pro sccdopolar, d1, d2, AHEAD=ahead, BEHIND=behind, COR1=cor1, COR2=cor2, DOALL=doall, NAXIS=naxis, SOURCE=source ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.16 2022/06/10 22:17:28 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO - SECCHI ; ; Name : SCCDOPOLAR ; ; Purpose : Generate Total Brightness and % Polarized images ; ; Category : SECCHI, pipeline, polarization, image processing ; ; Explanation : Searches monthly summary files, calls cor_polarize, and saves fits files. If one ; part of a triplet is missing, than the triplet is skipped. ; ; Syntax : sccdopolar, /AHEAD, 'start-date' [,'end-date', /BEHIND] ; ; Examples : sccdoploar,/ahead, '2007-01-01','2007-01-20' ; ; Inputs : date string(s) ; ; Opt. Inputs : none ; ; Outputs : One percent polarized and one total brightness FITS file per triplet of polarized ; COR1 and/or COR2 images: ; ; $secchi/lz/P0/[a,b]/[perc,totb]/[cor1,cor2]/yyyy/yyyymmdd/yyyymmdd_hhmmss_[pp,tb][c1,c2][AB].fts ; ; Opt. Outputs: None ; ; Keywords : /AHEAD Use STEREO-A only ; /BEHIND Use STEREO-B only ; /COR1 Use COR1 only ; /COR2 Use COR2 only ; /DOALL Do not skip file if it is already there ; NAXIS= Only do files of this size. ; ; Env. Vars. : $secchi. ; ; Calls : ANYTIM2UTC, UTC2TAI, BREAK_FILE, VALID_NUM, SCC_DATA_PATH ; ; Common : None. ; ; Restrictions: None. ; ; Side effects: None. ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; History : ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.16 2022/06/10 22:17:28 secchia ; removed cronus from mail statements ; ; Revision 1.15 2015/12/03 14:14:13 secchia ; handles yearly directory for COR2 P0 images ; ; Revision 1.14 2013/11/27 19:17:05 secchib ; update for doing pb ; ; Revision 1.13 2012/08/24 17:39:21 secchib ; aorb bug ; ; Revision 1.12 2012/08/24 14:48:01 secchib ; bug ; ; Revision 1.11 2012/08/23 20:33:59 secchib ; bug ; ; Revision 1.10 2012/08/23 15:38:07 secchib ; nr - return if SECCHI_P0 not available ; ; Revision 1.9 2012/04/18 19:27:22 nathan ; do not wait when osnums different ; ; Revision 1.8 2011/08/03 21:12:55 secchib ; syntax error ; ; Revision 1.7 2011/08/03 20:53:46 nathan ; add NAXIS= for re-doing 1024 images ; ; Revision 1.6 2009/06/12 17:00:40 mcnutt ; moved file check to before waits ; ; Revision 1.5 2009/06/12 16:53:00 mcnutt ; skips file allready created unless keyword doall is set ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/10/26 22:30:27 nathan ; use /nocalfac instead of /calfac_off (corrects for IPsum) ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/07/13 14:43:54 secchib ; nr - fix for case when last triplet is incomplete ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/04/16 21:50:43 nathan ; COMMON secchi_daily; accomodate SPWX in list.dest; do not stop if interval ; is too long; swap secchi_prep args; write summary file ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/31 21:52:28 nathan ; moved from ../pipeline ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/01/31 21:20:37 nathan ; use cor_calibrate and /precomm ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/01/29 22:39:07 nathan ; for generating local polarization files - 1st draft ; ; ; Contact : ;- ; COMMON secchi_daily , ppimage, pphdr teldir='' IF keyword_set(COR2) THEN teldir='cor2' ELSE $ IF keyword_set(COR1) THEN teldir='cor1' ELSE $ read,'Please enter cor1 or cor2:',teldir teldir=strlowcase(teldir) ab='' IF keyword_set(AHEAD) THEN ab='a' ELSE $ IF keyword_set(BEHIND) THEN ab='b' ELSE $ read,'Please enter a or b:',ab src='lz' IF keyword_set(SOURCE) THEN src=source IF n_params() LT 2 THEN BEGIN ut=anytim2utc(d1) ut.mjd=ut.mjd+1 d2=utc2str(ut) ENDIF list=scc_read_summary(date=[d1,d2],telescope=teldir,source=src,type='seq',spacecraft=ab, _EXTRA=_extra) ; first take out SPWX images notspw=where(strpos(list.dest,'SW') LT 0, ns) IF ns GE 3 THEN list=list[notspw] IF keyword_set(NAXIS) THEN list=list[where(list.ysize EQ naxis)] ;stop ; then find polar=0 images and match to it p0=where(list.value EQ 0,np0) ; make sure last triplet is complete IF p0[np0-1] GT n_elements(list)-3 THEN np0=np0-1 help,p0,np0 wait,2 outdir0=getenv('SECCHI_P0')+'/' +ab+'/' +teldir IF np0 GT 0 THEN FOR i=0,np0-1 DO BEGIN trp=list[p0[i]:p0[i]+2] yyyymmdd=strmid(trp[0].filename,0,8) IF ~file_exist(outdir0) THEN BEGIN openw,evlun,'errmsg.txt',/get_lun printf,evlun,'******* SECCHI_P0 Directory Error *******' printf,evlun,'' printf,evlun,'pipeline='+src+'/'+ab+'/' +teldir printf,evlun,outdir0+' does not exist' printf,evlun,'skipping sccdopolar' printf,evlun,'' close,evlun free_lun,evlun print,'' spawn,'cat errmsg.txt',/sh wait,10 maillist='' spawn,'mailx -s SECCHI-'+ab+'_'+teldir+'_DIRERR_'+yyyymmdd+' '+maillist+' < errmsg.txt',/sh return ENDIF indir=getenv('secchi')+'/'+src+'/L0/'+ab+'/seq/'+teldir+'/'+yyyymmdd+'/' outdir=outdir0+'/'+strmid(yyyymmdd,0,4)+'/'+yyyymmdd+'/' check=file_search(outdir+'/'+strmid(trp(0).filename,0,15)+'*') if check(0) ne '' and ~keyword_set(doall) then goto,next for j=0,2 do print,trp[j] tais=utc2tai(str2utc(trp.date_obs)) ; make sure they are within 15 minutes of each other and are the same size ; warn if obs_id is not the same notok=0 IF total(trp.value) NE 360 THEN BEGIN message,'Polarizer angles do not add up; skipping',/info notok=1 wait,2 goto,next ENDIF ELSE $ IF total(trp.xsize)/3 NE trp[0].xsize OR total(trp.ysize)/3 NE trp[0].ysize THEN BEGIN message,'Image sizes do not match; skipping.',/info notok=1 wait,2 goto,next ENDIF ELSE $ IF tais[2]-tais[0] GT 900 THEN BEGIN message,'Images are'+string( tais[2]-tais[0])+ ' seconds apart.',/info notok=1 wait,2 goto,next ENDIF IF total(trp.osnum)/3 NE trp[0].osnum THEN BEGIN print,'WARNING: OSnums are not the same.' print ;wait,2 ENDIF wait,2 spawn,'mkdir '+outdir,/sh secchi_prep, indir+trp.filename, hdrout, imout, savepath=outdir, /polariz, /write_fts, $ /calimg_off,/nocalfac, /precomm, /pipeline ;-- write summary file sumfile= concat_dir(getenv('SECCHI_P0')+'/'+ab+'/summary','scc'+strupcase(ab)+strmid(hdrout.filename,0,6)+'.pol') sccwritesummary,hdrout,sumfile sccwritesummary,pphdr,sumfile next: ENDFOR ELSE message,'No '+strupcase(teldir)+' POLAR sequences for '+d1+'-'+d2 end