function euvi_psf,nxy,index,center=coarr ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.1 2008/04/23 13:38:28 euvi Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : euvi_psf ; ; Purpose : returns the EUVI point spread function, including the ; diffraction pattern created by the entrance filters ; ; Use : IDL> psf = euvi_psf(nxy,index) ; ; Inputs : ; nxy = x and y size of psf ; index = image header structure (or simply {wavelnth:304,obsrvtry:'a'}) ; ; Outputs : ; psf = fltarr(nxy,nxy), point spread function for full resolution images ; ; Keywords: ; /center : center PSF on center of array, even if nxy even. Can cause ; center of PSF to fall onto corner between pixels. ; Default centers PSF on center of pixel nearest to array center. ; Default is compatible with ; Has no effect if nxy odd. ; Common : None ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Image analysis ; ; Prev. Hist. : ; ; Written : Jean-Pierre Wuelser, LMSAL, 17-Apr-2008 ; inspired by Tom Metcalf's ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2008/04/23 13:38:28 euvi ; initial version ; ;- ; check input sz = size(index) if n_elements(nxy) ne 1 or sz[sz[0]+2] ne 1 or sz[sz[0]+1] ne 8 then begin print,'Invalid input. Must be psf=euvi_psf(integer,headerstruct)' return,0 endif ; set wav,obs as indices into parameter arrays wavs = [171,195,284,304] wav = where(index.wavelnth eq wavs) if wav ge 0 then wav=wav[0] else wav=0L obs = strupcase(strmid(index.obsrvtry,strlen(index.obsrvtry)-1,1)) if obs eq 'B' then obs=1 else obs=0 ; parameters (4 x 2 each) pfac = !radeg*3.6e3/(1.59*5e7) ; wavelnth*pfac = pixelsep of orders (5mm grid) per = [[173.5*pfac, 195.0*pfac, 10.18, 10.88], $ ; ordersep Ahead (pixels) [173.5*pfac, 195.0*pfac, 10.18, 10.88]] ; ordersep Behind bet = [[0.98, 0.98, 0.90, 0.918], $ ; (wiresep-wirethick)/wiresep (A) [0.98, 0.98, 0.90, 0.908]] ; (wiresep-wirethick)/wiresep (B) ang = [[-0.7854, -0.7854, -0.3420, -0.0191], $ ; angle of diffraction (rad,A) [-0.7854, -0.7854, -0.8610, -0.0385]] ; angle of diffraction (rad,B) pp = per[wav,obs] pb = bet[wav,obs] pa = ang[wav,obs] ; high resolution version of PSF core (Voigt function) nxyc = 99L < (2L*floor((nxy-1L)/2L)+1L) ; size of high res core (odd) va = 0.02 ; a parameter of voigt profile vw = 0.75 ; width of core x = (findgen(nxyc*10)-nxyc*5.0+0.5)/10.0 r = sqrt((x*x)#(fltarr(nxyc*10)+1.0)+(fltarr(nxyc*10)+1.0)#(x*x)) cor = voigt(va,r/vw) ; extended core at normal resolution exy = long(nxy-nxyc)/2L x = findgen(nxy)-float(exy)-float(long(nxyc)/2L) r = sqrt((x*x)#(fltarr(nxy)+1.0)+(fltarr(nxy)+1.0)#(x*x)) ecor = voigt(va,r/vw) ; extended core ecor[exy:exy+nxyc-1L,exy:exy+nxyc-1L] = 0.0 ; punch hole for high res. core ; center of psf in output array if keyword_set(coarr) then cxy=float(nxy-1L)/2.0 $ else cxy=float(long(nxy)/2L) ; maximum order to consider maxo = long((float(nxy)-2.0)/(2.0*pp)) ; < 50 ; set maximum diff order to use psf = fltarr(nxy*2L,nxy*2L) ; output array with padding ; go through orders for j=-maxo,maxo do for k=0,1 do if k eq 0 or j ne 0 then begin ox = cxy + float((1-k)*j)*cos(pa)*pp - float(k*j)*sin(pa)*pp oy = cxy + float((1-k)*j)*sin(pa)*pp + float(k*j)*cos(pa)*pp ix = floor(ox+0.5) iy = floor(oy+0.5) fx = ox-ix ; between -0.5 and 0.5 fy = oy-iy scor = ecor scor[exy,exy] = rebin(shift(cor,floor(fx*10),floor(fy*10)),nxyc,nxyc) if j eq 0 then amp=1.0 else amp=(sin(j*!pi*pb)/(j*!pi*pb))^2.0 psf[ix,iy] = psf[ix:ix+nxy-1L,iy:iy+nxy-1L] + amp*scor endif ; cut off padding psf = psf[exy+nxyc/2L:exy+nxyc/2L+nxy-1L,exy+nxyc/2L:exy+nxyc/2L+nxy-1L] psf = psf/total(psf) ; normalize return,psf end