pro scc_monthly_min,tel0,sc,dt,pol,NDAYS=ndays,FILES=files,OUTSIZE=outsize, OUTDIR=outdir, $ ROLL=roll, HISHIFT=HIshift, SMOOTHIT=smoothit, PEAKSMOOTH=peaksmooth, _EXTRA=_extra ; ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.32 2023/08/28 19:16:15 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : SCC_MONTHLY_MIN ; ; Purpose : This procedure generates the minimum of the daily median ; images for an interval (default is 27 days) ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> scc_monthly_min,tel,sc,dt,pol ; ; Inputs :tel = cor1, cor2, hi1, hi2 ; sc = 'A', 'B' ; dt = date to be processed ; pol= '0', '120', '240', 'tbr' (tbr = total brightness), 'dbl' (type DOUBLE), 'df' (type Deep Field) ; ; Outputs : FITS file in $SECCHI_BKG/[ab]/monthly_min/YYYY/ ; Date in name is the MIDPOINT of time covered (DATE-AVG) ; ; Keywords : FILES: specify your own file list (this may not work properly yet!!) ; NDAYS= number of days to use for min (1/2 before and 1/2 after) ; OUTDIR= Location to put output files (defaults to $SECCHI_BKG/) ; OUTSIZE= Set output size LE daily medians; By default, output result is size of midpoint input ; ROLL= Make min from daily images of SC_ROLL this value ; /HISHIFT Apply hi_align_image (HI only) ; /SMOOTHIT Apply smooth(,17) to each daily image ; /PEAKSMOOTH Apply filter from sharpened image to daily image ; ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Need $SECCHI_BKG and appropriate permissions if not using savedir option ; ; Side effects: ; ; Category : DAILY ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Written : Karl Battams, NRL/I2, Jan 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.32 2023/08/28 19:16:15 secchia ; committing merged revision ; ; Revision 1.31 2023/08/28 15:06:32 thompson ; Incorporate flip on 2023-08-12 ; ; Revision 1.30 2023/06/05 14:16:17 secchia ; corrected DF file names when sending in file name ; ; Revision 1.29 2023/06/02 16:03:04 nathan ; add DF option to scc_monthly_min based on from Evangelos Paouris ; ; Revision 1.28 2017/08/10 21:53:04 nathan ; fix incorrect filters for cor2 ; ; Revision 1.27 2014/09/03 17:27:45 secchia ; added a repoint day for SCA for start of sidelobe 1 and compares imsz for hsize of first image ; ; Revision 1.26 2012/03/07 21:01:29 nathan ; Add /SHOOTHIT, /PEAKSMOOTH keywords; use CRVAL median instead of mean in ; output header; put this info in COMMENT in header ; ; Revision 1.25 2011/12/27 19:45:17 nathan ; Change /NOSHIFT to /HISHIFT so hi_align_image is not default ; ; Revision 1.24 2011/12/27 19:43:27 nathan ; Allow gap of 5 days; implement hi_align_image default ; ; Revision 1.23 2011/08/15 21:54:17 nathan ; add cd,old for one case ; ; Revision 1.22 2011/08/08 17:41:03 nathan ; fix filelist conflict with FILES keyword ; ; Revision 1.21 2011/08/04 22:35:02 nathan ; Implement FILES= keyword so no other input is required, and generate filenames ; with rDEG indicating S/C roll (if GT 8 deg). ; ; Revision 1.20 2011/07/20 15:34:07 nathan ; documentation ; ; Revision 1.19 2011/05/18 15:29:25 secchib ; nr - increase max missing day interval from 2 to 3 ; ; Revision 1.18 2011/05/02 20:35:03 secchib ; typo ; ; Revision 1.17 2011/04/27 17:43:10 nathan ; add cor2-b event ; ; Revision 1.16 2011/03/10 23:18:27 nathan ; Change way days are screened for inclusion to match how Bill is doing it for ; cor1, so that pointing/stray light changes are automatically screened out. ; Must edit this pro every time there is a stray light change. ; ; Revision 1.15 2011/03/08 13:06:42 secchia ; corrected premssion check when file does not exist ; ; Revision 1.14 2011/02/04 22:37:37 nathan ; check for write permission ; ; Revision 1.13 2011/01/19 18:54:13 nathan ; bunit should be dn/s (unchanged) ; ; Revision 1.12 2010/05/12 15:53:36 nathan ; Remove /NOREBIN and add OUTSIZE= keywords ; ; Revision 1.11 2009/04/09 12:03:48 mcnutt ; added cor2 pol=dbl backgrounds ; ; Revision 1.10 2008/12/03 18:08:01 nathan ; some corrections to days logic; mkdir so secchia can write to it ; ; Revision 1.9 2008/05/21 15:52:14 nathan ; added OUTDIR keyword and increased robustness ; ; Revision 1.8 2008/03/13 11:52:20 mcnutt ; change input tel to tel0 so not to change case of telj in ; ; Revision 1.7 2007/11/19 19:22:05 nathan ; use normal SECCHI_BKG directories ; ; Revision 1.6 2007/11/14 17:39:36 nathan ; Change mindays to 9 instead of 15 ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/11/13 21:52:48 nathan ; added more info if not enough days ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/10/26 22:29:20 nathan ; DATE-OBS in header is start of interval; midpoint is DATE-AVG; saves output ; in $SECCHI_BKG/../newbkg; use secchi header structure for header and compute ; same averages as in ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/10/11 16:37:12 reduce ; Trying to fix bugs where processing is abandoned in odd dirs. Karl. ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/07/05 19:07:28 reduce ; Fixed 0-deg polarizer filename error. Karl B. ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/27 21:03:03 reduce ; Initial Release -- Karl Battams, NRL/Interferometrics ; ; ;- ;+ version='$Id:,v 1.32 2023/08/28 19:16:15 secchia Exp $' len=strlen(version) version=strmid(version,1,len-2) dlm=get_delim() good_files=0 ; just a counter IF keyword_set(FILES) THEN BEGIN filelist=files jk=sccreadfits(filelist,allh,/nodata) h0=allh[0] tel0=h0.detector sc=rstrmid(h0.obsrvtry,0,1) srt=sort(allh.date_obs) allh=allh[srt] filelist=filelist[srt] ndy=n_elements(filelist) mindays=ndy hdr0=allh[ndy/2] ; find middle date_obs, not necessarily the middle file tai0=anytim2tai(h0.date_obs) dt=utc2yymmdd(tai2utc(tai0+((anytim2tai(allh[ndy-1].date_end)-tai0)/2) ),/yyyy) IF pol ne 'df' then begin ;--do not change pol or set roll value if pol='df'---added by LCH ---Paouris IF tel0 EQ 'EUVI' THEN pol=trim(h0.wavelnth) ELSE $ IF tel0 EQ 'HI1' or tel0 EQ 'HI2' THEN pol='tbr' ELSE $ IF h0.seb_prog EQ 'DOUBLE' THEN pol='dbl' ELSE $ IF h0.polar GT 999 THEN pol='tbr' ELSE pol=trim(h0.polar) IF h0.sc_roll LT 0 THEN addt=360 else addt=0 roll=round(avg(allh.sc_roll+addt)) ENDIF polar=1 imsz=h0.naxis1 ;--- ENDIF ELSE BEGIN mindays=9 ; this is superceded by NDAYS IF KEYWORD_SET(NDAYS) THEN BEGIN IF ndays mod 2 EQ 0 THEN BEGIN ndays=ndays+1 message,'NDAYS must be odd; using '+trim(ndays)+' days.',/info ENDIF ndy=ndays mindays=ndays ENDIF ELSE ndy=27 ENDELSE ; Do some checks... sc=strlowcase(sc) scuc=strupcase(sc) tel=strlowcase(tel0) IF strmid(tel,0,2) EQ 'co' THEN iscor=1 ELSE iscor=0 IF strmid(tel,0,2) EQ 'hi' THEN ishi =1 ELSE ishi =0 matchpos=0 IF keyword_set(HISHIFT) and ishi THEN matchpos=1 if ~ishi and ~iscor THEN message,'Input 1 must be "cor1","cor2","hi1",or "hi2" IF (STRLEN(dt) LT 9) THEN BEGIN ; input is yymmdd format udt = yymmdd2utc(dt) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN udt=anytim2utc(dt) ENDELSE dt = utc2yymmdd(udt) dir_date=strmid(utc2yymmdd(udt,/yyyy),0,6) date=utc2str(udt,/date_only) ; end checks ; ; Set directory for input and output; cd to daily_med directory. ; dir = GETENV('SECCHI_BKG')+'/'+sc+dlm+'daily_med'+dlm ;+dir_date+dlm CD,dir,curr=old IF keyword_set(OUTDIR) THEN BEGIN outdir1=outdir IF strmid(outdir,0,1) EQ '.' THEN BEGIN len=strlen(outdir) outdir1=concat_dir(old,strmid(outdir,2,len-2)) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE $ outdir1= GETENV('SECCHI_BKG')+dlm+sc+dlm+'monthly_min'+dlm+dir_date if not file_exist(outdir1) THEN BEGIN cmd='mkdir -p -m 775 '+outdir1 spawn,cmd,/sh endif ; Get some constants... IF ishi THEN pol='tbr' IF ishi THEN units='deg' ELSE units='arcsec' if strlowcase(pol) EQ 'tbr' THEN polstr='pTBr' ELSE BEGIN pp=float(pol) if (pp EQ 0) then polstr='p000' ELSE polstr='p'+trim(pol) ENDELSE IF strlowcase(pol) EQ 'dbl' then polstr='dbTB' IF strlowcase(pol) EQ 'df' then polstr='dbDF' ;--- This is the new 'dbDF' for filename -Paouris 05/30/2023 tel_str=strmid(tel,0,1)+strmid(tel,strlen(tel)-1,1) ; EG hi1 becomes h1, cor2 becomes c2 srchstring=tel_str+scuc+'_'+polstr+'_' ; e.g. hi1_pTBr_ srchstring_part1='d'+srchstring IF keyword_set(ROLL) THEN BEGIN IF roll LT 0 THEN roll=roll+360 postd = 'r'+STRING(round(roll),format='(I3.3)') ENDIF ELSE postd='' ; end constants ; Setup some initial values mjd = STR2UTC (date +' 12:00:00') ;mjd.mjd = mjd.mjd-ndy mjd0 = mjd mjd0.mjd = mjd.mjd - ndy/2 first = 1 totim = 0 totdays=0 tutc = mjd0 endutc = mjd0 ilast=0 diff1=0 pwd mname = 'm'+srchstring+dt+postd+'.fts' outname=concat_dir(outdir1,mname) file_acc, outname, exi, rea, wri, exe, typ IF exi and not (wri) THEN BEGIN print,'Permission error: ',outname message,'Not writing '+mname,/info stop ENDIF ; end intial value setup ; do the rest... if datatype(filelist) EQ 'UND' THEN filelist=strarr((ndy+1)/2) ELSE goto, readfiles ; Set limits based on the major spacecraft repointings, or other major events. ; ; These dates should be identical to values in ; COR1 is not included here--see ; case scuc of 'A': begin repoint = ['2006-12-21T13:15', '2007-02-03T13:15','2014-08-19T00:00', $ '2023-08-12'] endcase 'B': begin repoint = ['2007-02-03T18:20', '2007-02-21T20:00'] if strupcase(tel) eq 'COR2' then repoint = $ [repoint, '2010-02-23T08:12', '2011-01-27T03:47','2011-04-25t18:30'] endcase endcase repoint = anytim2utc(repoint) tai_repoint = utc2tai(repoint) taiin = utc2tai(date) i1 = max(where(tai_repoint lt taiin, tcount)) if tcount gt 0 then mjdmin = repoint[i1].mjd else mjdmin = 0 i2 = min(where(tai_repoint gt taiin, tcount)) if tcount gt 0 then mjdmax = repoint[i2].mjd else mjdmax = 99999 ; ; ** This first loop tests available days to determine the correct ndy and stdate ; There must be same number of days before and after mjd. ; maxgap=5 ; days hdrset=0 FOR i=0,ndy-1 DO BEGIN ; check for pointing/stray light change IF (tutc.mjd gt mjdmin) and (tutc.mjd lt mjdmax) then begin day = UTC2yymmdd (tutc,/yyyy) monthdir = strmid(day,0,4) + strmid(day,4,2) name = concat_dir(monthdir,srchstring_part1+strmid(day,2,6)+postd+'.fts') print,name,file_exist(name),i IF file_exist(name) THEN BEGIN ; make sure same number of days before as after idiff=i-ilast ;print,name,idiff ;printf,lunm,'Testing ',name,n ;IF n GT 0 or (idiff GT 6) THEN BEGIN IF NOT keyword_set(NDAYS) THEN BEGIN ; max 3 day gap ; ** Second half of interval IF idiff GT maxgap+1 AND tutc.mjd GT mjd.mjd THEN GOTO, loopexit ; ** First half of interval IF idiff GT maxgap+1 AND tutc.mjd LT mjd.mjd THEN first = 1 ENDIF IF first THEN BEGIN diff1 = mjd.mjd - tutc.mjd ;IF NOT keyword_set(NDAYS) AND diff1 LT 7 OR $ ; (keyword_set(NDAYS) AND (tutc.mjd - mjd0.mjd) GT 1) THEN BEGIN IF diff1 LT ((mindays/2)<((ndy/2)-1)) THEN BEGIN message, 'Not enough first half days to make model for '+mname,/info help,day,diff1,name,mindays wait,4 cd,old return ENDIF ff0 = name first = 0 idiff=0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ff0=[ff0,name] ;endutc = tutc ENDELSE ilast = i endutc=tutc ;ENDIF IF tutc.mjd GE mjd.mjd and NOT hdrset THEN BEGIN ; Use header of file close to midpoint. print,'Using ',name,' for default header.' x0=sccreadfits(name,hdr0) imsz=hdr0.naxis1 IF keyword_set(OUTSIZE) THEN imsz=outsize IF (hdr0.naxis1 NE imsz) THEN x=scc_putin_array(x0,hdr0,imsz,/new) hdrset=1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSE wait,2 ENDIF tutc.mjd = tutc.mjd + 1 ENDFOR loopexit: ; ** Second half of interval diff2 = endutc.mjd - mjd.mjd ;IF NOT keyword_set(NDAYS) AND diff2 LT 7 OR $ ; (keyword_set(NDAYS) AND (mjd0.mjd + ndy - endutc.mjd) GT 1) THEN BEGIN IF diff2 LT ((mindays/2)<((ndy/2)-1)) THEN BEGIN message, 'Not enough second half days to make model for '+tel+sc+'_p'+pol+'_'+dt+postd,/info help,day,diff2,name,mindays ;printf,lunm,tt,' ',imgtype,' ',date,ndy,' Diff2: ', diff2 ;printf,lunm,'Not enough days to make model for '+td ;close,lunm ;free_lun,lunm wait,4 cd,old return ENDIF mindiff = diff1 < diff2 IF NOT keyword_set(NDAYS) THEN BEGIN mjd0.mjd = mjd.mjd - mindiff ndy = mindiff*2+1 ENDIF help,diff1,diff2,mindiff,ndy ; printf,lunm,tt,' ',imgtype,' ',date,ndy,diff1,diff2,mindiff wait,3 ; +++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF MAIN FILE CHECKING SECTION +++++++++++++++++++++++ readfiles: tmjd = mjd0 ; first day of series first=1 notallcorrected=0 maxshift=0. ; ; ** This part computes the result based on ndy and stdate now defined ; daysused=strarr(ndy) FOR i=0,ndy-1 DO BEGIN day = UTC2yymmdd (tmjd,/yyyy) monthdir = strmid(day,0,4) + strmid(day,4,2) IF keyword_set(FILES) THEN name=filelist[i] ELSE name = concat_dir(monthdir,srchstring_part1+strmid(day,2,6)+postd+'.fts') ex=file_exist(name) ;stop IF i EQ 0 THEN IF ex EQ 0 THEN timeobs = '23:59:59' ELSE timeobs = '12:00:00' ; --> first day in sequence missing IF (ex) THEN BEGIN ;FOR f=0, n-1 DO BEGIN ;** loop over years, look at images for same days but different years ;IF KEYWORD_SET(ALL_YEARS) THEN name = ff(f) PRINT,'Processing file '+name a = sccREADFITS(name,h) ;-- Compile header info if (first) THEN hall=h ELSE hall=[hall,h] IF (first) THEN crotas=h.crota ELSE crotas=[crotas,h.crota] IF (first) THEN biases=h.biasmean ELSE biases=[biases,h.biasmean] IF (first) THEN exptimes=h.exptime ELSE exptimes=[exptimes,h.exptime] ; should always be 1.0 sec IF (first) THEN offsetcrs=h.offsetcr ELSE offsetcrs=[offsetcrs,h.offsetcr] IF (first) THEN cadences=h.cadence ELSE cadences=[cadences,h.cadence] IF (first) THEN readtimes=h.readtime ELSE readtimes=[readtimes,h.readtime] IF (first) THEN cleartimes=h.cleartim ELSE cleartimes=[cleartimes,h.cleartim] IF (first) THEN pitches=h.crval1 ELSE pitches=[pitches,h.crval1] IF (first) THEN yaws=h.crval2 ELSE yaws=[yaws,h.crval2] IF (first) THEN nmissings=h.nmissing ELSE nmissings=nmissings+h.nmissing IF (first) THEN nsats=h.datasat ELSE nsats=[nsats,h.datasat] IF (first) THEN cosmicss=h.cosmics ELSE cosmicss=[cosmicss,h.cosmics] daysused[i]='Used '+name ;--Cannot Assume input images are already 1024x1024, SUMMED=2 IF first and h.naxis1 LT imsz THEN imsz=h.naxis1 IF h.naxis1 LT imsz THEN BEGIN inp='' print,'Input daily median size LT chosen OUTSIZE.' read, 'y to continue or n to exit and re-choose OUTSIZE',inp IF inp EQ 'n' THEN BEGIN cd,old return ENDIF ENDIF IF keyword_set(SMOOTHIT) THEN BEGIN IF smoothit NE 1 THEN fac=smoothit ELSE fac=17 message,'smooth(,'+trim(fac)+')',/info a=smooth(a,fac) ENDIF IF keyword_set(PEAKSMOOTH) THEN BEGIN IF peaksmooth NE 1 THEN fac=peaksmooth ELSE fac=17 message,'smoothpeaks (,'+trim(fac)+', 0.3)',/info a=smoothpeaks(a,fac,0.3,/dark,/bright) ENDIF a=rebin(a,imsz,imsz) ; see scc_putin_array() earlier for header update CASE imsz OF 2048: h.summed=1 1024: h.summed=2 512 : h.summed=3 256 : h.summed=4 ELSE: message,'Invalid OUTSIZE' ENDCASE a0 = a/(h.EXPTIME) ; exptime should be 1.0; IPSUM should already be corrected maxmin,a0 IF h.exptime NE 1 THEN BEGIN print,'Exptime=',h.exptime wait,10 ENDIF maxshift=maxshift>h.jitrsdev ; shift in daily could be greater than output IF (matchpos) THEN BEGIN IF h.ravg EQ -881 THEN notallcorrected=1 a=hi_align_image(h,a0,hdr0,/zerom,/verbose) maxshift=maxshift>h.jitrsdev ENDIF ELSE a=a0 IF (first) THEN BEGIN alldays=fltarr(ndy,imsz,imsz) alldays[0,*,*]=a img = a first = 0 stdate =h.date_obs ENDIF ELSE BEGIN alldays[i,*,*]=a wi = where (img le 0,ni) wa = where (a le 0,na) img1=img<a IF (ni gt 0) THEN img1(wi) = a(wi)>img(wi) IF (na gt 0) THEN img1(wa) = a(wa)>img(wa) endate=h.date_end img = img1 ENDELSE totim = totim+1 ;ENDFOR totdays=totdays+1 mjdn=tmjd ;printf,lunm,daysused ENDIF tmjd.mjd = tmjd.mjd+1 ENDFOR exptime_stdv =stdev(exptimes,exptime_mean) bias_stdv =stdev(biases,bias_mean) offsetcr_stdv =stdev(offsetcrs,offsetcr_mean) crota_stdv =stdev(crotas,crota_mean) nsat =min(nsats) help,exptime_mean dsatval =float(hdr0.dsatval/exptime_mean) ; normalize this also to 1 second dateobstai =anytim2tai(stdate) datendtai =anytim2tai(h.date_end) date_avg =utc2str(tai2utc(dateobstai + (datendtai-dateobstai)/2)) cadence_stdv =stdev(cadences,cadence_mean) readtime_stdv =stdev(readtimes,readtime_mean) cleartime_stdv =stdev(cleartimes, cleartime_mean) crval1_stdv =stdev(pitches) crval1_mean=median(pitches) crval2_stdv =stdev(yaws) crval2_mean=median(yaws) cosmics_stdv =stdev(cosmicss, cosmics_mean) PRINT,'Minimum CROTA value: ',strcompress(string(min(crotas))) PRINT,'Maximum CROTA value: ',strcompress(string(max(crotas))) PRINT,'Average CROTA value: ',trim(crota_mean) ;stop tmjd.mjd = tmjd.mjd-1 ;endate=utc2str(mjdn,/date_only) IF not (ex) THEN timeobs='00:00:00' ; --> last day in sequence missing print IF datatype(endutc) NE 'UND' THEN print,utc2str(endutc,/date_only) help,endate,stdate,ex print,date,' ',timeobs sz = SIZE (img) IF (sz(0) NE 0) THEN BEGIN ;stop ;mname = 'm'+strcompress(STRMID(ff2[0],1,9),/remove_all)+dt+'.fts' expt = median(exptimes) ; again, should be 1.0 help,expt img2 = float(expt*img>0) ;stop ; For HI-2 we have to smooth the median array, otherwise is screws up the star brightnesses if (hdr0.DETECTOR EQ 'HI2') then BEGIN PRINT,'HI2 image detected.' PRINT,'Will apply median filter to the minimum before writing to disk...' img2=median(img2,12) ENDIF outhdr0=scc_update_hdr(img2>0,hdr0,verbose=verbose,satmax=dsatval) outhdr1 = rem_tag2(outhdr0,'TIME_OBS') outhdr = struct2fitshead(outhdr1,/allow_crota,/dateunderscore) ;IF nsat LE 0 THEN it=where(median_array_out GE dsatval, nsat) ;fxaddpar,outhdr,'DSATVAL',dsatval ;fxaddpar,outhdr,'DATASAT',nsat help,dsatval,nsat,bscale get_utc,dte,/ecs fxaddpar,outhdr,'DATE-OBS',stdate,' Start of first exposure in N_IMAGES (N_DAYS)' fxaddpar,outhdr,'DATE-END',h.date_end,' End of last exposure in N_IMAGES (N_DAYS)' fxaddpar,outhdr,'DATE-AVG',date_avg,' Midpoint between OBS and END' fxaddpar,outhdr,'CADENCE', cadence_mean,' sec; stdev='+trim(cadence_stdv) fxaddpar,outhdr,'READTIME',readtime_mean,' sec; stdev='+trim(readtime_stdv) fxaddpar,outhdr,'CLEARTIM',cleartime_mean,' sec; stdev='+trim(cleartime_stdv) IF matchpos THEN BEGIN fxaddpar,outhdr,'JITRSDEV',maxshift,'Max hi_align_image pixel shift in x or y' fxaddpar,outhdr,'HISTORY','Used' IF notallcorrected THEN fxaddpar,outhdr,'COMMENT','Some daily medians were not aligned.' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN fxaddpar,outhdr,'CRVAL1',crval1_mean,' '+units+' median; stdev='+string(crval1_stdv,'(f4.2)')+'; was '+trim(hdr0.crval1) fxaddpar,outhdr,'CRVAL2',crval2_mean,' '+units+' median; stdev='+string(crval2_stdv,'(f4.2)')+'; was '+trim(hdr0.crval2) fxaddpar,outhdr,'CROTA',crota_mean,'deg; avg; stdev='+string(crota_stdv,'(f4.2)')+'; was '+trim(hdr0.crota) print,'CROTA diff from PC matrix:',crota_mean-hdr0.crota ENDELSE fxaddpar,outhdr,'COSMICS',cosmics_mean,' stdev='+trim(cosmics_stdv) fxaddpar,outhdr,'DATE',dte ;fxaddpar,outhdr,'BUNIT','DN' fxaddpar,outhdr,'BSCALE',1.0 fxaddpar,outhdr,'HISTORY','Data values normalized to 1 sec' fxaddpar,outhdr,'EXPTIME', 1.0,'effective exptime; actual avg='+trim(exptime_mean)+'; stdev='+trim(exptime_stdv) fxaddpar,outhdr,'BIASMEAN',bias_mean,'=avg over N_IMAGES' fxaddpar,outhdr,'BIASSDEV',bias_stdv,' Over N_IMAGES' fxaddpar,outhdr,'OFFSETCR',offsetcr_mean,'=avg over N_IMAGES; stdev='+trim(offsetcr_stdv) fxaddpar,outhdr,'N_IMAGES',totim,' number of daily median images used' ; stop FXADDPAR,outhdr,'FILENAME',mname FXADDPAR,outhdr,'MID_DATE',mjd.mjd FXADDPAR,outhdr,'MID_TIME',mjd.time FXADDPAR,outhdr,'N_DAYS',totdays,' Daily median images used to compute this image' FXADDPAR,outhdr,'HISTORY',version fxaddpar,outhdr,'COMMENT','%SCC_MONTHLY_MIN: header values from middle day unless noted' wkwd=[keyword_set(SMOOTHIT), keyword_set(PEAKSMOOTH), keyword_set(HISHIFT), keyword_set(ROLL), keyword_set(FILES)] kwds=['/SMOOTHIT','/PEAKSMOOTH','/HISHIFT','/ROLL','/FILES'] wkw=where(wkwd) IF wkw[0] GE 0 THEN fxaddpar,outhdr,'COMMENT','Keywords used '+arr2str(kwds[wkw]) PRINT,'Writing monthly fits file: ',outname,' using',totim,' out of',ndy,' days.' wait,2 WRITEFITS,outname,img2,outhdr ENDIF help,old CD,old RETURN END