pro clean_imgdb,sc,tel,d1,d2,removeall=removeall,naxiseq0=naxiseq0,noscript=noscript,noattic=noattic ; $Id:,v 1.7 2010/06/23 17:25:22 mcnutt Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : clean_imgdb ; ; Purpose : to remove incorrectly named images from database ; ; Explanation : ; ; Use : IDL> clean_imgdb,'A','HI1','20100510',d2 ; ; Inputs : sc = A or B ; tel =HI_1 , HI_2 ,COR2, COR1 or EUVI ; d1 = yyyymmdd first day or full day requested ; if only d1 is set then the full day is returned ; d2 = ending day optional ; ; Outputs : script file for database scc(AorB)cd(machine)yyyymmdd(time).script ; ; Keywords : removeall : deletes all files from database and write new script for db ; naxiseq0 NOT USED ; noscript : do not write db script file only write remove fits file ; noattic : set if sci attic not available. ; ; Calls from LASCO : none ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : Database ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Lynn McNutt, NRL/I2, Aug 2006 ; ; Modified : ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.7 2010/06/23 17:25:22 mcnutt ; added keyword discriptions and change sci attic ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/02/12 15:02:01 mcnutt ; added noattic keyword used when the sci attic files are not available and change order of inputs so d2 is the last one ; ; Revision 1.5 2008/03/07 22:14:43 nathan ; Use and to determine missing files rather than ; check each one; use sci (attic) to determine files missing from database rather ; than FITS; updated logfile to give totals per day; TBD is to compare FITS and ; attic files ; ; Revision 1.4 2008/03/05 19:32:01 nathan ; omit realtime fileorig from database validity check; added some logging ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/11/06 16:09:16 mcnutt ; crate yyyymmdd fro day d1 to d2 ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/11/06 16:03:44 mcnutt ; adds image to database if missing ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/10/03 20:24:32 mcnutt ; compares fits files to image database and writes scripts to remove exta files from database ; ; ; common scc_reduce, lulog, basehdr, nom_hdr, ext_hdr, scch, leapsecs, enums, resetvars, $ ipdat, nom_tlr, prevbasename, readfileidline, wavefileidline, $ setupfileidline, exposfileidline, maskfileidline, ipfileidline, icerdiv2flag, $ rotblidlines,hbtimes,hbtemps,cebtimes,cebtemps, subdir, date_fname_utc, ispb, islz, isrt, aorb, $ iserror, ephemfil, att_file common dbms,ludb, dbfile, delflag, img_seb_hdr, img_seb_hdr_ext, img_cal_bias, $ img_cal_led, img_cal_dark, img_hist_cmnt, img_euvi_gt ud1=anytim2utc(d1) IF n_params() GT 3 THEN ud2=anytim2utc(d2) ELSE ud2=ud1 ud=ud1 IF ud1.mjd GT ud2.mjd THEN incr=-1 ELSE incr=1 FOR mjd=ud1.mjd,ud2.mjd,incr DO BEGIN ;--Test 1 day at a time ud.mjd=mjd yyyymmdd=utc2yymmdd(ud,/yyyy) yyyymmdd=string(yyyymmdd,'(i8.8)') delfile=getenv('seb_img')+'/db/scc'+strupcase(sc)+'rmfits'+tel+yyyymmdd+'.txt' outfile=getenv('seb_img')+'/db/scc'+strupcase(sc)+'rmextra'+tel+yyyymmdd+'.script' logfile=getenv('seb_img')+'/log/scc'+strupcase(sc)+'dbcomp'+tel+yyyymmdd+'.log' lulog=9 ludb=8 pipeline ='cd' dbroot=yyyymmdd get_utc,ustarttime stt=utc2str(ustarttime,/time_only) dbroot=yyyymmdd+strmid(stt,0,2)+strmid(stt,3,2)+strmid(stt,6,2) SPAWN,'hostname',machine,/sh machine = machine(N_ELEMENTS(machine)-1) src=strmid(machine,0,1)+rstrmid(machine,0,1) dbfile=concat_dir(getenv('SCC_DB'),'scc'+strupcase(sc)+pipeline+src+dbroot+'sql.script') case strupcase(tel) of 'COR1' : detect='2' 'COR2' : detect='1' 'EUVI' : detect='3' 'HI1' : detect='5' 'HI2' : detect='4' 'HI_1' : detect='5' 'HI_2' : detect='4' endcase teld=strlowcase(tel) case strupcase(tel) of 'HI1' : teld='hi_1' 'HI2' : teld='hi_2' else : teld=strlowcase(tel) endcase if (strupcase(sc) eq 'A') then $ sccattic=getenv_slash('scia')+strmid(yyyymmdd,2,6)+'/' else $ sccattic=getenv_slash('scib')+strmid(yyyymmdd,2,6)+'/' ;sccattic=getenv('SCC_ATTIC')+'/'+strmid(yyyymmdd,2,6)+'/' if (strupcase(sc) eq 'A') then aorb='1' else aorb='2' time1=strmid(yyyymmdd,0,4)+'-'+strmid(yyyymmdd,4,2)+'-'+strmid(yyyymmdd,6,2)+' 00:00:00' time2=strmid(yyyymmdd,0,4)+'-'+strmid(yyyymmdd,4,2)+'-'+strmid(yyyymmdd,6,2)+' 23:59:59' ;if ~keyword_set(naxiseq0) then nax=' and naxis1 >0' else nax='' nax='' ;--Get list from database cmnd='select fileorig,filename,date_obs,date_mod,naxis1 from img_seb_hdr where obsrvtry ='+aorb+' and date_obs between "'+time1+'" and "'+time2+'" and detector ='+detect+' and downlink > 2 '+nax print,cmnd imgdb=SQDB('secchi_flight',cmnd) ;cmnd='select fileorig,date_obs,date_mod from img_seb_hdr_ext where date_obs between "'+time1+'" and "'+time2+'"' ;print,cmnd ;imgdbext=SQDB('secchi_flight',cmnd) ;cmnd='select filename,date_obs,date_mod from img_hist_cmnt where date_obs between "'+time1+'" and "'+time2+'"' ;print,cmnd ;imghist=SQDB('secchi_flight',cmnd) if(datatype(imgdb) ne 'STR')then begin ;--Make sure database query result is valid ;--Get list of FITS files ftsfiles0=findfile(getenv('secchi')+'/lz/L0/'+strlowcase(sc)+'/*/'+teld+'/'+yyyymmdd+'/*.fts') break_file,ftsfiles0,v1,path,roots,sfxs ftsfiles=roots+sfxs if ftsfiles0(0) ne '' then begin for nfo=0,n_elements(ftsfiles0)-1 do begin img=sccreadfits(ftsfiles0[nfo],scch,/nodata) if nfo eq 0 then ftsorig=scch.fileorig else ftsorig=[ftsorig,scch.fileorig] if nfo eq 0 then else ftsdate=[ftsdate,] endfor ftsfiles0=ftsfiles0(sort(ftsorig)) ftsfiles=ftsfiles(sort(ftsorig)) ftsdate=ftsdate(sort(ftsorig)) ftsorig=ftsorig(sort(ftsorig)) uniqcheck=uniq(ftsorig) tftsfiles=ftsfiles0 if n_Elements(uniqcheck) ne n_Elements(ftsorig) then begin openw,rmlun,delfile,/get_lun,width=200 for nfo=0,n_Elements(uniqcheck)-1 do begin zq=where(ftsorig eq ftsorig(uniqcheck(nfo))) if n_Elements(zq) gt 1 then begin rmf=where(ftsdate(zq) lt max(ftsdate(zq))) for np=0,n_Elements(rmf)-1 do begin printf,rmlun,'/bin/rm -f '+tftsfiles(zq(rmf(np))) print,'/bin/rm -f '+tftsfiles(zq(rmf(np))) ftsfiles0=ftsfiles0(where(ftsfiles0 ne tftsfiles(zq(rmf(np))))) ftsfiles=ftsfiles(where(ftsfiles0 ne tftsfiles(zq(rmf(np))))) endfor endif endfor close,rmlun free_lun,rmlun endif endif ;--Get list of SCI/attic files td=string((detect+(aorb-1)*5) mod 10,'(i1)') sci1=file_search(sccattic+'*.??'+td) sci2=file_search(sccattic+'*.??'+td+'.?') if sci1[0] eq '' then begin if (strupcase(sc) eq 'A') then $ sccattic=getenv_slash('scia')+'older/'+strmid(yyyymmdd,2,6)+'/' else $ sccattic=getenv_slash('scib')+'older/'+strmid(yyyymmdd,2,6)+'/' sci1=file_search(sccattic+'*.??'+td) sci2=file_search(sccattic+'*.??'+td+'.?') endif IF sci2[0] NE '' THEN scifiles0=[sci1,sci2] ELSE scifiles0=sci1 break_file,scifiles0,v1,path,roots,sfxs scifiles=roots+sfxs if keyword_set(noattic) then begin ;--Check for files that are not in FITS directory but in DATABASE ;remove header only files from db list when no attic files are available tmp=where(strpos(imgdb.filename,'_h') eq -1) imgdb=imgdb(tmp) notfits =rest_mask(imgdb.filename,find_common(ftsfiles,imgdb.filename)) if keyword_set(removeall) then begin nindb=n_elements(imgdb.filename) notfits=indgen(nindb) ENDIF endif else notfits=[-1] ;--Check for files that are not in database but in FITS directory t=find_common(imgdb.filename,ftsfiles) if t(0) ne -1 then $ notindb =rest_mask(ftsfiles,find_common(imgdb.filename,ftsfiles)) else $ notindb=where(ftsfiles ne '') if ~keyword_set(noattic) then begin ;--Check for files that are not in database but in sci (attic) directory t=find_common(imgdb.fileorig,scifiles) if t(0) ne -1 then notindb2=rest_mask(scifiles,find_common(imgdb.fileorig,scifiles)) else $ notindb2=where(scifiles ne '') ;--Check for files that are not in sci (attic) directory but in database t=find_common(scifiles,imgdb.fileorig) if t(0) ne -1 then notinattc=rest_mask(imgdb.fileorig,find_common(scifiles,imgdb.fileorig)) else $ notinattc=where(imgdb.fileorig ne '') if keyword_set(removeall) then begin nindb=n_elements(imgdb.fileorig) notinattc=indgen(nindb) ENDIF endif else notinattc=[-1] close,1 ; ??? fileopen=0 ;--Remove rows from database that are not in SCI / attic directory natc=n_elements(notinattc) IF notinattc[0] GE 0 THEN $ for i=0,natc-1 do begin n=notinattc[i] if ~keyword_set(noscript) then begin openw,ludb,dbfile,width=200,/append dbfstat=fstat(ludb) IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each script file printf,ludb,'use secchi_flight;' printf,ludb,'start transaction;' starttime=utc2str(ustarttime,/ecs) printf,ludb,'# starting dbfile at '+starttime ENDIF printf,ludb,'delete from img_seb_hdr_ext where fileorig = "',imgdb(n).fileorig,'" and date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10), 'T', strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'";' printf,ludb,'delete from img_hist_cmnt where date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10),'T',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'" and filename = "', imgdb(n).filename,'";' printf,ludb,'delete from img_seb_hdr where fileorig = "',imgdb(n).fileorig,'" and date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10), 'T', strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'" and filename = "',imgdb(n).filename,'";' close,ludb endif openw,lulog,logfile,width=200,/append IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each script file printf,lulog,'Number of images in database '+string(n_Elements(imgdb.filename)) printf,lulog,'Number of images in sci directory '+string(n_elements(scifiles)) printf,lulog,yyyymmdd+' '+tel+' removing from database '+trim(natc)+' not in attic sci dir' ENDIF printf,lulog,imgdb(n).filename+' fileorig='+imgdb(n).fileorig+' is not in attic sci directory' close,lulog endfor natc=n_elements(notfits) IF notfits[0] GE 0 THEN $ for i=0,natc-1 do begin n=notfits[i] if ~keyword_set(noscript) then begin openw,ludb,dbfile,width=200,/append dbfstat=fstat(ludb) IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each script file printf,ludb,'use secchi_flight;' printf,ludb,'start transaction;' starttime=utc2str(ustarttime,/ecs) printf,ludb,'# starting dbfile at '+starttime ENDIF printf,ludb,'delete from img_seb_hdr_ext where fileorig = "',imgdb(n).fileorig,'" and date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10), 'T', strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'";' printf,ludb,'delete from img_hist_cmnt where date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10),'T',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'" and filename = "', imgdb(n).filename,'";' printf,ludb,'delete from img_seb_hdr where fileorig = "',imgdb(n).fileorig,'" and date_obs = "',strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,0,10), 'T', strmid(imgdb(n).DATE_OBS,11,8),'" and filename = "',imgdb(n).filename,'";' close,ludb endif openw,lulog,logfile,width=200,/append IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each script file printf,lulog,'Number of images in database '+string(n_Elements(imgdb.filename)) printf,lulog,'Number of images in fits directory '+string(n_elements(ftsfiles)) printf,lulog,yyyymmdd+' '+tel+' removing from database '+trim(natc)+' not in fits dir' ENDIF printf,lulog,imgdb(n).filename+' fileorig='+imgdb(n).fileorig+' is not in fits directory' close,lulog endfor ;--Add rows to database that are in FITS directory but not in database ndb=n_elements(notindb) fileopen2=0 IF notindb[0] GE 0 THEN $ for j=0,ndb-1 do begin n=notindb[j] ; if (imgcheck(0) eq -1)then begin openw,lulog,logfile,width=200,/append dbfstat=fstat(lulog) IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each log file printf,lulog,'Number of images in database '+string(n_Elements(imgdb.filename)) printf,lulog,'Number of images in FITS directory '+string(n_elements(ftsfiles)) ENDIF IF j EQ 0 THEN BEGIN print,yyyymmdd,' ',tel,' adding to database ',trim(n_elements(ftsfiles)-n_Elements(imgdb.filename)),' in attic sci dir' printf,lulog,yyyymmdd+' '+tel+' adding to database '+trim(n_elements(ftsfiles)-n_Elements(imgdb.filename))+' in FITS dir' ENDIF ;add image to script files if ~keyword_set(noscript) and ~keyword_set(noattic) then begin openw,ludb,dbfile,width=200,/append dbfstat=fstat(ludb) IF dbfstat.size EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ; only at beginning of each script file printf,ludb,'use secchi_flight;' printf,ludb,'start transaction;' starttime=utc2str(ustarttime,/ecs) printf,ludb,'# starting dbfile at '+starttime close,ludb ENDIF close,ludb img=sccreadfits(ftsfiles0[n],scch,/nodata) printf,lulog,scch.filename+' pol='+trim(scch.polar)+' is not in database.' img_dir='img' case strmid(scch.filename,16,1) of 'k' : IF (scch.detector NE 'HI1') AND (scch.detector NE 'HI2') THEN img_dir='cal' ; DARK 'e' : img_dir='cal' ; LED 'c' : img_dir='cal' ; CONT else : endcase if(trim(strlowcase(scch.detector)) eq 'cor1' or trim(strlowcase(scch.detector)) eq 'cor2')then begin case strmid(scch.filename,16,1) of 'n' : img_dir='seq' 's' : img_dir='seq' else: endcase endif ; SCIP door CLOSED or IN_TRANSIT go in cal; HI door CLOSED (only) go in cal IF ((scch.doorstat NE 2) AND (scch.detector NE 'HI1') AND (scch.detector NE 'HI2')) OR $ ((scch.doorstat EQ 0) AND ((scch.detector EQ 'HI1') OR (scch.detector EQ 'HI2'))) $ THEN img_dir='cal' case trim(strlowcase(scch.detector)) of 'hi1' : BEGIN SUBdir=img_dir+'/hi_1' END 'hi2' : BEGIN SUBdir=img_dir+'/hi_2' END else : SUBdir=img_dir+'/'+trim(strlowcase(scch.detector)) endcase unblock_image_hdrs,sccattic+scch.fileorig ; spawn, unblock_cmd+' '+infile,/sh, unblockresult delflag=0 write_db_scripts, ftsfiles0[n], /silent endif else printf,lulog,ftsfiles(n)+' is not in database' close,lulog ;endif endfor ; add missing database rows endif $ ; valid database query result ELSE BEGIN print,' ##### No rows in database for ',cmnd wait,5 openw,lulog,logfile,width=200,/append printf,lulog,' ##### No rows in database for obsrvtry ='+aorb+' and date_cmd between "'+time1+'" and "'+time2+'" and detector ='+detect+nax close,lulog ENDELSE endfor ; 1 day end