_'+obs+'_status_change secchipipeline@cronus' spawn,cmd,/sh ENDIF lasterr=d.flg ENDIF return,d end