pro scc_gtdbase_update,dbfile=dfil,tlmdir=tdir,no_grh=no_grh,nrl=nrl,quiet=quiet ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.4 2007/06/28 17:18:11 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : scc_gtdbase_update ; ; Purpose : creates or updates a GT calibration and offpoint database ; based on the gt engineering packets (Apid 1069) in the Level 0 ; telemetry packet files for SECCHI ; ; Use : IDL> scc_gtdbase_update ; ; Inputs : none ; ; Outputs : none ; ; Keywords: ; dbfile : path/name of database file to be created/updated. ; Default: secchi_gtdbase.geny in current directory ; tlmdir : directory(ies) with telemetry packet files. Can be vector, ; e.g., with different elements for Ahead and Behind. ; Default: appropriate for local LMSAL installation ; /nrl : Change tlmdir default to one appropriate for NRL ; /no_grh : no ground receipt header (default is 26 byte ground recpt hdr) ; /quiet : suppress list of read telemetry files ; ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; Creates/updates GT dbase file. ; Contents: structure with tags a and b, stored in a .genx file. ; Tags a and b each a structure vector described in ; ; Category : Pipeline ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 18-Jan-2007 based on scc_gteng ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.4 2007/06/28 17:18:11 nathan ; fix tdir ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/06/22 18:34:27 mcnutt ; corrected directories ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/02/27 00:12:09 nathan ; add info about input and output files ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/19 23:09:03 euvi ; initial version ; ;- ; set appropriate default tlmdir if n_elements(tdir) eq 0 then begin obs = ['ahead','behind'] if keyword_set(nrl) then tdir=getenv_slash('SDS_DIR') $ +obs+'/data_products/level_0_telemetry/secchi' $ else tdir='$secchi/telemetry/'+obs+'/secchi' endif ndir = n_elements(tdir) ; set default dbfile if n_elements(dfil) ne 1 then dfil='$SCC_DATA/gt/secchi_gtdbase.geny' ; read the dbfile, if it exists if file_search(dfil) ne '' then begin restgenx,db,file=dfil ; read existing db asiz = size(db.a) bsiz = size(db.b) dbn = [asiz[asiz[0]+2],bsiz[bsiz[0]+2]] ; # of entries in existing db if asiz[asiz[0]+1] ne 8 then dbn[0]=0 ; check for 0 entries, ahead if bsiz[bsiz[0]+1] ne 8 then dbn[1]=0 ; check for 0 entries, behind endif else dbn=[0L,0L] IF ~keyword_set(QUIET) THEN BEGIN print,'Tlm dir= ',tdir print,'Dbase file= ',dfil ENDIF ; find all relevant telemetry files for i=0,ndir-1 do begin ; loop through directories ; look for .ptp files ffi = file_search(tdir[i],'secchi_*.ptp',count=nffi,/nosort) if nffi gt 0 then begin if n_elements(ff) gt 0 then ff=[ff,ffi] else ff=ffi endif ; look for .fin files ffi = file_search(tdir[i],'secchi_*.fin',count=nffi,/nosort) if nffi gt 0 then begin if n_elements(ff) gt 0 then ff=[ff,ffi] else ff=ffi endif endfor if n_elements(ff) eq 0 then begin print,'No telemetry files found' return endif ; create fid and ver as used in the dbase yr = long(strmid(ff,16,4,/reverse_offset)) doy = long(strmid(ff,11,3,/reverse_offset)) num = long(strmid(ff,7,1,/reverse_offset)) oid = long(strmid(ff,22,1,/reverse_offset) ne 'a') ; observatory id a:0, b:1 fid = yr*100000L + doy*100L + num*10L + oid ; fid as used in dbase ver = fix(strmid(ff,5,2,/reverse_offset)) ; version typ = fix(strmid(ff,2,3,/reverse_offset) eq 'fin') ; make version # of .fin files start with 100 ver = 100*typ+ver ; ver as used in dbase fiv = (fid-2000L*100000L)*200L+long(ver) ; combination of fid,ver ; latest version of each fid, in sorted order i = uniq(fid,sort(fiv)) ff = ff[i] fid = fid[i] ver = ver[i] oid = oid[i] nff = n_elements(fid) ; loop through latest version telemetry files for i=0L,nff-1 do begin rr = 1 ; flag for tlm read oi = oid[i] ; obs id this file ; if db non-empty, search for this fid, and reset rr if up-to-date if dbn[oi] gt 0 then begin ; db non-empty? ww = where(db.(oi).fid eq fid[i],nn) ; search db if nn gt 0 then begin ; entries exist if min(db.(oi)[ww].ver) ge ver[i] $ ; up-to-date? then rr=0 $ ; y: reset rr else db.(oi)[ww].flg = -2 ; n: flag old db endif endif ; read tlm file, if rr set if rr eq 1 then begin if keyword_set(quiet) eq 0 then print,' reading '+ff[i] d1 = scc_gtparms_1tf(ff[i]) ; read tlm file ; add data to new db vector "d" od1 = intarr(n_elements(d1))+oi ; obs id of data if n_elements(d) gt 0 then begin ; d defined? d = [d,d1] od = [od,od1] endif else begin ; d not defined: d = d1 od = od1 endelse endif endfor ; merge the old and new databases ; loop through ahead/behind for oi=0,1 do begin ; determine which entries to merge if dbn[oi] gt 0 then kk=where(db.(oi).flg ne -2,nkk) $ else nkk=0 ; old entries to keep if n_elements(od) gt 0 then jj=where(od eq oi,njj) $ else njj=0 ; new entries for obs ; 4 cases: if njj eq 0 then begin ; no new entries if nkk eq 0 then c=0 else c=db.(oi)[kk] endif else begin ; new entries exist if nkk eq 0 then c=d[jj] else c=[db.(oi)[kk],d[jj]] c = c[sort(c.t)] ; sort by time endelse ; update flags siz = size(c) if siz[siz[0]+1] ne 8 then nw=0 $ ; find valid data else w=where(c.flg ge 0,nw) if nw gt 0 then c[w].flg=1 ; set all to 1 if nw gt 2 then begin ; find all entries (except last) where parameters haven't changed: d2 = abs(c[w[1:nw-2]].cg2 - c[w[0:nw-3]].cg2) d4 = abs(c[w[1:nw-2]].cg4 - c[w[0:nw-3]].cg4) ww = where(total(d2,1)+total(d4,1) eq 0,nww) ; set flg of those to 0: if nww gt 0 then c[w[ww+1L]].flg=0 endif if oi eq 0 then a=c else b=c endfor ; save updated database db = {a:a,b:b} savegenx,db,file=dfil,/overwrite end