function scc_gtparms_1tf,file,no_grh=no_grh ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.1 2007/02/19 23:09:03 euvi Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_gtparms_1tf ; ; Purpose : reads a raw telemetry file and extracts GT calibration ; parameters from the gt engineering packets (Apid 1069) ; ; Use : IDL> d = scc_gtparms_1tf(file) ; ; Inputs : ; file : name of a single Level 0 secchi telemetry packet file ; ; Outputs : ; d = structure vector containing the following tags: ; .t : double Time (anytim format in seconds) ; .cg2 : intarr(4) GT gain ; .cg4 : intarr(2) GT bias ; .fid : long file id (from file name: yr*100000+doy*100+n*10+obs) ; .ver : int file version (from file name) ; .flg : int -1 if no data found, else 1 ; ; Only returns the first of any series of identical entries ; ; Keywords: ; /no_grh : no ground receipt header (default is 26 byte ground recpt hdr) ; ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 17-Jan-2007 based on scc_gteng ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/19 23:09:03 euvi ; initial version ; ;- if keyword_set(no_grh) then ghb=0 else ghb=26 ; length of ground recpt hdr ghi = ghb/2 ; length in 16bit words yr = long(strmid(file,16,4,/reverse_offset)) doy = long(strmid(file,11,3,/reverse_offset)) num = long(strmid(file,7,1,/reverse_offset)) oid = long(strmid(file,22,1,/reverse_offset) ne 'a') fid = yr*100000L + doy*100L + num*10L + oid ver = fix(strmid(file,5,2,/reverse_offset)) typ = fix(strmid(file,2,3,/reverse_offset) eq 'fin') ; make version # of .fin files start with 100 ver = 100*typ+ver ; define structure (must be named for savegen to work) d0 = {scc_gtdb1,t:0d0,cg2:intarr(4),cg4:intarr(2),fid:fid,ver:ver,flg:-1} it1 = 6+ghb it2 = 10+ghb icg2 = lindgen(4)+34+ghi ; index to cg2 icg4 = lindgen(2)+39+ghi ; index to cg4 rec = intarr(136+ghi) ; 1 packet dt = 7670L*24L*3600L ; diff. betw. SC and anytim time def. apid = 1069 ; apid for gteng data on_ioerror,endfil openr,lun,file,/get_lun while 1 do begin readu,lun,rec apid0 = rec[ghi] ieee_to_host,apid0 if (apid0 and 2047) eq apid then begin cg2 = rec[icg2] ieee_to_host,cg2 cg4 = rec[icg4] ieee_to_host,cg4 w2 = where(cg2 eq d0.cg2,n2) w4 = where(cg4 eq d0.cg4,n4) if n2+n4 ne 6 then begin t1 = long(rec,it1) ieee_to_host,t1 t2 = byte(rec,it2) d0.t = double(t1-dt)+double(t2)/256d0 d0.cg2 = cg2 d0.cg4 = cg4 d0.flg = 1 if n_elements(d) gt 0L then d=[d,d0] else d=d0 endif endif endwhile endfil: if n_elements(lun) gt 0 then free_lun,lun if n_elements(d) eq 0L then d=d0 return,d end