function rd_euvi_sre, Fits_header, ab=ab, date=date, $ use_sre_file=use_sre_file, apec=apec, $ Feldman=Feldman, All_lines = All_lines, $ debug=debug, $ sre_filename=sre_file1 ; Output ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.2 2012/10/23 19:55:57 nathan Exp $ ; ;NAME: rd_euvi_sre ;PURPOSE: Read the appropriate SRE file that contains the ; emission response function for the EUVI on STEREO A and B ; ; The SRE data structure is returned. ; ; This routine is called by euvi_flux ; ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; sre = rd_euvi_sre(Fits_header) ; sre = rd_euvi_sre(ab=0, date=date) ; sre = rd_euvi_sre(Fits_header, use_sre_file = sre_filename); Provide filename ; sre = rd_euvi_sre(Fits_header,/apec,/Feldman,/all_lines) ; sre = rd_euvi_sre(Fits_header, sre_file=sre_filename) ; Return filename used ; ; Either an EUVI Fits_header or the AB= keyword must be supplied ; ; The date= keyword is included for future possible use, but is ; not currently used. ; ; Note: All input parameters are assumed to be scalars ; ;INPUT PARAMETERS: ; Fits_header = EUVI FITS file header from which the ; spacecraft information (Ahead or Behind) is ; extracted, so is date (in case the ; instrument response function ; changes with time) ; ;OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ; AB = Spacecraft A or B. This can be specified ; either as a string ('A' or 'B') ; or as a number (0 for 'A' and 1 for 'B') ; AB overrides the value found ; in Fits_header if Fits_header is present ; ; Date = Date of the data. Date ovverides the value found ; in Fits_header if Fits_header is present ; ; use_sre_file = If present, read the specified file regardless ; of all other keywords ; ; Apec = If set, use the Apec calucation instead of Chianti ; Feldman = If set, use Feldman abundances instead of Fludra ; all_lines = Use all_lines = 1 for *_sre_chianti2_*geny file ; Use all_lines = 0 for *_sre_chianti1_*geny file ; Default is /all_lines ; ;OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: ; sre_filename = The full path name of the SRE file that was read. ; ;PROCEDURE: ; Unless USE_SRE_FILE input keyword is specified, rd_euvi_sre will ; assume that target directory for the sre files is defined by ; $EUVI_RESPONSE. If file name is passed in explicitly via use_sre_file, ; the full file path name must be explicitly provided. ; ; After the first call, will check to see if the file name of the ; file to be read is different than the current file. If not, no ; read is performed and the contents of the previously read file ; are returned. ; ;RESTRICTIONS: ; All input parameters and keywords must be scalars. ; ;COMMON BLOCKS: ; euvi_sre_common Contains the contents of the SRE file. ; ;HISTORY: ; 11-Apr-2007, N. V. Nitta, Written on the basis of ; 21-Sep-2012, N. V. Nitta, Fixed a bug that prevented the ; "use_sre_file" keyword from working as expected ;- ab01=['ahead','behind'] @euvi_sre_common ;common euvi_sre_db, euvi_sre_common, Filename_common, Full_Filename_common target_dir = '$EUVI_RESPONSE' ; Default target directory for SRE files ; --- Step 1: Create the target file name ------------------------ if keyword_set(use_sre_file) then begin target_filename = use_sre_file filename=file_break(target_filename) cab=strmid(filename,0,strpos(filename,'_')) print,'filename = ',filename infile=target_filename goto, ab_finished endif else begin if n_elements(AB) eq 1 then begin if size(AB, /type) eq 7 then begin if AB ne 'A' and AB ne 'B' then begin print,'keyword AB has to be "A" or "B" when it is a string' return, -1 endif if AB eq 'B' then qab=1 else qab=0 endif else begin if size(AB, /type) lt 1 or size(AB,/type) gt 5 then begin print,'keyword AB has to be a byt, int, flt, or dbl' return, -1 endif qab=fix(ab) if qab ne 0 and qab ne 1 then begin print,'keyword AB has to be 0 or 1 when it is a number' return, -1 endif endelse goto, ab_determined endif if n_elements(Fits_header) ne 1 then begin print,'Fits_header must be a scalar' return, -1 endif if size(Fits_header,/type) ne 8 then begin print,'Fits_header must be an EUVI header structure when AB= is not set' return, -1 endif if tag_exist(Fits_header, 'obsrvtry') ne 1 then begin print,'Fits_header has to have a tag called "obsrvtry"' return, -1 endif hab=strmid(fits_header.obsrvtry, strlen(fits_header.obsrvtry)-1, 1) if hab ne 'A' and hab ne 'B' then begin print,'Fits_header.obsrvtry mustendd with either "A" or "B"' return, -1 endif if hab eq 'A' then qab=0 else qab=1 endelse ; **************************************************************** ; JRL: The date keyword is not currently used ; ; If the response function of the EUVI changes with time, it may ; be necessary to uncomment the following lines and to change ; the algorithm to determine the sre filename. ; ; if keyword_set(date) then qdate = date else $ ; qdate = gt_euvi_params(Fits_header, /date) ; **************************************************************** ab_determined: cab=ab01[qab] code = ['chianti','apec'] if n_elements(all_lines) eq 0 then q_all = 1 else q_all = all_lines if keyword_set(apec) then alines = ['', ''] else alines = ['1','2'] abun = ['fludra','feldman'] target_filename = string(cab+'_sre_', $ code[keyword_set(apec)], $ alines[keyword_set(q_all)]+'_', $ abun[keyword_set(Feldman)], $ '_mazzotta_*.geny') target_filename = concat_dir( target_dir, target_filename ) ; --- Step 2: Search for the target file name ------------------------ files = file_search(target_filename,count=count,/expand_environ) if count eq 0 then begin message,'No sre files found: ', /cont print,' ' + target_filename return, -1 endif ; More than one version of the file may exist. ; ; The following statement chooses the "highest" version (assuming ; that the conversion of version = 001, 002, ... is followed). infile = files[count-1] ; --- Step 3: Read the file if this is the first call ---------------- ; or read the file if a different file is requested ab_finished: break_file, infile, disk_log, dir, filnam, ext if n_elements(Filename_common) eq 0 then Filename_common = '' if filnam ne Filename_common then begin restgenx, file=infile, euvi_sre_common Filename_common=filnam ; Set common variables Full_Filename_common = infile debug = 0 if keyword_set( debug ) then print,'** Reading = ',filnam endif sre = euvi_sre_common sre_file1 = Full_Filename_common return, sre end