pro check_db_scripts,dtst,dtend,hkupdate=hkupdate, _EXTRA=_extra ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.2 2012/12/03 12:30:21 secchib Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : check_db_scripts ; ; Purpose : to unzip and copy database scripts from pipeline archive to the database. ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> check_db_scripts,'YYYYMMDD','YYYYMMDD' ; ; Inputs : dtst= starting day yyyy-mm-dd (or yyyymmdd) ; dtend= ending day yyyy-mm-dd ; ; Outputs : ; ; Keywords : hkupdate = if set the HK database update command will be sent ; _EXTRA ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Need permissions write in /net/lambda/data/mysql/mysql_x/databases/secchi/HK/ ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : database ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written :Lynn McNutt 2012 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.2 2012/12/03 12:30:21 secchib ; added commit to end of db scripts ; ; Revision 1.1 2012/11/30 19:22:06 secchib ; new program to copy script file to the hk database that where not rsync due to network erros ; ut0=nrlanytim2utc(dtst) IF n_params() LT 2 THEN BEGIN ut1=ut0 ENDIF ELSE ut1=nrlanytim2utc(dtend) runhkupdate=0 mjd=ut0 ab=getenv('sc');aorb ;['a','b'] FOR i=ut0.mjd,ut1.mjd DO BEGIN mjd.mjd=i yyyymmdd=utc2yymmdd(mjd,/yyyy) doy=utc2doy(mjd) yyyydoy=strmid(yyyymmdd,0,4)+string(doy,'(i3.3)') dbscripts=file_search('/net/lambda/data/mysql/mysql_x/databases/secchi/HK/INSERTS/SC_'+strupcase(ab)+'/*/IN_DB/*'+yyyydoy+'*.script') zipscripts=file_search('~/lz/outputs/prints/attic/*'+yyyydoy+'*.script.gz') if zipscripts(0) ne '' then begin if n_elements(dbscripts) lt 11 then begin if dbscripts(0) ne '' then BREAK_FILE, dbscripts, a, outdir, dbname, outext else dbname=[''] BREAK_FILE, zipscripts, a, outdir, zpname, outext for n=0,n_elements(zpname)-1 do begin tmp=where(dbname eq zpname(n),cnt) if cnt eq 0 then begin runhkupdate=1 syscmnd='gunzip '+zipscripts(n) spawn,syscmnd if strpos(zpname(n),'currs') gt -1 then odir='/CURRENTS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'gtraw') gt -1 then odir='/POINTING/' if strpos(zpname(n),'temps') gt -1 then odir='/TEMPS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'doors') gt -1 then odir='/DOORS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'volts') gt -1 then odir='/VOLTS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'scevt') gt -1 then odir='/EVENTS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'gsevt') gt -1 then odir='/EVENTS/' if strpos(zpname(n),'fm') gt -1 then odir='/FMHK/' if strpos(zpname(n),'ic') gt -1 then odir='/ICHK/' if strpos(zpname(n),'ih') gt -1 then odir='/IHHK/' if strpos(zpname(n),'tm') gt -1 then odir='/TMHK/' if strpos(zpname(n),'xf') gt -1 then odir='/XFHK/' FILE_COPY,'~/lz/outputs/prints/attic/'+zpname(n)+'.script','/net/lambda/data/mysql/mysql_x/databases/secchi/HK/INSERTS/SC_'+strupcase(ab)+odir,/verbose syscmnd='gzip ~/lz/outputs/prints/attic/'+zpname(n)+'.script' spawn,syscmnd openw,1,'/net/lambda/data/mysql/mysql_x/databases/secchi/HK/INSERTS/SC_'+strupcase(ab)+odir+zpname(n)+'.script',/append printf,1,'commit;' close,1 endif endfor endif endif ENDFOR if (keyword_set(hkupdate) and runhkupdate eq 1) then begin syscmnd='ssh nathan@lambda ./scc_hk_update2 '+strlowcase(ab) spawn,syscmnd endif end