pro secchi_image, filenames,headers,images,savepath=savepath,outsize=outsize,$ polariz_on=polariz_on,logo_off=logo_off,date_off=date_off,$ write_png=write_png,write_jpg=write_jpg,silent=silent,$ whisper=whisper,color_off=color_off,_extra=ex ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.7 2008/01/28 21:07:33 colaninn Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : secchi_image ; ; Purpose : Creates display quality images ; ; Explanation: Reads in the filename of a secchi pre-flight level 0.5 ; data and process data for dispaly ; ; Use : IDL> secchi_image,filename,headers,images ; ; Inputs : filenames - of SECCHI data ; ; Output :headers - array of header sturctures ; ; images - array of processed image ; ; Keywords :savepath - if any write_* is set and you would like to ; save the image to a directory other then the ; current, set equal to the full path. ; outsize - size of output array, if not set output array ; is the mode of the image sizes ; polariz_on - COR2 ONLY! Set this keyword if the ; input image are not Total brightness images ; logo_off - set to return image with no logo stamp ; date_off - set to return image with no date-time stamp ; write_png - if set the program writes image to png file ; write_jpg - if set the program writes image to jpg file ; silent - set to turn off command line messages ; whisper - only reports image processing progress ; color_off - return images in grayscale ; ; Restrictions : does not work for COR1 images ; does not work for double total brightness images ; ; Calls : SCCREADFITS, SCC_IMG_TRIM, COR_PREP, EUVI_PREP, SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY ; COR_POLARIZ, SCC_BYTSCL, SCC_GETBKGIMG, SCC_ADD_LOGO, ; SCC_ADD_DATETIME ; ; Category : Display ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Robin C Colaninno NRL/GMU July 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2008/01/28 21:07:33 colaninn ; added sub-routine ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/08/21 19:30:29 reduce ; Added color_off kw. Karl B ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/07/11 21:29:30 colaninn ; added color keyword to scc_add_* ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/07/11 17:21:48 colaninn ; change default outsize to mode of input ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/07/05 19:24:03 colaninn ; added whisper keyword and changed cor2 bin ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/07/03 20:28:37 colaninn ; added silent keyword to scc_getbkgimg ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/07/03 20:15:26 colaninn ; BETA Release ; ;- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--Check validity of input parameters and keywords--------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF datatype(ex) EQ 'UND' THEN ex = create_struct('blank',-1) little_endian = (BYTE(1, 0, 1))[0] circle=0 ;--Check for WRITE_ON keyword write_flag = 0 IF keyword_set(write_png) THEN write_flag = 1 IF keyword_set(write_jpg) THEN write_flag = 1 IF NOT write_flag AND n_params() EQ 1 THEN $ message, 'Keyword WRITE_* must be set when no parameters are entered' ;--Pass SILENT keyword to subroutines IF keyword_set(silent) THEN report = 0 ELSE report =1 IF keyword_set(whisper) THEN silent = 1 IF keyword_set(silent) THEN ex = CREATE_STRUCT('silent',1,ex) ;--Check for SAVEPATH keyword IF keyword_set(savepath) THEN BEGIN savepath = file_search(savepath,/test_directory,/test_write,count=pflag) DEFSYSV, '!DELIMITER', EXISTS = df IF df NE 1 THEN sl=get_delim() ELSE sl=!delimiter IF pflag EQ 1 THEN savepath=savepath+sl ELSE $ message,'Error finding entered SAVEPATH' ENDIF ;--For Polariz_on ;polariz_on = 0 pn=3 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--Create array to return images to memory----------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF keyword_set(OUTSIZE) THEN outsize0=outsize images = scc_make_array(filenames,headers,outout,outsize=outsize0,_extra=ex) ex = create_struct(ex,'outsize',outout) ;--Check for POLARIZ_ON keyword IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN ss = size(images,/dim) seq_hdr = replicate(def_secchi_hdr(silent=silent),pn) ex = create_struct(ex,'polariz_on',1) ENDIF ELSE seq=0 polariz_count=0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--Loop to process each image------------------------------------------ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- num = n_elements(filenames) str_num = strtrim(string(num),2) FOR i=0, num-1 DO BEGIN ;--Allows SECCHI_IMAGE to continue on errors CATCH, error_status IF error_status NE 0 THEN BEGIN print, 'ERROR WHILE PROCESSING '+hdr.filename+' IMAGE SKIPPED' help, /Last_Message, Output=traceback Print, 'Traceback Report from SECCHI_IMAGE :' FOR j=0,N_Elements(traceback)-2 DO Print, " " + traceback[j] !ERROR_STATE.CODE =0 IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN i = i+(pn-polariz_count) polariz_count = 0 ENDIF ELSE i=i+1 IF i GT num-1 THEN RETURN ENDIF IF report THEN message,'Processing image '+strtrim(string(i+1),2)+$ ' out of '+str_num,/inform IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,filenames[i],/inform ;--Open image im = SCCREADFITS(filenames[i],hdr,/silent,header=str_hdr) spcomments = GET_FITSCOMMENTS(str_hdr,hdr) ;--Trim image under/over scan im = SCC_IMG_TRIM(im,hdr,_extra=ex) ;--Rescale image to fit in output array im = SCC_PUTIN_ARRAY(im,hdr,outsize,_extra=ex) ;--BEGIN BEAUTIFICATION-------------------------------- IF ~KEYWORD_SET(color_off) then loadct,0,silent=silent ; load grayscale color table ;--Load Telescope Color Table (if desired) path = concat_dir(getenv('SSW'),'stereo') IF ~KEYWORD_SET(color_off) then begin IF hdr.DETECTOR EQ 'EUVI' THEN BEGIN color_table = strtrim(string(hdr.WAVELNTH),2)+'_EUVI_color.dat' RESTORE, FILEPATH(color_table ,ROOT_DIR=path,$ SUBDIRECTORY=['secchi','data','color']) tvlct, r,g,b ENDIF ;ELSE BEGIN ENDIF ; color_table = strtrim(string(hdr.DETECTOR),2)+'_color.dat' ; ENDELSE CASE hdr.DETECTOR OF 'EUVI': BEGIN EUVI_PREP,hdr,im,/smask_on,/calimg_off,/rotate_on,$ /update_hdr_off,_extra=ex im = scc_bytscl(im,hdr) END 'COR1':BEGIN message,/inform,$ 'Pretty picture processing not yet implemented for COR1' END 'COR2': BEGIN IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN cor_prep,hdr,im,/smask_on,/calimg_off,/calfac_off,/update_hdr_off,$ _extra=ex polariz_count = polariz_count+1 seq = shift(seq,0,0,1) seq[*,*,0] = im seq_hdr = shift(seq_hdr,1) seq_hdr[0]=hdr IF polariz_count EQ pn THEN BEGIN im = COR_POLARIZ(seq,seq_hdr,hdr, _extra=ex) ENDIF ENDIF IF ~keyword_set(polariz_on) OR (polariz_count EQ pn) THEN BEGIN IF ~KEYWORD_SET(color_off) then loadct,3,silent=silent gamma_ct,1.0 bkg=scc_getbkgimg(hdr,outhdr=bkhdr,_extra=ex) mask = get_smask(hdr) im = im*mask im = ratio(im,bkg) nz = where(im GT 0) m = median(im(nz)) bmin = m - 0.1;0.2 bmax = m + 0.1;0.4 im =bytscl(im,bmin,bmax) circle=1 ENDIF END 'HI1': BEGIN IF ~KEYWORD_SET(color_off) then loadct,1,silent=silent GAMMA_CT, 0.6 HI_PREP,hdr,im,outsize=outout,/update_hdr_off,silent=silent bkg=scc_getbkgimg(hdr,outhdr=bkhdr,_extra=ex) ;bkg = readfits('~/idl/memin_perez/secchi/20070709/newbkg.fts') im = ratio(im,bkg) nz = where((im GT 0) AND (im LT 2),nnn) m = median(im(nz)) bmin = m - 0.01;0.05 bmax = m + 0.01;0.1 im =bytscl(im,bmin,bmax) END 'HI2': BEGIN IF ~KEYWORD_SET(color_off) then loadct,7,silent=silent HI_PREP,hdr,im,outsize=outout,/update_hdr_off,silent=silent bkg=scc_getbkgimg(hdr,outhdr=bkhdr,_extra=ex) im = ratio(im,bkg) nz = where((im GT 0) AND (im LT 2)) m = median(im(nz)) bmin = m - 0.3 bmax = m + 1.0 im =bytscl(im,bmin,bmax) END ELSE: message,'STEREO SECCHI DETECTOR could not be found' ENDCASE IF ~keyword_set(logo_off) THEN im=scc_add_logo(im,hdr,color=255) IF ~keyword_set(date_off) THEN im=scc_add_datetime(im,hdr,circle=circle,color=255) ;---------------------------------------------------- ;--Fill output array IF n_params() GT 1 THEN BEGIN IF keyword_set(polariz_on) THEN BEGIN IF (polariz_count EQ pn) THEN BEGIN p = (i-2)/3.0 ;p is 1 image for every 3 of i headers[p] = hdr images[*,*,p]=im IF ~write_flag THEN polariz_count=0 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN headers[i] = hdr images[*,*,i]=im ENDELSE ENDIF ;--Print file to disk IF write_flag THEN BEGIN pfilename = hdr.filename tvlct, r,g,b,/get IF keyword_set(savepath) THEN pfilename = savepath+pfilename skip_flag = 0 IF keyword_set(polariz_on) AND (polariz_count NE pn) THEN skip_flag =1 IF NOT skip_flag THEN BEGIN CASE 1 OF keyword_set(write_png): BEGIN pfilename = strmid(pfilename,0,strlen(pfilename)-3)+'png' IF ~keyword_set(silent)THEN message,'WRITING '+pfilename,/inform IF little_endian THEN BEGIN write_png,pfilename,im,r,g,b ENDIF ELSE write_png,pfilename,rotate(im,7),r,g,b END keyword_set(write_jpg): BEGIN pfilename = strmid(pfilename,0,strlen(pfilename)-3)+'jpg' IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'WRITING '+pfilename,/inform write_jpeg,pfilename,bytscl(im,0,hdr.datap95) END ENDCASE polariz_count =0 ENDIF ENDIF ENDFOR IF ~keyword_set(silent) THEN message,'FINISHED!',/inform ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN END