pro scc_mk_all_monthly,tel,sc,dtst,dtend,pol, INTERVAL=interval, NDAYS=ndays, DOREBIN=Dorebin, $ MANUAL=manual, TEST=test, _EXTRA=_extra ; ;+ ; $Id:,v 1.11 2023/06/02 17:42:52 secchia Exp $ ; ; Project : STEREO SECCHI ; ; Name : SCC_MONTHLY_MIN ; ; Purpose :This procedure is an easy interface to the SCC_MONTHLY_MIN procedure to make ; background images for SECCHI data ; ; Explanation: ; ; Use : IDL> scc_mk_all_monthly,tel,sc,startdate, end-date,pol ; ; Inputs :tel = cor1, cor2, hi1, hi2 ; sc = 'A', 'B', 'AB' (AB means do both) ; dtst = start date of interval to be processed (YYYYMMDD) ; dtend = end date of interval to be processed (YYYYMMDD) ; pol= '0', '120', '240', 'tbr','all' (tbr = total brightness,'all' means do 0,120, 240, dbl, and tbr) ; ; Keywords : INTERVAL: No. of days between background (default 7) ; NDAYS: No. of medians into each background (default 21) ; MANUAL: Override the default 'dates' for which a background will be generated ; OUTSIZE= Desired size of output; should be LE input median images; default is 1024 ; ; Calls from LASCO : ; ; Common : ; ; Restrictions: Need $SECCHI_BKG and appropriate permissions if not using savedir option ; ; Side effects: ; ; Procedure: ; IF MANUAL is not set, this procedure calls for dates ; corresponding to the included list of dates in between the starting and ; ending dates. Gaps of more that 2 days are not spanned. IF MANUAL is set, ; all days in the input interval (inclusive) which exist will be used to ; compute the minimum image, and it will be named according to the midpoint ; of the interval of days used. ; Category : DAILY ; ; Prev. Hist. : None. ; ; Examples: ; scc_mk_all_monthly,'hi1','b','20070401','20070601','tbr' ; scc_mk_all_monthly,'cor2','a','20070401','20070601','120' ; ; Written : Karl Battams, NRL/I2, Jan 2007 ; ; $Log:,v $ ; Revision 1.11 2023/06/02 17:42:52 secchia ; added df pol option ; ; Revision 1.10 2022/06/10 22:17:28 secchia ; removed cronus from mail statements ; ; Revision 1.9 2011/08/15 21:52:45 nathan ; eliminate cd, ; ; Revision 1.8 2011/08/03 20:52:49 nathan ; use nrlanytim2utc ; ; Revision 1.7 2011/07/20 15:34:29 nathan ; add type DBL to pol=ALL ; ; Revision 1.6 2010/05/12 15:54:30 nathan ; implement OUTSIZE= keyword via _EXTRA ; ; Revision 1.5 2007/11/13 21:53:35 nathan ; updated doc ; ; Revision 1.4 2007/10/26 22:18:33 nathan ; added tbr to pol=all ; ; Revision 1.3 2007/10/11 16:36:42 reduce ; Trying to fix bugs where processing is abandoned in odd dirs. Karl. ; ; Revision 1.2 2007/09/04 16:22:15 reduce ; Now does both SC and all COR pol angles in one go, if desired. Karl. ; ; Revision 1.1 2007/07/27 18:20:21 reduce ; Initial release. Karl B. ; ; ;- ; ;cd,curr=orig IF not keyword_set(sc) THEN BEGIN PRINT PRINT,'Spacecraft identifier missing!' PRINT,'Spacecraft can be "a","b" or "ab" (both)' PRINT,'Calling sequence is:' PRINT,' scc_mk_all_monthly,CAM,SC,STDTE,ENDDT,POL,[+opts]' PRINT ;cd,orig return ENDIF IF not keyword_set(pol) THEN BEGIN PRINT PRINT,'Polarizer identifier missing!' PRINT,'pol= tbr,0,120, 240 or "all" PRINT,'Calling sequence is:' PRINT,' scc_mk_all_monthly,CAM,SC,STDTE,ENDDT,POL,[+opts]' PRINT ;cd,orig return ENDIF IF keyword_set(MANUAL) THEN nbetween = 7 ELSE nbetween=1 IF keyword_set(INTERVAL) THEN nbetween = interval IF keyword_set(MANUAL) THEN print,'Days between mins =',nbetween print,'Polarizer = ',pol print st = nrlanytim2utc(dtst) en = nrlanytim2utc(dtend) ; ; Convert the date strings to modified julian dates ; jd = st jdstart = st.mjd jdend = en.mjd xxlist=['0107', '0114', '0121', '0128', '0204', '0211', $ '0218', '0225', '0304', '0311', '0318', '0325', $ '0401', '0408', '0415', '0422', '0429', '0506', $ '0513', '0520', '0527', '0603', '0610', '0617', $ '0624', '0702', '0709', '0716', '0723', '0730', $ '0806', '0813', '0820', '0827', '0903', '0910', $ '0917', '0924', '1001', '1008', '1015', '1022', $ '1029', '1105', '1112', '1119', '1126', '1203', $ '1210', '1217', '1224', '1231'] if strlowcase(sc) EQ 'ab' THEN sc=['a','b'] nsc=n_elements(sc) if strlowcase(pol) EQ 'all' THEN pol=['0','120','240','tbr','dbl','df'] np=n_elements(pol) FOR j=0,nsc-1 DO BEGIN FOR k=0,np-1 DO BEGIN FOR i=jdstart,jdend,nbetween DO BEGIN jd.mjd = i yymmdd = utc2yymmdd(jd) mmdd = STRMID(yymmdd,2,4) ; stop IF NOT (keyword_set(INTERVAL) OR keyword_set(MANUAL)) THEN duh = WHERE(xxlist EQ mmdd,inlist) ELSE inlist=1 print,i,' ',yymmdd,inlist IF inlist THEN BEGIN PRINT,'MAKING MONTHLY IMAGE FOR ',strcompress(yymmdd,/remove_all) if pol[k] ne 'df' then SCC_MONTHLY_MIN,tel,sc[j],yymmdd, pol[k], NDAYS=ndays, _EXTRA=_extra if pol[k] eq 'df' then deep_field_v3,yymmdd ENDIF ENDFOR ENDFOR ENDFOR ;cd,orig END