function get_scc_hk,sc,tbl,mnemonics,d1,d2,res=res, WRITE_DIR=write_DIR ; $Id:,v 1.3 2009/07/28 19:32:45 nathan Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : get_scc_hk ; ; Purpose : get converted SECCHI hk mnemonics from MySQL database ; ; Explanation : ; ; Use : IDL> s=get_scc_hk('b','temps','HBHI1CCDT,HBHI2CCDT','20081001','20081031',write='.') ; ; Inputs : sc = A or B ; tbl = name of database table from [ current, doors, events, fm, ic, ih, pointing, ; temps, tm, voltage, xf ] ; Mnemonics = string of mnemonics 'HBCOR2ZONE1T,HBCOR1ZONE1T,HBEUVIZONE1T' ; (MUST match tbl) ; d1 = yyyymmdd -or- standard format date/time ; first day or full day requested ; if only d1 is set then the full day is returned ; d2 = ending date/time optional ; ; Outputs : structure of packettimes, unix_time, and mnemonic values ; ; Keywords : res = resolution in minutes (60,30,10,1,0.1) 0.1 for full, defaults to 1 min ; WRITE_DIR = directory in which to write a comma-delimited flatfile containing the output ; ; Calls from LASCO : none ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Database ; ; Prev. Hist. :,v 1.5 2007/01/23 19:49:06 mcnutt ; ; Written : Lynn McNutt, NRL/I2, Aug 2006 ; ; Modified : ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.3 2009/07/28 19:32:45 nathan ; change format of time input ; ; Revision 1.2 2008/12/05 21:17:01 nathan ; update header doc ; ; Revision 1.1 2008/12/05 21:13:17 nathan ; check-in ; ; tbls=[ 'current', 'doors', 'events', 'fm', 'ic', 'ih', 'pointing', 'temps', 'tm', 'voltage', 'xf' ] ind=where(strlowcase(tbl) EQ tbls,nind) IF nind EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print,'Second argument must be one of : ',tbls return,-1 ENDIF hk_temps='hk_'+tbl+'_'+strlowcase(sc) secchi_hk='secchi_flight_hk_'+strupcase(sc) resol=' group by mid('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time,1,16)' if(keyword_set(res)) then begin if (Res eq 60) then resol=' group by mid('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time,1,13)' if (Res eq 30) then resol=' and (CAST('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time as CHAR) like "%:00:0%" OR CAST('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time as CHAR) like "%:30:0%") group by mid('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time,1,16)' if (Res eq 10) then resol=' and CAST('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time as CHAR) like "%:%0:0%" group by mid('+hk_temps+'.pckt_time,1,16)' if (Res eq 0.1) then resol='' endif ;--Parse input time IF strpos(d1,'/') LT 0 and strpos(d1,'-') LT 0 THEN $ time1=utc2str(yymmdd2utc(d1)) ELSE $ time1=d1 IF datatype(d2) NE 'UND' THEN BEGIN IF strpos(d2,'/') LT 0 and strpos(d2,'-') LT 0 THEN $ time2=utc2str(yymmdd2utc(d2)) ELSE $ time2=d2 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ut1=str2utc(time1) ut1.mjd=ut1.mjd+1 ut1.time=0 time2=utc2str(ut1) ENDELSE cmnd='select pckt_time,unix_time,'+mnemonics+' from '+hk_temps+' where pckt_time between "'+time1+'" and "'+time2+'"'+resol stemps=SQDB (secchi_hk,cmnd) z=size(stemps) np=z[1] if (z[0] ne 0) then begin tags=tag_names(stemps) & ntags=n_Elements(tags) hbtemps=create_struct(tags(0),stemps.(0),tags(1),stemps.(1)) for i=2,ntags-1 do begin cnv_str= GET_CONVERT_STRING(tags(i),GETENV('SSW_SECCHI')+'/idl/database/hk1067_mnemonics_info.txt') SECCHI_DN_CONVERT, stemps.(i), REPLICATE(cnv_str,np), dn_cnvt, cnv_units hbtemps=create_struct(hbtemps,tags(i),dn_cnvt) endfor IF keyword_set(WRITE_DIR) THEN BEGIN outfn='scc_'+hk_temps+'_'+d1+'.csv' outfile=concat_dir(write_dir,outfn) ok = CHECK_PERMISSION(outfile) IF not ok THEN outfile = getenv_slash('HOME')+outfn openw,wlu,outfile,/get_lun line='PCKT_TIME' FOR i=2,ntags-1 DO line=line+', '+tags[i] printf,wlu,line FOR j=0L,np-1 DO BEGIN line=hbtemps.pckt_time[j] FOR i=2,ntags-1 DO line=line+', '+string((hbtemps.(i))[j]) printf,wlu,line ENDFOR close,wlu free_lun,wlu ENDIF endif else hbtemps=stemps return,hbtemps end