function scc_gtdiag,ts,te,s_c,file=file,dir=dir,no_grh=no_grh,nrl=nrl ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.3 2010/04/13 21:21:08 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_gtdiag ; ; Purpose : reads a raw telemetry file (from SSC website) and extracts ; the data from the gt diagnostic packets (Apid 1066) ; ; Use : IDL> d = scc_gtdiag(file=file_search('secchi_ahead*ptp')) ; IDL> d = scc_gtdiag(ts,te,'a',dir='/User/wuelser/telem_a') ; ; Inputs : ; ts = start time (anytim format). ; te = end time. ; s_c = 'a' or 'b' ; all 3 inputs required unless file keyword supplied ; ; Outputs : ; d = structure vector containing gt high rate raw data. ; ; Keywords: ; file = file list (input, optional) ; dir = directory for automatic file search (used only if file not supplied) ; /no_grh : no ground receipt header (default is 26 byte ground recpt hdr) ; /nrl : use default dir path at NRL (instead of LMSAL). ; Ignored if either dir or file are supplied. ; ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 1-Nov-2006 ; JPW 20-Dec-2006 : added "int" time format for easier utplot ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2010/04/13 21:21:08 nathan ; find correct level-0 directory ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/06/22 18:34:27 mcnutt ; corrected directories ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/12 03:19:34 euvi ; initial version ; ;- n = n_elements(file) if n eq 0 then begin file = scc_time2tlmfile(ts,te,s_c, NRL=nrl,dir=dir) n = n_elements(file) endif if keyword_set(no_grh) then ghb=0 else ghb=26 ; length of ground recpt hdr ghi = ghb/2 ; length in 16bit words d0 = {time:0L,day:0L,t:0d0,raw:intarr(4),dac:bytarr(3),n:0B,tunc:0d0} ; data structure d0 = replicate(d0,21) ; diag packet has 21 data entries it1 = 6+ghb it2 = 10+ghb iraw = (lindgen(84) mod 4)+(lindgen(84)/4)*6+6+ghi ; index to raw GT data icnt = lindgen(21)*12 + 20 ; index to cnt bytes idac = (lindgen(63) mod 3) + (lindgen(63)/3)*12+21 ; index to dac byte data toff = (dindgen(21)-20d0)*4d-3 ; time correction for ea. entry time trc = 0d0 ; initial time of previous packet rec = intarr(136+ghi) ; 1 packet dt = 7670L*24L*3600L ; diff. betw. SC and anytim time def. apid = 1066 ; apid for gtdiag data ; intermediate size data vector to improve speed (d=[d,d0] is slow!) n10 = 1000L d10 = replicate(d0[0],n10*21L) i10 = 0L on_ioerror,endfil for i=0,n-1 do begin openr,lun,file[i],/get_lun while 1 do begin readu,lun,rec if (rec[ghi] and 2047) eq apid then begin brc = byte(rec,ghb,272) ; create byte type copy of record trn = double(long(rec,it1)-dt)+double(byte(rec,it2))/256d0 d0.tunc = trn ; uncorrected packet time trc = trn > (trc+84d-3) ; make time monotonous d0.t = trc + toff d0.n = brc[icnt] d0.raw = reform(rec[iraw],4,21) d0.dac = reform(brc[idac],3,21) d10[i10*21L] = d0 i10 = i10 + 1L if i10 eq n10 then begin if n_elements(d) gt 0L then d=[d,d10] else d=d10 i10 = 0L endif endif endwhile endfil: free_lun,lun endfor if i10 gt 0L then begin d10 = d10[0L:i10*21L-1L] if n_elements(d) gt 0L then d=[d,d10] else d=d10 endif if n_params() ge 2 and n_elements(d) gt 0 then begin ww = where(d.t ge anytim(ts) and d.t le anytim(te),nww) if nww gt 0 then d=d[ww] else d=0 endif ; add time in "int" format for easier utplot siz=size(d) if siz[siz[0]+1] eq 8 then begin ti = anytim(d.t,/int) d.time = ti.time = endif else d=0 return,d end